
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22246: PI4KB_NTD 
N-terminal domain of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4K-beta, PI4Kbeta or PI4KB), also called PtdIns 4-kinase beta, NPIK, PI4K92, or PI4KIII, catalyzes the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) to form phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), in the first committed step in the production of the second messenger inositol-1,4,5,-trisphosphate (PIP). It may regulate Golgi disintegration/reorganization during mitosis, possibly via its phosphorylation. PI4K-beta is critical for the maintenance of the Golgi and trans Golgi network (TGN) PI4P pools. It is recruited to membranes via its interaction with Golgi adaptor protein acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing protein 3 (ACBD3). The ACBD3:PI4K-beta complex formation is essential for proper function of the Golgi. PI4K-beta also plays an essential role in Aichi virus RNA replication. It is recruited by ACBD3 at viral replication sites. This model corresponds to the N-terminal domain of PI4K-beta, which is responsible for interacting with ACBD3 by forming a complex with the Q domain.
PSSM-Id: 412074
Aligned: 8 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 81.7781
Created: 30-Sep-2020
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
ACBD3 binding
Conserved site includes 18 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:ACBD3 binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:2N73; Homo sapiens PI4KB in complex with ACBD3, contacts at 4A
  • Comment:ACBD3 is capable of recruiting PI4KB to membranes both in vitro and in vivo

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                        ##    #### #####
2N73_B        14 GDTVVEPAPLKpts------------------------epTSGPPGNNGg-----sLLSVITEGVGELs-VIDPEVAQKA 63  human
Q9UBF8         2 GDTVVEPAPLKpts------------------------epTSGPPGNNGg-----sLLSVITEGVGELs-VIDPEVAQKA 51  human
XP_015135525   2 GDSIADPARGSga-------------------------epGCVPQGNGS-------ALSVITEGVGELa-VIDPEVAKKA 48  chicken
Q6GN16         2 GDTMVEPVPVKls-------------------------dqSLVLRGNGGs------ALCVITEGVGEAslVIDPDVAQKA 50  African clawed ...
XP_006003365   2 GDMDVDPSPVEhdn-----------------------hsdTASLHSNGGs------PLGIISEGVGELsvVIDPAVALKA 52  coelacanth
XP_007883934  12 GDADSDPAMVLlpp-----------------------qgsEDGEQQTSG-------ALGVIREGMGEM--LIDPEVSKRA 59  elephant shark
Q49GP3         2 GDTELELSPTHleelqkspststtsslslpsspssgphplTSSSPSTSEglptsspPLDVISEGLGELslVIDTEVAKKA 81  zebrafish
XP_020793863   2 GQTWTLLTHVL-----------------------------TLQPRARYKma---egPLSIITEGDPEL--LIDPEVALKA 47  great blue-spot...
Feature 1        # ###  ##  #   
2N73_B        64 CQEVLEKVKLLHGGV 78  human
Q9UBF8        52 CQEVLEKVKLLHGGV 66  human
XP_015135525  49 CEEVLEKVKLMHGVS 63  chicken
Q6GN16        51 CQEVLEKVKMIHGSS 65  African clawed frog
XP_006003365  53 CEEVLEKVKLMHGVS 67  coelacanth
XP_007883934  60 CEEVLEKVKLHGGGA 74  elephant shark
Q49GP3        82 CQEVLQKVKFLKGDG 96  zebrafish
XP_020793863  48 CQEVLQSHDLQQKVD 62  great blue-spotted mudskipper

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