Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd18732: PIN_MtVapC4-C5_like 
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VapC-like PIN domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis VapC4, VapC5, and related proteins
This subfamily includes the Virulence associated protein C (VapC)-like PIN (PilT N terminus) domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis VapC4 and VapC5 toxin of the VapBC toxin/antitoxin (TA) system. This family belongs to the PIN_VapC4-5_FitB-like subfamily of the VapC (virulence-associated protein C)-like family of the PIN domain nuclease superfamily. VapC is the PIN-domain ribonuclease toxin from prokaryotic VapBC toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. VapB is a transcription factor-like protein antitoxin acting as an inhibitor. M. tuberculosis VapC4 interacts with, and cleaves tRNA44Cys-GCA. M. tuberculosis VapC5 has endonucleolytic activity with RNA, this activity is low with dsRNA, and no activity has been demonstrated on dsDNA. The structural properties of the PIN (PilT N terminus) domain indicate its active center, consisting of three highly conserved catalytic residues which coordinate metal ions, in some members, additional metal coordinating residues can be found. Some members of the superfamily lack several of these key catalytic residues. The PIN active site is geometrically similar in the active center of structure-specific 5' nucleases, PIN-domain ribonucleases of eukaryotic rRNA editing proteins, and bacterial toxins of toxin-antitoxin (TA) operons.
PSSM-Id: 350299
Aligned: 24 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 117.756
Created: 28-Nov-2017
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: active site [active site], 5 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Structure:3DBO: Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv binds 2 Na+
  • Comment:based on homology with related nucleases with structure including VapC toxin from Shigella flexneri 2a virulence plasmid pMYSH6000 and on experimental evidence
  • Comment:The PIN domain superfamily contains three highly conserved catalytic residues which coordinate metal ions; in some members, additional metal coordinating residues can be found while some others lack several of these key catalytic residues.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1       #                                   #                                         
3DBO_B     24 VLDTSVFIATESgrq-ldEALIpd----rVATTVVTLAELRVGVLaaa---ttdIRAQRLATLESva-dmETLPVDddaA 94  Mycobacterium tube...
EAY67252   92 IIDSCVWVGLAGgtvdarAVIDtag-dapVFISTISLGELAFGVQsca---daaERARRGAHLRQle-rrPVLDVTrhtA 166 Burkholderia cenoc...
EAR22413    4 IFDSCIWVGLAAgevdhqSVIAaag-dapVFASVISLGELGFGVEica---dpaERAVRAAYLQQve-qrPTLEISrhtA 78  Nitrococcus mobili...
ADB35268    4 VLDTSVLIGGLAe----pVDAE-------LAISAISLAELHFGVLvak---tpqLRAERLRRVAAierafEALPVTaavA 69  Kribbella flavida ...
ACZ32212    3 LLDTNVLIDYDL------YRFDad---vaYGASLLSRAELEFGIRaar---tpeAIADRVQTLNRlderfDWLPFDlesT 70  Xylanimonas cellul...
ABQ24256    4 LIDTCIWIDVERgtl-apADVAavtgeepVYLSPVTIAELKFGAEnaktadlrqKRLAALTRLKRk----PLLMIDettG 78  Geobacter uraniire...
KRA39321    5 ILDTSVIIDESV------SPIPg-----vLAISAVTLAELHFGVLvaktsqvraERLRRLSILQQr---fDALPVDdavA 70  Nocardioides sp. R...
OBJ70182    9 LLDTSAVIAPPTa-----QQLVrya--deVAVSVITIAELQYGVTaavdpleqtRRRQRVQHTLDv---fEVLPFDiptT 78  Mycobacterium sp. ...
SES34719    7 LLDTCVLIRLER------ANLGeyv-naqPFLSAVTIAELAFGLDtedp-verfARTERYYAALQt---fEVLPFGveeA 75  Lentzea flaviverru...
SMF59611    5 IVDTCVWIDLSKgal-daEAIYnvagsqlVHVSAISLGELEFGAQlps----daRERAQRTAFLRaiermPVLAVTretA 79  Burkholderia caryo...
Feature 1                           #                 #  #              
3DBO_B     95 RMWARLRIHLAesg--rrVRINDLWIAAVAASrALPVITQDD-DFAALdgaasvEIIR 149 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
EAY67252  167 AAFGVLAAAVKqagrsprPRYNDLWIAAQAIEhGYALMTLNVaDFADLpg---lNVRV 221 Burkholderia cenocepacia PC184
EAR22413   79 AAFSVLAAAVKragrsprPRYNDLWLAAQAIEhGYALLTRNAsDFAGLpg---lRLAT 133 Nitrococcus mobilis Nb-231
ADB35268   70 RTYGALAAAVVaagrqpgGRSFDLLIAATAVThEAVLYTCNPkDFLGLdd--hlRVVA 125 Kribbella flavida DSM 17836
ACZ32212   71 RSYGIVASGARasg--arLRGNDALIAAQAHRhGAAVMTANPdDFRPFdh--lvRIVA 124 Xylanimonas cellulosilytica DSM 15894
ABQ24256   79 EIFGDIAAQIRkhgkqhqYRVQDLWLASQAVQhGFRFLTHNRkDFADIpg---lQLIV 133 Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4
KRA39321   71 ASYGRISAAVVeaerkprSRVMDLLIAATAHAhGARLYTRNPaDFTGLe-----GLVD 123 Nocardioides sp. Root614
OBJ70182   79 EYYGALATLVRrggrnprARRMDLQIAATAARhDLMLLTRNAaDFAGLgt--alTVID 134 Mycobacterium sp. 1274756.6
SES34719   76 KVYGQMASLVRragrsprPRRMDLQIAATAAVaGLPVLTMNVkDFKDVgr--lvEVVP 131 Lentzea flaviverrucosa
SMF59611   80 RSFGLLATMMKsagrsprPRYNDLWIAAQAHEhHLSLLTSNPdDFRALd-----VIEI 132 Burkholderia caryophylli

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