Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd10436: GIY-YIG_EndoII_Hpy188I_like 
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Catalytic GIY-YIG domain of coliphage T4 non-specific endonuclease II, type II restriction endonuclease R.Hpy188I, and similar proteins
This family includes two different GIY-YIG enzymes, coliphage T4 non-specific endonuclease II (EndoII), and type II restriction endonuclease R.Hpy188I. They display high sequence similarity to each other, and both of them contain an extra N-terminal hairpin that lacks counterparts in other GIY-YIG enzymes. EndoII encoded by gene denA catalyzes the initial step in degradation of host DNA, which permits scavenging of host-derived nucleotides for phage DNA synthesis. R.Hpy188I recognizes the unique sequence, 5'-TCNGA-3', and cleaves the DNA between nucleotides N and G in its recognition sequence to generate a single nucleotide 3'-overhang. EndoII binds to two DNA substrates as an X-shaped tetrameric structure composed as a dimer of dimers. In contrast, two subunits of R.Hpy188I form a dimer to embrace one bound DNA. Divalent metal-ion cofactors are required for their catalytic events, but not for the substrates binding.
PSSM-Id: 198383
Aligned: 21 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 73.9225
Created: 13-Oct-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 7 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]
  • Comment:Type II restriction endonuclease R. Hpy188I (3OQG) has similar core structure with that of coliphage T4 endonuclease II (2WSH) but exhibits an unusual active site.
  • Structure:3OQG; active site among the substrate complex of type II restriction endonuclease R. Hpy188I
  • Comment:2WSH is a E118A mutant.
  • Structure:2WSH; putative active sites in tetrameric phage T4 endonuclease II.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        #         # ##         #   #                                                 
2WSH_A     41 NVIYAIAINDELVYIGKTKNl---RKRINYYRTAinrkd-----ktsdSTKSALIHSAlk---egSKVEFYARQCFnlsx 109 Enterobacteria pha...
3OQG_A     70 GLVYVFVIQGKIFKIGHSITp--iTKRVQSYNCGkveyrkngtcsttnYFVLQSLLKIn------KIVQVYAFFPEqpty 141 Helicobacter pylor...
3OR3_A     70 GLVYVFVIQGKIFKIGHSITp--iTKRVQSYNCGkveyrkngtcsttnYFVLQSLLKIn------KIVQVYAFFPEqpty 141 Helicobacter pylor...
NP_223152  50 ARAYLIVVDGEIKKIGGSQAdggiKSTLNIYKDGgvkgr----ssirsFGVWYFLYHTiltgakiEFYMIYQPNFEtqvk 125 Helicobacter pylor...
NP_932560  34 HLIYAFKVGDTVAYIGQTKNl---HKRMDSYSNGkywnn----tnqshIEKSELLEEAvr---ngVPVTVWIKHCFkivi 103 Aeromonas phage 44...
NP_944198  35 FVLYAFVVNGVVHYIGKTNDl---WKRFDTYRNSknwkn----afvsnQIKTDLLEKTia----kTGVELYVKECPtffi 103 Aeromonas phage Aeh1
YP_770993 375 KGVYAFVKAGVALYVGVATKg--lAGRLYSYGRPgisq-------rtnQRLEAIIMAEls---gpEAIEISIAMPPdlew 442 Rhizobium legumino...
ADQ53351   32 NVVYAFVKGTKVLYIGKANDl---WKRFDTYRNCvnwr------nakrSNIDKNLKMVntm--knGNLWLYVKRSSs--- 97  Aeromonas phage 65
Feature 1                       #                     
2WSH_A    110 tne---lgtxtiaTIDLEAPLFIKLF-------NPPWNIQ 139 Enterobacteria phage T4
3OQG_A    142 tlfg-ktyqdsfsTSKRAENVILENFikn-hnkKPIGCTQ 179 Helicobacter pylori 118
3OR3_A    142 tlfg-ktyqdsfsTSKRAENVILENFikn-hnkKPIGCTQ 179 Helicobacter pylori 118
NP_223152 126 glfgfcaikdasiSYKLLEQACLTDYrnnnndaLPEWNAR 165 Helicobacter pylori J99
NP_891795 103 enp---tgkdiisTADIEEPVLITKF-------KPEWNTN 132 RB49
NP_932560 104 ttp---fgssviaNLDDEERKYIEIF-------DPPLNSK 133 Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t
NP_944198 104 gsn---skaitvtSMHLEEPKVIKHF-------NPEWNKH 133 Aeromonas phage Aeh1
YP_770993 443 n-------glpvnGSAGLELGLIEKY-------SLPWNIR 468 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841
ADE34891   94 ------------nTYHDYEINMIRKY-------NPEWNKQ 114
ADQ53351   98 ------------mMLDIEEQKLIREY-------RPIWNVH 118 Aeromonas phage 65

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