Carbohydrate-binding module 58 from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron SusG and similar CBMs. This group includes the starch-specific CBM (carbohydrate-binding module) of SusG, a cell surface lipoprotein within the Sus (Starch-utilization system) system of the Human gut symbiont Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. It represents the CBM58 class of CBMs in the carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZy) database. SusG is an alpha-amylase, and is essential for growth on high molecular weight starch. SusG-CBM58 binds maltooligosaccharide distal to, and on the opposite side of, the amylase catalytic site; it is one of two starch-binding sites in SusG, the other being adjacent to the active site. SusG-CBM58 is required for efficient degradation of insoluble starch by the purified enzyme. Its starch-binding site contains an arc of aromatic amino acids for hydrophobic stacking with glucose, and hydrogen-bonding acceptors and donors for interacting with the O-2 and O-3 of glucose. It may play a role in product exchange with other Sus components.