
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd16324: LolA_fold-like 
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family containing periplasmic molecular chaperone LolA, the outer membrane lipoprotein receptor LolB and the periplasmic protein RseB
This family contains the periplasmic molecular chaperone LolA, the outer membrane lipoprotein receptor LolB and the N-terminal domain of periplasmic protein RseB, all of which have similar unclosed beta-barrel structures that resemble a baseball glove-like scaffold consisting of an 11-stranded antiparallel sheet. There are five Lol proteins (LolA, LolB, LolC, LolD, and LolE) involved in the sorting and membrane localization of lipoprotein and are highly conserved in Gram-negative bacteria. LolA accepts outer membrane (OM)-specific lipoproteins that are released from the inner membrane by the LolCDE complex and transfers them to the OM receptor LolB. It is proposed that the LolA/LolB complex forms a tunnel-like structure, where the hydrophobic insides of LolA and LolB are connected, which enables lipoproteins to transfer from LolA to LolB. RseB exerts a crucial role in modulating the stability of RseA, the transmembrane anti-sigma-factor that is degraded during sigma-E-dependent transcription caused by bacterial envelope stress. Its structural similarity to LolA and LolB suggests that RseA may act as a sensor of periplasmic stress with a dual functionality, detecting mislocalized lipoproteins as well as propagating the signal to induce the sigma-E-response.
PSSM-Id: 319982
Aligned: 17 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 84.4478
Created: 2-Oct-2015
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 23 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:hydrophobic core
  • Comment:based on Escherichia Coli LolA, LolB and Rseb, Mycobacterium bovis LprF, Chromobacterium violaceum VioE, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis LppX with structure
  • Comment:this surface has an overall hydrophobic character
  • Structure:2ZF4: Chromobacterium violaceum Vioe binds 3-phenylpyruvic acid in the hydrophobic core; contacts at 4A
  • Structure:2BYO: Mycobacterium tuberculosis LppX binds fatty acids in the hydrophobic core; contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        # #       # #           #   # #             # #               # #            
2W7Q_B     35 TLTARF------SQLTLdgs-gtrLQET--AGQLSLkrp----glFRWHTda----------pNEQLLISng-----ekV 86  Pseudomonas aerugi...
3BK5_A     22 DSIATX------EXILKnaq--geSSTR--LXRLKSlevegdgdkGLTIFdqp-------rdvTGTAFLNhshtigaddQ 84  Vibrio parahaemoly...
2V42_A     21 NYELSF------ISINK-------QGVE--SLRYRHarld-nrplAQLLQmd----------gPRREVVQrg-----neI 69  Escherichia coli B...
1IWM_A     30 QYQTRG------AFAYIsd---qqKVYA--RFFWQQtgq----drYRLLLtnp-------lgsTELELNAqp-----gnV 82  Escherichia coli
3KSN_A     16 SFHASF------TQKVTdgs-gaaVQEG--QGDLWVkrp----nlFNWHMtq----------pDESILVSdg-----ktL 67  Escherichia coli K-12
2ZF3_A     15 RWSSAY------VSYWSpml--pdDQLT--SGYCWFdye---rdiCRIDGlfnpwserdtgyrLWMSEVGnaa---sgrT 78  Chromobacterium vi...
KIQ54176   35 PWEATI------TGRVQlpd--gsTQEA--DFRLQVipgk--eqlARVEFkkp-------aalEGNFVVIsd-----keV 90  Meiothermus ruber
ADR35635   35 PWEARL------QGRIVtpg--gdAQEA--DLIVKTlpa---eqiVRIEFqkp-------dalADNYVVItp-----dkV 89  Oceanithermus prof...
AEB10780   37 PWTARV------AGRILtpd--gsLQEA--EMVLKVvpe---aevARVDFiqp-------dalADNYVVItp-----eeV 91  Marinithermus hydr...
ADI14975   40 NLEARTqalqdaSFLLTgtifdadGQEIilEVETDFipd---eelVRAYFiqp-------dalADNFVIVdg-----dtV 104 Truepera radiovict...
Feature 1      # #                                                                            
2W7Q_B     87 WLYDPdl---------------eQVTIQkldqrltqtpall----------------------------------lsgdi 117 Pseudomonas aerugi...
3BK5_A     85 WLYLPal---------------kRVKRIssrnksgpfxgsefayedlssfeiekyrfnhlkdekfngqdvfvleqiptdk 149 Vibrio parahaemoly...
2V42_A     70 SYFEPg----------------lEPFTLngdyivdslpsl-----------------------------------iytdf 98  Escherichia coli B...
1IWM_A     83 QLVDNk----------------gQRYTAddaeemigkltgmpip---------------------------lnslrqwil 119 Escherichia coli
3KSN_A     68 WFYNPfv---------------eQATATwlkdatgntpfml----------------------------------iarnq 98  Escherichia coli K-12
2ZF3_A     79 WKQKVaygrertalgeqlcerplDDETGpfaelflp-------------------------------------------- 114 Chromobacterium vi...
KIQ54176   91 WNYLFlt---------------nQLIIQprakarieglgvnl--------------------------------tslgdf 123 Meiothermus ruber
ADR35635   90 YNYLFlt---------------nQVVVYprakarieglgfdls------------------------------rmgdlrk 124 Oceanithermus prof...
AEB10780   92 YNYLFlt---------------nQVVVYprerarveglgfdf-------------------------------sranlde 125 Marinithermus hydr...
ADI14975  105 YNYLFvt---------------nQVTILnandpdalggllpevedel---------------------eggvnltpdlgr 148 Truepera radiovict...
Feature 1                               #            # #            #  # #        # # #  #  
2W7Q_B    118 skisesfAITYKeggn-----vvdFVLKPktkd-tlfDTLRLSFrs------gkVNDMQMIDgv-gQRTNILFfDVKM 182 Pseudomonas aerugino...
3BK5_A    150 nsgytkqVVWLDkah------yrpLKVEFydrkgallKTLTFANykqyldkywrAHTXAXTNhqtgKSTELNTsDLRF 221 Vibrio parahaemolyti...
2V42_A     99 krlspyyDFISVgrtriadrlcevIRVVArdg---trYSYIVWMdte----sklPMRVDLLDrdgeTLEQFRViAFNV 169 Escherichia coli BL2...
1IWM_A    120 glpgdatDYKLDdqy-------rlSEITYsqn--gknWKVVYGGydtkt-qpamPANMELTDg--gQRIKLKMdNWIV 185 Escherichia coli
3KSN_A     99 ssdwqqyNIKQNgd---------dFVLTPkasn-gnlKQFTINVgrd-----gtIHQFSAVEqd-dQRSSYQLkSQQN 160 Escherichia coli K-12
2ZF3_A    115 rdvlrrlGARHIgrrvvlgreadgWRYQRpg-----kGPSTLYLdaa----sgtPLRMVTGDea-sRASLRDFpNVSE 182 Chromobacterium viol...
KIQ54176  124 qeltqqvTLRLLgeqntpagpawrIAGTPkdas-lgfASMEILVlks----dprPLSITLRDssnkVLADLNLtNFRR 196 Meiothermus ruber
ADR35635  125 lgeegevVWDAPqevrfkkrpawhVVGRApdpdasgfARVEVWIdre----akrPLRTAFYDaegrALSDLEWtAFRT 198 Oceanithermus profun...
AEB10780  126 llgrgdvVWRLEgveptpegeawkLVGTAdale-lgfAEVGFWAlka----earPYRMVLRNaegeVVAELDWvEWRR 198 Marinithermus hydrot...
ADI14975  149 ffsgdtwEASVEgyeespdgpvyrLRFTNrdeg-aniAYVTATIldg----ewlPQSVTIVQaneaPLAELFFeDYLL 221 Truepera radiovictri...

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