
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd08546: cohesin_like 
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Cohesin domain, interaction parter of dockerin.
Bacterial cohesin domains bind to a complementary protein domain named dockerin, and this interaction is required for the formation of the cellulosome, a cellulose-degrading complex. The cellulosome consists of scaffoldin, a noncatalytic scaffolding polypeptide, that comprises repeating cohesion modules and a single carbohydrate-binding module (CBM). Specific calcium-dependent interactions between cohesins and dockerins appear to be essential for cellulosome assembly. Cohesin modules are phylogenetically distributed into three groups: type I cohesin-dockerin interactions mediate assembly of a range of dockerin-borne enzymes to the complex, while type-II interactions mediate attachment of the cellulosome complex to the bacterial cell wall. Recently discovered type-III cohesins, such as found in the anchoring scaffoldin ScaE, appears to contribute to increased stability of the elaborate cellulosome complex. While the presence of cohesin and dockerin domains in a genome can be indicative of cellulolytic activity, cohesin domains may occur in a wider range of domain architectures, biological systems, and taxonomic lineages.
PSSM-Id: 260083
Aligned: 6 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 82.2315
Created: 18-Feb-2010
Updated: 20-Aug-2013
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 11 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:dockerin binding interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:2B59: A Clostridium thermocellum type II cohesin binds dockerin, contacts at 4 A
  • Structure:2CCL: A Clostridium thermocellum type I cohesin binds (mutated) dockerin, contacts at 4 A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                            ##                                          
2JH2_A        16 GSVSLEALeev---qvGENLEVGVGIDELvnaEAFAYDFTLNYDe-NAFEYVEaisd-------------------dgvf 72  Clostridium per...
2B59_A        19 SSIELKFDrnk--gevGDILIGTVRINNIk--NFAGFQVNIVYDp-KVLMAVDpetgkeftsstfppgrtvlknnaygpi 93  Clostridium the...
2CCL_A         6 VVVEIGKVtg----svGTTVEIPVYFRGVpskGIANCDFVFRYDp-NVLEIIGidpgdiiv------------dpnptks 68  Clostridium the...
2ZF9_A        32 PTLSITKKtltaaeapNAKVTXELSVEGAa-dKYAATGLHIQFD--PKLKLIPdedgalata---------graarllel 99  Ruminococcus fl...
YP_135461    687 PTVTVSANsaa--vgsGSTGTVSLTASSLp-aGFSGARLTVNVSnpEIASITGvsfpd------------------algl 745 Haloarcula mari...
YP_003434505  57 VGVEIKPDvie--mdvNETETVNINILNAe--NVHELLLYLAYNd-RYIEIVSiss---------------------dyg 110 Ferroglobus pla...
Feature 1         # #          #   ###                                                           
2JH2_A        73 VNAKKIe---dGKVRVLVSSLtge------plpAKEVLAKVVLRAeak---aeGSNLSVT-----------------NSS 123 Clostridium per...
2B59_A        94 QIADNDpe--kGILNFALAYSyiagyketgvaeESGIIAKIGFKIlq----kkSTAVKFQdtlsm-------pgaisGTQ 160 Clostridium the...
2CCL_A        69 FDTAIYpd--rKIIVFLFAEDsgtga---yaitKDGVFAKIRATVks----saPGYITFDe----------------VGG 123 Clostridium the...
2ZF9_A       100 KKAEADt---dNSFFTATGSStn--------ngKDGVLWSFVLQVpadaqpgdKYDVQVAyqsr----------ttnEDL 158 Ruminococcus fl...
YP_135461    746 TESSVSddgssATIRVADVNTnvq------sgaRDVSLATLDVRAng----ggTTDLTVSieqmddengnaieaearNGI 815 Haloarcula mari...
YP_003434505 111 LNFSKSwaydhYALPLIKIEGkld-------gvNNTTLAKITFRSts----dgKTALSFF-----------------NGE 162 Ferroglobus pla...
Feature 1         #   # #                                     
2JH2_A       124 VGdgeGLV----------------------------HEIAGTEKT 140 Clostridium perfringens
2B59_A       161 LFdwdGEVi---------------------------TGYEVIQPD 178 Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405
2CCL_A       124 FAdndLVE----------------------------QKVSFIDGG 140 Clostridium thermocellum
2ZF9_A       159 FTnvkKDEegllx-------------------qawtFTQGIEQGY 184 Ruminococcus flavefaciens
YP_135461    816 VVg--GPQtvvgdaaptdpdgdghfedlngngrldyEDVQVLFSN 858 Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049
YP_003434505 163 LYdaeGRKlnh-----------------------ilHSAEIIIGN 184 Ferroglobus placidus DSM 10642

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