
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd07044: CofD_YvcK 
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Family of CofD-like proteins and proteins related to YvcK.
CofD is a 2-phospho-L-lactate transferase that catalyzes the last step in the biosynthesis of coenzyme F(420)-0 (F(420) without polyglutamate) by transferring the lactyl phosphate moiety of lactyl(2)diphospho-(5')guanosine (LPPG) to 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin ribitol (F0). F420 is a hydride carrier, important for energy metabolism of methanogenic archaea, as well as for the biosynthesis of other natural products, like tetracycline in Streptomyces. F420 and some of its precursors are also utilized as cofactors for enzymes, like DNA photolyase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. YvcK from Bacillus subtilis is a member of a family of mostly uncharacterized proteins and has been proposed to play a role in carbon metabolism, since its function is essential for growth on intermediates of the Krebs cycle and pentose phosphate pathway. Both families appear to have a conserved phosphate binding site, but have different substrate binding residues conserved within each family.
PSSM-Id: 132871
Aligned: 5 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 319.142
Created: 8-Jan-2008
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:phosphate binding site [ion binding site]
  • Structure:3C3D; Methanosarcina 2-Phospho-(S)-lactate transferase with bound phosphate, 4A distance

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1          ###                                                                        
2HZB_A      6 VVVFGGGTGLSVLLRGLKTfp--vSITAIVTVADDggssgrlr-keldippPGDVRNVLVALSeveplleqlfqhr---- 78  Bacillus halodurans
3C3D_B      1 XIIFSGGTGTPKLLDGLKEilpeeELTVVVNTAEDlwvs--------gnliSPDLDTVLYLFSdqidrkrwwgiendtfg 72  Methanosarcina maz...
3C3D_A      1 XIIFSGGTGTPKLLDGLKEilpeeELTVVVNTAEDlwvs--------gnliSPDLDTVLYLFSdqidrkrwwgiendtfg 72  Methanosarcina maz...
2PPV_A      7 VVLIGGGTGLSVLARGLREfp--iDITAIVTVADNggstgkir-dvxdipaPGDIRNVIAALSdsesiltqlfqy----- 78  Staphylococcus epi...
2Q7X_B      7 ITVIGGGTGSPVILXSLRExd--vEIAAIVTVADDggssgelrxnxqqltpPGDLRNVLVAXSdxpxfyexvfqyr---- 80  Streptococcus pneu...
Feature 1                                                                                     
2HZB_A     79 ------fengnglsghslGNLLLAGXTSITgdf----argISEXSKVLnvrGKVLPAsnrSIILHGEXedgTIVTGessi 148 Bacillus halodurans
3C3D_B     73 tyerxkelgieeglklgdRDRATHIIRSNIirdgasltdsTVKLSSLFgikANILPXsddPVSTYIETa-eGIXHFqdfw 151 Methanosarcina maz...
3C3D_A     73 tyerxkelgieeglklgdRDRATHIIRSNIirdgasltdsTVKLSSLFgikANILPXsddPVSTYIETa-eGIXHFqdfw 151 Methanosarcina maz...
2PPV_A     79 ------rfgenqvdghslGNLVIAGXTNITndf----ghaIKELSKVLnikGQVIPStnaSVQLNAVXedgEIVHGetni 148 Staphylococcus epi...
2Q7X_B     81 -----fsedagafaghplGNLIIAGLSEXQgst----ynaXQLLSXFFhttGXIYPSsdhPLTLHAVFqdgTEVAGeshi 151 Streptococcus pneu...
Feature 1                                                ##   #                               
2HZB_A    149 p--kagkkIKRVFLTpkd----tkPLREGLEAIRKADvIVIGPGSLYTSVLPNLLVPGICEAIKQstaRKVYICNv---- 218 Bacillus halodurans
3C3D_B    152 igkrgepdVRGVDIRgvs---easISPKVLEAFEKEEnILIGPSNPITSIGPIISLPGXRELLKKk--KVVAVSPiigna 226 Methanosarcina maz...
3C3D_A    152 igkrgepdVRGVDIRgvs---easISPKVLEAFEKEEnILIGPSNPITSIGPIISLPGXRELLKKk--KVVAVSPiigna 226 Methanosarcina maz...
2PPV_A    149 p--kthkkIDRVFLEpsd----vePXNEAIEALEQADlIVLGPGSLYTSVISNLCVKGISEALLRtsaPKLYVSNv---- 218 Staphylococcus epi...
2Q7X_B    152 v--dhrgiIDNVYVTnalnddtplASRRVVQTILESDxIVLGPGSLFTSILPNIVIXEIGRALLEtxaEIAYVCNi---- 225 Streptococcus pneu...
Feature 1       ##                                                                            
2HZB_A    219 -xTQNget------dgyTASDHLQAIxdhcgvgIVDDILVhgepisdtvkakyakek-aepvivdehklkalgvGTISdy 290 Bacillus halodurans
3C3D_B    227 pvSGPagklxpacgievSSXGVAEYYq-----dFLDVFVFderdrade------------------faferlgcHASRad 283 Methanosarcina maz...
3C3D_A    227 pvSGPagklxpacgievSSXGVAEYYq-----dFLDVFVFderdrade------------------faferlgcHASRad 283 Methanosarcina maz...
2PPV_A    219 -xTQPget------dnyDVKEHIDALtrqvgepFIDFVICssesyskdvlqryeekn-skpvavhkeqlkdsgiRVLTas 290 Staphylococcus epi...
2Q7X_B    226 -xTQRget------ehfTDSDHVEVLhrhlgrpFIDTVLVniexvpqeyxnsnrfdeylvqvehdfvglcxqvsRVISsn 298 Streptococcus pneu...
Feature 1                             
2HZB_A    291 fvleqd--dvlrhnaSKVSEAILE 312 Bacillus halodurans
3C3D_B    284 tlxt------steksKELAEIVVQ 301 Methanosarcina mazei Go1
3C3D_A    284 tlxt------steksKELAEIVVQ 301 Methanosarcina mazei Go1
2PPV_A    291 nlveisnehyvrhntKVLSKXIYE 314 Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228
2Q7X_B    299 flrlen--ggafhdgDLIVDELXR 320 Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4

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