Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22446: KH-I_ScSCP160_rpt1 
first type I K homology (KH) RNA-binding domain found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein SCP160 and similar proteins
SCP160, also called protein HX, is a new yeast protein associated with the nuclear membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum. It is involved in the control of mitotic chromosome transmission. It is required during cell division for faithful partitioning of the ER-nuclear envelope membranes which enclose the duplicated chromosomes in yeast. SCP160 contains seven K-homology (KH) RNA-binding domains. The model corresponds to the first one.
PSSM-Id: 411874
Aligned: 7 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 115.966
Created: 19-Aug-2020
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
putativeGXXG motif
Feature 1:putative nucleic acid binding site [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Comment:flanked by the GXXG motif and a variable ssRNA/DNA binding loop
  • Comment:Based on the structure evidence that other KH-I superfamily members bind RNA/ssDNA.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                        # ### #####  ##  ##    ####                                      
1173344       172 KKLTKPINAVIEVPSKCKASIIGSGGRTIREISDAYEVKINVSKEvnens--------------------ydedmDDTTS 231  Saccharomyces...
Q6CSB4        175 KKLTKPVNVTFEVPSKTRSAIIGSGGKTIRAISDAAGVKIVVPKEvdegt--------------------ydsdlEDYSV 234  Kluyveromyces...
O59810        231 KLIGRRETKTMPCPVFVVGAIIGTNGQNLKSIMDRTSTRIQIPKRnntanessddakkpekeensaastlddlepQYEMT 310  Schizosacchar...
XP_018227377  190 KELSQKVTIKLSVPLNILGFIIGIKGKVLNGIIEKSGAKIQFPKRnisrdfpc---------------nnangehNDETV 254  Pneumocystis ...
RPB20922      189 RELCPRRTIAISIPTSVRPHIIGKRGEMIKRLQQETQTKINVPKMaeget--------------------plfedDGTTI 248  Terfezia boud...
CAG83444      173 RALSQKIVAKFEIPASVRAAVIGPRGSNLKPILEKSGAHIQIEKLesngn---------------------naddDEETV 231  Yarrowia lipo...
KXN74163      173 SQLSPKGTLTVSVPSSVIGFVLGAKGTKLKTLQTKTCTTINIPKRnea------------------------edtEDTVL 228  Conidiobolus ...
Feature 1                                   
1173344       232 NVSLFGDFESVNLAKAKILAIVKEET 257  Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
Q6CSB4        235 TISLHGDAESVLVAKSKILDVVKEET 260  Kluyveromyces lactis
O59810        311 TITIEGDFEGVELAQKDIEAIINERT 336  Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
XP_018227377  255 EIIISGDVEAAELAKKEIEAIVEERT 280  Pneumocystis carinii B80
RPB20922      249 EITVEGDAEGTEICRRMIDVIVAEKT 274  Terfezia boudieri ATCC MYA-4762
CAG83444      232 EVIVEGDSEGIAIAKQEIFAIVSERV 257  Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB99
KXN74163      229 EVSITGDLDGVNLAKAEIEAIVKEKA 254  Conidiobolus coronatus NRRL 28638

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