
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09862: PIN_Rrp44-like 
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VapC-like PIN domain of yeast exosome subunit Rrp44 endoribonuclease and other eukaryotic homologs.
PIN (PilT N terminus) domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae exosome subunit Rrp44 (Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 44 or Protein Dis3 homolog) and other similar eukaryotic homologs are included in this family. The eukaryotic exosome is a conserved macromolecular complex responsible for many RNA-processing and RNA-degradation reactions. It is composed of nine core subunits that directly binds Rrp44. The Rrp44 nuclease is the catalytic subunit of the exosome and has endonuclease activity in the PIN domain and an exoribonuclease activity in its RNase II-like region. Rrp44 binding to the exosome is mediated mainly by the PIN domain and by subunits Rrp41-Rrp45, and binding predictions indicate that the PIN domain active site is positioned on the outer surface of the exosome. This subgroup belongs to the VapC (virulence-associated protein C)-like family of the PIN domain nuclease superfamily. VapC is the PIN-domain ribonuclease toxin from prokaryotic VapBC toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. VapB is a transcription factor-like protein antitoxin acting as an inhibitor. Other members of the VapC-like nuclease family include FitB toxin of the FitAB TA system, eukaryotic ribonucleases such as Smg6, ribosome assembly factor NOB1, exosome subunit Rrp44 endoribonuclease and rRNA-processing protein Fcf1. The structural properties of the PIN (PilT N terminus) domain indicate its active center, consisting of three highly conserved catalytic residues which coordinate metal ions, in some members, additional metal coordinating residues can be found. Some members of the superfamily lack several of these key catalytic residues. PIN domains within this subgroup contain four of these residues which cluster at the C-terminal end of the beta-sheet and form a negatively charged pocket near the center of the molecule. Recombinant Rrp44 was shown to possess manganese-dependent endonuclease activity in vitro that was abolished by point mutations in these putative metal binding residues of its PIN domain. The PIN active site is geometrically similar in the active center of structure-specific 5' nucleases, PIN-domain ribonucleases of eukaryotic rRNA editing proteins, and bacterial toxins of toxin-antitoxin (TA) operons.
PSSM-Id: 350211
Aligned: 133 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 143.5
Created: 6-Dec-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: active site [active site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                        #             
4IFD_J      27 VRSRNGGATKIVREHYLRSDipCLSRSCTKCPqivvpdaqnelpkfilsdsplelsapigkHYVVLDTNVVLQaIDLLEN 106  Saccharomyces ce...
2WP8_J       1 VRSRNGGATKIVREHYLRSDipCLSRSCTKCPqivvpdaqnelpkfilsdsplelsapigkHYVVLDTNVVLQaIDLLEN 80   baker's yeast
GAV05910    14 RRTKDGSVQRTVRERYLRNDisCGSSACKTCLlanpvrleklp-------nvafcdtlpqaHYIIPTTEVVVNqMALLEH 86   Ramazzottius var...
EGR33437    10 TKNKKGSVGKKVKEIYLRDDipCGLFNCNLCVtqsntln----------------legdekYIYILDEYTVLNqIDVIQN 73   Ichthyophthirius...
EFC47681    17 KAKKTGNIVRVTREVYTRDDiyCQSRSCKLCNhtnptli----------------nngtlvHYLVPTCEVILKyLEIFEV 80   Naegleria gruberi
ORX46300    11 RKAKSHGIVKQVREKYIRDDipCLMDGCTQCCneqpql-----------------ldekapFYIIPDLSVILKyLEILEH 73   Hesseltinella ve...
ORY36765    13 IKNKKNVFKHVVRELYLRNDipCLSECCPLSQkchekvnnis----------ftsllqndcTYLIPDINTIELyLELFEH 82   Neocallimastix s...
EAR94498    10 EKYRRGGIGKKVTELYLRDDisCGLVNCQICKtpgntlh----------------iegedrTIFILDEYTVLTqLDVILN 73   Tetrahymena ther...
BAM38967    21 KVSGKSNLKRVVREVYFRSDigCGVDSCKSCFrsesqgsfpqf-------tyalgtldsssPILILTIEVFTKhFDVCEK 93   Theileria orient...
ORM41162    23 RASGHSNVKRLTREIYHRTDigCGIDSCTTCTrsshqg-----------------tlegnqTILILTVNVLMKqITFCER 85   Babesia sp. Xinj...
Feature 1                     #                                                                
4IFD_J     107 pncffDVIVPQIVLDEVRNKSy-----------PVYTRLRTLCrds-----ddhKRFIVFHNEFSEHTFVerl-pnETIN 169  Saccharomyces ce...
2WP8_J      81 pncffDVIVPQIVLDEVRNKSy-----------PVYTRLRTLCrds-----ddhKRFIVFHNEFSEHTFVerl-pnETIN 143  baker's yeast
GAV05910    87 pe-ikNILIMSTVVEEVEKASl-----------PALERLKLLFtn-------qsKNIHCFANEFHRDTYVvrr-prETME 146  Ramazzottius var...
EGR33437    74 cpklvNVVIMQTIVQNIKQKNv-----------NTYNNLRNLVese------iyRKIHIFANEYSKDTYTqiq-pnETQE 135  Ichthyophthirius...
EFC47681    81 nv-lkNVVFCETLFEYIHDNVkh--------snKMTGSIKAIIadk------nnRKSILYSNEHSNRTLItprtesETIE 145  Naegleria gruberi
ORX46300    74 ed-imNVIISQTIMVNLDQHDk----------sKTYRRLRQILnd-------prHSSILFYNEIFAGTTQqrk-pdESKE 134  Hesseltinella ve...
ORY36765    83 en-lnNIIISQTVFENIKQDKq----------rIVRKLLKTPL-----------KHCIYFNNEMFIETYLerm-knETRE 139  Neocallimastix s...
EAR94498    74 cpklvNVVLMQTTVHNIQKKNq-----------NTYTSLRNLVege------iyRNIHIYANEYSKYTYTpiq-qnEKQE 135  Tetrahymena ther...
BAM38967    94 yl--rNCVIPATVSNEIRRRSl-----------NVYGCLKKLIers------dfGGYYIFSNENFKDTYVaer-vgESVI 153  Theileria orient...
ORM41162    86 cl--tNCVIPATVANEVRRRSltiyarmkkmllAARNATDDDIemvdeqlgtspRRYYIFSNENFEATYVeet-geVSPE 162  Babesia sp. Xinj...
Feature 1         #                               #                                      
4IFD_J     170 DRNNRAIRKTCQWYSEHLkpy-----diNVVLVTNDR-----LNREAATkev----------esNIITKSLVQY 223  Saccharomyces cerevisi...
2WP8_J     144 DRNDRAIRKTCQWYSEHLkpy-----diNVVLVTNDR-----LNREAATkev----------esNIITKSLVQY 197  baker's yeast
GAV05910   147 ARNLRAIFAASAWYRDHLklstkeknpvDILLLTNGLf----ASQDEALts------------lGLSVMSVFDY 204  Ramazzottius varieornatus
EGR33437   136 QRNQRAIFNSVLWYQSHLkng----nniNVMFITNNY-----SQYIIAQq-------------qGINTITIFDY 187  Ichthyophthirius multi...
EFC47681   146 MRNERAILKTADWYASHLkes-----kiIICLLAIDEeqckrLNELKDQsl------------eNLKIMTLKEY 202  Naegleria gruberi
ORX46300   135 TYNWRCHLALASWFQQHTq--------hPIVLLSEFQg---qCNSPLANg--------------QIRTLSMQQF 183  Hesseltinella vesiculosa
ORY36765   140 HRNMREIINVGKWYSNHLn--------gKIPIIILSE-----ENLDEFDid-----------dkNIIVMNMEKY 189  Neocallimastix sp. KS-...
EAR94498   136 TRDTRAVLEAAVWYQNHLkssm---rdiEILFITSDY-----QSHKIALe-------------kGLNSTTIFEF 188  Tetrahymena thermophil...
BAM38967   154 DRDNRAIYECAHWYCKHLqn-------qNIYLVTVPNss--lYNNDDGVcdvev------erpsNLKVVSLHEL 212  Theileria orientalis s...
ORM41162   163 ERDELLIEKCAQWYREHLpp------ttRVILLRNNCtggvdEEKADATdasgvanisddeskpLLERMTVDEW 230  Babesia sp. Xinjiang

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