Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd04411: Ribosomal_P1_P2_L12p 
Ribosomal protein P1, P2, and L12p. Ribosomal proteins P1 and P2 are the eukaryotic proteins that are functionally equivalent to bacterial L7/L12. L12p is the archaeal homolog. Unlike other ribosomal proteins, the archaeal L12p and eukaryotic P1 and P2 do not share sequence similarity with their bacterial counterparts. They are part of the ribosomal stalk (called the L7/L12 stalk in bacteria), along with 28S rRNA and the proteins L11 and P0 in eukaryotes (23S rRNA, L11, and L10e in archaea). In bacterial ribosomes, L7/L12 homodimers bind the extended C-terminal helix of L10 to anchor the L7/L12 molecules to the ribosome. Eukaryotic P1/P2 heterodimers and archaeal L12p homodimers are believed to bind the L10 equivalent proteins, eukaryotic P0 and archaeal L10e, in a similar fashion. P1 and P2 (L12p, L7/L12) are the only proteins in the ribosome to occur as multimers, always appearing as sets of dimers. Recent data indicate that most archaeal species contain six copies of L12p (three homodimers), while eukaryotes have two copies each of P1 and P2 (two heterodimers). Bacteria may have four or six copies (two or three homodimers), depending on the species. As in bacteria, the stalk is crucial for binding of initiation, elongation, and release factors in eukaryotes and archaea.
PSSM-Id: 100108
Aligned: 5 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 76.9165
Created: 12-Dec-2003
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
NP_585939   1 MEYVAAYVMFDKVGKe-LNERSmtELFNEIGAEIEpETMRLFLskVSGKSMDEVMskgkelmaslaisssqksePAQPAD 79  Encephalitozoon cu...
O28780      1 MEYVYAALLLHSAGKe-ITEDNvkAVLEAAGVEVDeARVKALVaaLEGVNIDEAIqkaam----------pmavAAAPAA 69  Archaeoglobus fulg...
P17478      1 MKYLAAYLLLTVGGKqsPSASDieSVLSTVGIEAEaERVESLIseLNGKNIEELIaagnekls----tvpsagaVATPAA 76  Schizosaccharomyce...
XP_650140   1 MQYIAAYILCTIGHEh-AEEAKvkEILSAAGAEIDeAKIKEVFdaMNGKNVWEVIeagkkqm------gsmavaAAAPAA 73  Entamoeba histolyt...
AAP68820   73 GAAPaggpapstaaapaeekkvEAKKEESEEs-DDDMGf-GLF 113 human
NP_585939  80 TAESt-----------------QATENKEEE--DEDFDifAAF 103 Encephalitozoon cuniculi GB-M1
O28780     70 AAAApaeeak------eeakeeEEEEEEVKEe-EAIEGlgALF 105 Archaeoglobus fulgidus
P17478     77 GGAAgaeat---------saaeEAKEEEAAEesDEDMGf-GLF 109 Schizosaccharomyces pombe
XP_650140  74 TTAQtet------------kaeEKKEEKKEEeeEEDFG--GFG 102 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
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