
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd20691: CdiI_EC536-like 
inhibitor (or immunity protein) of the contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) system of Escherichia coli 536, and similar proteins
CDI toxins are expressed by gram-negative bacteria as part of a mechanism to inhibit the growth of neighboring cells. This model represents the inhibitor (CdiI, also called CdiI immunity protein) of the CdiA effector protein from Escherichia coli 536 (which is a predicted RNase), and similar proteins. CdiA secretion is dependent on the outer membrane protein CdiB. Upon binding to a receptor on the surface of target bacteria, the CDI toxin is delivered via its C-terminal domain (CdiA-CT). The CdiI immunity proteins are intracellular proteins that inactivate the toxin/effector protein to prevent auto-inhibition. They are specific for their cognate CdiA-CT and do not protect cells from the toxins of other CDI+ bacteria. Thus, CDI systems encode a complex network of toxin-immunity protein pairs that are deployed for intercellular competition. This E. coli CdiI's cognate toxin CdiA-CT domain is activated only when it is bound to the biosynthetic enzyme O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A (CysK), one of two isoenzymes (along with CysM) that catalyze the final reaction in cysteine synthesis. CdiA's predicted nuclease active site is occluded by immunity protein in the CysK/CdiA-CT/CdiI structure, suggesting that CdiI blocks the binding of tRNA substrates to the toxin.
PSSM-Id: 412046
Aligned: 170 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 71.8135
Created: 30-Sep-2020
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 16 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:heterodimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:CdiA protein binds neighboring bacteria and delivers C-terminal toxin domain (CdiA-CT) to inhibit target-cell growth; CdiI immunity protein specifically neutralizes cognate CdiA-CT toxin to prevent self-inhibition
  • Structure:5J5V: Escherichia coli CdiI immunity protein binds tRNA nuclease CdiA; contacts at 4.0A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1              ###              ##  #                 #  ##                      # #  #  
5J5V_C         4 LRKLIGNINxtkep----eqqspLELWFERIIDVplekltVEDLCRAIRQNLCIDQLXPRVLEVLTkepLAGEyYDGELI 79  Escherichia col...
WP_005539161   9 IKDIYNIRYdpasfseydrqtspMPEWYEKVIYKtieeltVFDIWRMFMQERFVDTAVKRAIVYLKedpFCSEiIDGDIM 88  Johnsonella ignava
SHM89517      20 LKEIYEYDLieddg-----idytVDEWFNTIMEKtkdqlsVADVSRMLRQKICSRIAIKRAIEMLSddpFTGEmFEGQLM 94  Ruminococcus fl...
WP_024345456   7 IRVIYKLDYdksn------lnsgLVNWYNHLLDKkvdeldVVDVSKMIRQDILKEVAIDRAIDLFLsnpFDGEmQDGDLL 80  [Clostridium] m...
WP_074782605   5 IRDLYKCNKlig--------ddsLVIWHNQVIEKkvdelsISDVARCIRQNLFLESAYEMLLVYLLhnpYAGDvYEGELM 76  Sharpea azabuensis
SFV01722       6 IKDLYNCDYitsde-----elypLQKWYNAVLDKtiddvnVADVLRMFRQKEFMDIAYKKSVEFLQdnpFAGElYDGELM 80  Butyrivibrio sp...
WP_091237120   7 IKDIWGCSYiesev-----elypLQKWYNQLIDKkvseieVSDVLRMIRQNEFIDIAIQRAVKFLKenpFAGEmYEGELL 81  Anaerobium acet...
SQH95182       7 IKNTYNLSYgdlk------vnsgLIKWYNRLLDKtadeldEIDISKMIRQDILVDLAIDSAINILKdnpYAGEmYDGDVL 80  Salmonella ente...
WP_005609771   7 IKEIYNCISissne-----elypLQKWYNQLIEKtiaeitVEDVLRMIRQKEFTNLAVSKAINFLKedvFVGElYEGELL 81  Ruminococcus la...
Feature 1        #   #                                              #  #      
5J5V_C        80 AALSTikged---lkdqKSTFTQIRQLINqlep---------------sdiNDDLRKDILK 122 Escherichia coli 536
WP_005539161  89 KLVSEvdi------elvKDFKEELLGIIAnarklkde-------ydwmtedDEIRYTAAID 136 Johnsonella ignava
ONK53899      81 LVLSNligs----dyfsPLQLLKLKNIINnfddnmln-------vaamsdeEKKLFLATMK 130 Escherichia coli
SHM89517      95 FNLYKgke------kylKLFYTQMAPVLEkaglmakc-------hkfgsneEKEEYMSVIA 142 Ruminococcus flavefaciens
WP_024345456  81 TLLISi-----------NSNLIKNRKKCEdlsnaitelessylnfdwpdnqSKVLFKENLI 130 [Clostridium] methoxybenzovorans
WP_074782605  77 DKAGEidh------dylIKHKETILEIIEnaksfiak-------ydwqcdeDKSEFIEAVD 124 Sharpea azabuensis
SFV01722      81 KKVSElnd------delKGLSSVLSEIVDkaliqnek-------yewidddEQKEFGELLK 128 Butyrivibrio sp. INlla21
WP_091237120  82 EKMSTler------galKQYIQELREVLGvalikn----------ktyewlDEEERKDFEK 126 Anaerobium acetethylicum
SQH95182      81 NSLNSlvknervnidqlKNIVGEFKGRVSefew--------------gdisKRELFIKNIE 127 Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae
WP_005609771  82 EKVSEmds------sflISYADDLKNIIKnalvkset-------rdwiyagEEEEFKDMID 129 Ruminococcus lactaris

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