Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd19924: REC_CheV-like 
phosphoacceptor receiver (REC) domain of chemotaxis protein CheV and similar proteins
This subfamily includes the REC domains of Bacillus subtilis chemotaxis protein CheV, Myxococcus xanthus gliding motility regulatory protein FrzE, and similar proteins. CheV is a hybrid protein with an N-terminal CheW-like domain and a C-terminal CheY-like REC domain. The CheV pathway is one of three systems employed by B. subtilis for sensory adaptation that contribute to chemotaxis. It is involved in the transmission of sensory signals from chemoreceptors to flagellar motors. Together with CheW, it is involved in the coupling of methyl-accepting chemoreceptors to the central two-component histidine kinase CheA. FrzE is a hybrid sensor histidine kinase/response regulator that is part of the Frz pathway that controls cell reversal frequency to support directional motility during swarming and fruiting body formation. REC domains function as phosphorylation-mediated switches within response regulators, but some also transfer phosphoryl groups in multistep phosphorelays.
PSSM-Id: 381151
Aligned: 10 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 139.821
Created: 22-May-2018
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Feature 1: metal binding site [ion binding site], 3 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[ED] [ED] [ED]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Comment:based on metal binding site of other family members
  • Comment:signal transduction in two-component systems is mediated by metal ion dependent phosphorelay reactions between protein histidine kinases and phosphoaccepting receiver domains in response regulator proteins
  • Comment:for many receivers, Mg2+ is the preferred metal ion, but other divalent ions such as Mn2+ are also used

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                      ##                                                     #                    
P37599                 177 LIIVEDSplLMRLLQDELKEAGynnIASFENGkeayeyimnl-aenetdlskqIDMIITDIEMPkmDGHRLTKLLKenpk 255 Bacil...
120546                 661 VLLVDDSpiARATEGALVKALGh-sVEEAQDGeeayvk----------vqnntYDLILTDVQMPklDGFSLARRLKstpa 729 Myxoc...
PRJNA247768:EY04_05005 657 ILVVDDSltVRELQRKLLLNRGy-dVAVAVDGmdgwna----------lrsedFDLLITDIDMPrmDGIELVTLLRrdnr 725 Pseud...
CRH75603               192 ALILDDSviARKLLRTSLGNAGf-eLVEAVNGedglqkleglyakygnelnqhLKIIVSDVEMPkmDGFHFAEIVKqdrr 270 Chlam...
4103146                183 VLFLDDSktARKTLKNHLSKLGf-sITEAVDGedglnklemlfkkygddlrkhLKFIISDVEMPkmDGYHFLFKLQkdpr 261 Helic...
SEJ09053               685 VLVVDDSltVRELERKLLLNRGf-dVAVAVDGmdgwnm----------lrsedFDLIVTDVDMPrmDGIELVSRIKadpk 753 Achro...
NP_717596              185 ILIVDDSstARRQVRETLGQLGi-eIIEASDGlqalhllqkw-rdegknvtkeLLMMITDAEMPemDGYKLTYEVRndka 262 Shewa...
NP_718806              181 IMVIDDSavARKQIIRSLESLNl-qIDTAKDGrealdklkai-asemnnvadeIPLIISDIEMPemDGYTLTAEIRddpk 258 Shewa...
NP_252039              181 VLVVDDSsvARKQVIRCLEAVGv-eMTALNDGrqaleylqnm-lsegrrpedeLLMLISDIEMPemDGYTLTAEIRsdpr 258 Pseud...
NP_718684              172 ILLVDDSkvARKQLSDALDSINi-pYFVTPDGrealsime-----qaaaehhpIDILVSDIEMPglDGYELAFEVRdnpl 245 Shewa...
Feature 1                                                   
P37599                 256 ssdVPVMIFSSLitddlrhrGEVVGADEQISKP 288 Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
120546                 730 varIPVIILSSLaspedkrrGLDAGADAYLVKG 762 Myxococcus xanthus
PRJNA247768:EY04_05005 726 lqsLPVMVVSYKdreedrrrGLDAGADYYLAKA 758 Pseudomonas chlororaphis
CRH75603               271 fssIPVIFNSSIcdrisaekGKKVGADAYLVKF 303 Chlamydia trachomatis
4103146                262 fayIPVIFNSSIcdnysaerAKEMGAVAYLVKF 294 Helicobacter pylori
SEJ09053               754 lqnLPVMVVSYKdreedrrrGLDAGADYYLAKG 786 Achromobacter sp. NFACC18-2
NP_717596              263 madLFITLNTSLsgsfnnamVEKVGCDRFISKF 295 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
NP_718806              259 lknIKVVLHTSLsgvfnqamVQKVGANDFIAKF 291 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
NP_252039              259 lqkLHILLHTSLsgvfnqamVKKVGADDFLAKF 291 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
NP_718684              246 lanAYIILHTSLsseisvsqAHQVGANEALTKF 278 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1

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