Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09104: PLDc_vPLD1_2_like_1 
Catalytic domain, repeat 1, of vertebrate phospholipases, PLD1 and PLD2, and similar proteins
Catalytic domain, repeat 1, of phospholipase D (PLD, EC found in yeast, plants, and vertebrates, and their bacterial homologs. PLDs are involved in signal transduction, vesicle formation, protein transport, and mitosis by participating in phospholipid metabolism. They hydrolyze the terminal phosphodiester bond of phospholipids resulting in the formation of phosphatidic acid and alcohols. Phosphatidic acid is an essential compound involved in signal transduction. PLDs also catalyze the transphosphatidylation of phospholipids to acceptor alcohols, by which various phospholipids can be synthesized. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic PLDs have two HKD motifs (H-x-K-x(4)-D, where x represents any amino acid residue) that characterizes the phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily. PLDs are active as bi-lobed monomers. Each monomer contains two domains, each of which carries one copy of the HKD motif. Two HKD motifs from two domains form a single active site. PLDs utilize a common two-step ping-pong catalytic mechanism involving an enzyme-substrate intermediate to cleave phosphodiester bonds. The two histidine residues from the two HKD motifs play key roles in the catalysis. Upon substrate binding, a histidine residue from one HKD motif could function as the nucleophile, attacking the phosphodiester bond to create a covalent phosphohistidine intermediate, while the other histidine residue from the second HKD motif could serve as a general acid, stabilizing the leaving group.
PSSM-Id: 197203
Aligned: 21 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 103.247
Created: 3-Feb-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative activecatalytic site
Feature 1:putative active site [active site]
  • Comment:Based on similarity with Streptomyces sp. phospholipase D, which functions as a bi-lobed monomer with two catalytic domains. Each domain carries one copy of the conserved HKD motif and two domains form a single active site.
  • Comment:The HKD signature motif (expanded to H-x-K-x(4)-D-x(6)-G-S-x-N, where x represents any amino acid residue) characterizes the PLD superfamily.
  • Comment:Most residues in the HKD motif are part of the active site.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                         
Q13393        352 AKWYVN-AKGYFEDVANAMe---eANEEIFITDWWlspeiflk------------rpvvegnRWRLDCILKRKAq----- 410  human
YP_003510854   27 ASFFIT-GEPFFRDLGERLvneagKDAVAYFLGWAfd------------------------nPVLRPGRNRTTVrqils- 80   Stackebrandti...
CAJ89461      134 VLYFVD-AEGYYDTLASRLdg-lrSGDQVLFAGWRfspeqvl--------------rpavagSAGILDRLRGLRa----- 192  Streptomyces ...
EEY53348       97 VTSLTV-PNEFYDATYDDFta-tkAGDRILLSAWEvsl---------------------vplKPDIDPKGATTGvhemva 153  Phytophthora ...
ZP_01015678    64 DEARAV-GETWSDLLRHKLde--gVRFTIIITDFDpvarpdlhelswrcrddclaaaeasrnPDLLDIDVHMHPa----- 135  Rhodobacteral...
YP_003268469   27 VRPLVD-GVSAFTRICQAVe---aARHSVWVTVAFhdg---------------------afrMPEPFGTLIELLdra--- 78   Haliangium oc...
jgi:RSP_0113   38 LAVIID-AADYFARVKQAIl---eARHSVLLVAWDfdarirld-----------prgprgksPDRLGRFLNWVVrh---- 98   Rhodobacter s...
YP_003098796   55 VRVLID-GREGLPEIDAAIr---aARSHVHIANWHasad-------------------frltREPGSPPLRDLLad---- 107  Actinosynnema...
EEY58277       67 VKLYVAsAPYFSDVADDMLev--rQGDLVYLTGWGtcnv--------------------pfkPHEPDTKLADLAeha--- 121  Phytophthora ...
ADJ45888       61 VEVLID-GEESLPAVAEAIr---gAKSYVHIANWHasad-------------------frltREPGSPTLRELLaev--- 114  Amycolatopsis...
Feature 1                                                                                   # #   
Q13393        411 ----QGVRIFIMLYKevelalgin----------seytkrtlmRLHPNIKVMRHPdhvs-------stvyLWAHHEKLVI 469  human
YP_003510854   81 hfdsQGGLVRSMLWDntlrgnpgtt---------ettkfiaglSHGAAILDRRTPl--------------AGSHHQKVQI 137  Stackebrandti...
CAJ89461      193 ----QGVVVRALLYGshfstlpvrrprvptlpskdnfdfrtglVDAGAQAVLDARva------------dFGSHHQKCAV 256  Streptomyces ...
EEY53348      154 gvveRGGSFHIMGWSnilhrqiniear-----ndinkippskvNGAQALYIFDDRvr-----------tmTSSHHQKALV 217  Phytophthora ...
ZP_01015678   136 ---rVGWAHRVLFMPvtrrklrdecnrl--tgmdreecdtvlaHRPRFRQMIRSRagkmwprlwppaplvPATHHQKMAV 210  Rhodobacteral...
YP_003268469   79 --raRGVDVRALFWRsfeleddepdt-------hfagspaqmaRLEAAGARFLARwdr---------lpkPLCHHQKSWL 140  Haliangium oc...
jgi:RSP_0113   99 ---rPELEIRVLKWDlgtvkalgrgs------tplfvldwltdRRMKLRLDSAHPl--------------SSVHHQKIVV 155  Rhodobacter s...
YP_003098796  108 --vaERVDVRMLVWGgppvplfeptr------krtrrstaefeRDSRVRCLLDTRer------------tLHCHHEKIVV 167  Actinosynnema...
EEY58277      122 --vkRGADWRMLVWSniteraqnhev------rdlinalpppeQYGPARFVYDDRlp-----------haTSSHHQKSVI 182  Phytophthora ...
ADJ45888      115 --agRGVEVRVLLWAgppfpafqpsr------klarserrkftEGTDVRCVLDARer------------tLHCHHEKLVI 174  Amycolatopsis...
Feature 1                           # #             #     
Q13393        470 IDq---------sVAFVGGIDLAy---gRWDDNEHRLTDV 497  human
YP_003510854  138 VVsg--------pRAKVPGQVVGy---cGGMDVYHDRIGS 166  Stackebrandtia nassauensis DSM 44728
CAJ89461      257 VQgaa-----egpAAFVGGIDVCl---dRWDNAAHVDPPV 288  Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC 23877
EEY53348      218 FAvnisssksdqpIAYVGGLDFTk---dRWDTIYHNNSAI 254  Phytophthora infestans T30-4
ZP_01015678   211 ADg---------rVLYVGGLDLNp---rRYDDKHHRRAPE 238  Rhodobacterales bacterium HTCC2654
YP_003268469  141 IDaat-----sgeVAFVGGINLDc---gSLDVPGHAPREA 172  Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365
jgi:RSP_0113  156 IDd---------vLAFCGGIDMTa---dRWDTRDHLDDDP 183  Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1
YP_003098796  168 VDd---------eVAFVGGLDFTaldgdRHDTTDHPPREP 198  Actinosynnema mirum DSM 43827
EEY58277      183 VRkgr------dlVAYVGGVDLTn---dRWDTIEHDQAEL 213  Phytophthora infestans T30-4
ADJ45888      175 VDd---------aVAFVGGVDLTalegdRHDSPDHPPRPI 205  Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32

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