Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09906: H3TH_YEN1 
H3TH domain of Yeast Endonuclease 1, a structure-specific, divalent-metal-ion dependent, 5' nuclease
Yeast Endonuclease 1 (YEN1): Holliday junction resolvase which promotes reciprocal exchange during mitotic recombination to maintain genome integrity in budding yeast. YEN1 is a member of the structure-specific, 5' nuclease family that catalyzes hydrolysis of DNA duplex-containing nucleic acid structures during DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Members of this subgroup include the H3TH (helix-3-turn-helix) domains of YEN1 and other similar fungal 5' nucleases. These nucleases contain a PIN (PilT N terminus) domain with a helical arch/clamp region/I domain (not included here) and inserted within the PIN domain is an atypical helix-hairpin-helix-2 (HhH2)-like region. This atypical HhH2 region, the H3TH domain, has an extended loop with at least three turns between the first two helices, and only three of the four helices appear to be conserved. Both the H3TH domain and the helical arch/clamp region are involved in DNA binding. Studies suggest that a glycine-rich loop in the H3TH domain contacts the phosphate backbone of the template strand in the downstream DNA duplex. These nucleases have a carboxylate rich active site that is involved in binding essential divalent metal ion cofactors (Mg2+ or Mn2+) required for nuclease activity. The first metal binding site is composed entirely of Asp/Glu residues from the PIN domain, whereas, the second metal binding site is composed generally of two Asp residues from the PIN domain and one Asp residue from the H3TH domain. Together with the helical arch and network of amino acids interacting with metal binding ions, the H3TH region defines a positively charged active-site DNA-binding groove in structure-specific 5' nucleases.
PSSM-Id: 188626
Aligned: 18 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 113.94
Created: 21-Jan-2011
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative DNAputative metal
Feature 1:putative DNA binding site [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Comment:Together with the helical arch and network of amino acids interacting with metal binding ions, the H3TH region defines a positively charged active-site DNA-binding groove in structure-specific 5' nucleases.
  • Comment:Studies suggest that a glycine-rich loop in the H3TH domain contacts the phosphate backbone of the template strand in the downstream DNA duplex.
  • Citation:PMID 9699635

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1               ######  ###### ####                                                   
P40028    275 RLSLLFFSVLLGADYNr-GVKGLGkNKSLQLAQCedpnFSMEFYDIFKdfnledltseslrksryRLFQKRLYl-YCKDH 352 Saccharomyces cere...
EAT81260  206 REGCVLFAMLAGGDYDpvGLARCGaMTSLEAAKSg---LGISLCKTTNqd-------------dcHRWREHVLkpFFKRK 269 Phaeosphaeria nodo...
EDU48414  199 REGMVLFAMLVGGDYDtkGLPGCGpSMAMQAVKHd---LGRSLCACRNqr-------------dcSLWGIELAt-FLQTS 261 Pyrenophora tritic...
EEB08518  192 CNGVILIALLNSGDYNtkGLLNCGiQTALAAAKLg---YGDKLVKTKDy----------------DNWRRSLEt-AIREN 251 Schizosaccharomyce...
EDR16161  195 QGGMLLIAILCGGDYDkvGLVGCGkVVAHGLARTt---LGDQLLEAARdlseeq------letflVPWHQQLQe-ELLFN 264 Laccaria bicolor S...
EDR10614  423 CAKLIFIAILGGGDYDqvGLPGCGlKIAHQLAQGe---LPNLLFTAATtlpqhd------ledflHDWRNKLMn-ELLRD 492 Laccaria bicolor S...
EED79402  204 RGGLVLFALLSGGDYDk-GLNHFGpQIAHGLARLg---FGDRLLEAYErqsgrn------mthflSQWRAEINv-ELHTN 272 Postia placenta Ma...
CAR24660  246 RSSLVLYCTLLGADYNq-GIRGLGsKKAAKLAQLttpnFAETFKDIFEdhsqpse----lrrkryLEFQKALFe-HCFIH 319 Lachancea thermoto...
CAG58180  255 SASLLFFSLIIGGDYNs-GLSGLGkTKALTLMNLqspnFVKRLMEIFHdieldva----linseyEKFQKEVYe-YCQDN 328 Candida glabrata C...
CAH02645  217 RDRFVLFNLLVGSDYNg-GVKGLGgKRAAILSKSrepdISKKLPAVLAdakfeek---akiqhkwEEFGEDILr-TIKKN 291 Kluyveromyces lact...
Feature 1                                         
P40028    353 SVELFgrnypvllnqgsfegWPSTVAIMHYFHPIVQ 388 Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
EAT81260  270 NIQIAvp-----------anFPSFTTLLKYNKPRVH 294 Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15
EDU48414  262 YRGRSipv---------pptYPDYKILHKYNHPKVN 288 Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP
EEB08518  252 KGGYLsrrrin---fviennFPDPNILGYYTSPVVS 284 Schizosaccharomyces japonicus yFS275
EDR16161  265 KQGFLkcrypai-anavrldFPQPSVILKYTQPVTS 299 Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
EDR10614  493 PHGLMnakhpal-aqniplgFPKLDTLQLYISPVTS 527 Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
EED79402  273 AHKLLrcpyps---lsipedFPDMDVLRNYINPVCS 305 Postia placenta Mad-698-R
CAR24660  320 SKELFgrnyfss-nsagfqgWPSDVAIMHYFHPILS 354 Lachancea thermotolerans CBS 6340
CAG58180  329 GRELFgrnyrillskenfrgWPEPYIVFHYIYPIID 364 Candida glabrata CBS 138
CAH02645  292 GKTLFgmnlksmnslsrfkdWPDVTVGLFYRDPIVQ 327 Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140

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