
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00651: TFold 
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Tunnelling fold (T-fold). The five known T-folds are found in five different enzymes with different functions: dihydroneopterin-triphosphate epimerase (DHNTPE), dihydroneopterin aldolase (DHNA) , GTP cyclohydrolase I (GTPCH-1), 6-pyrovoyl tetrahydropterin synthetase (PTPS), and uricase (UO,uroate/urate oxidase). They bind to substrates belonging to the purine or pterin families, and share a fold-related binding site with a glutamate or glutamine residue anchoring the substrate and a lot of conserved interactions. They also share a similar oligomerization mode: several T-folds join together to form a beta(2n)alpha(n) barrel, then two barrels join together in a head-to-head fashion to made up the native enzymes. The functional enzyme is a tetramer for UO, a hexamer for PTPS, an octamer for DHNA/DHNTPE and a decamer for GTPCH-1. The substrate is located in a deep and narrow pocket at the interface between monomers. In PTPS, the active site is located at the interface of three monomers, two from one trimer and one from the other trimer. In GTPCH-1, it is also located at the interface of three subunits, two from one pentamer and one from the other pentamer. There are four equivalent active sites in UO, six in PTPS, eight in DHNA/DHNTPE and ten in GTPCH-1. Each globular multimeric enzyme encloses a tunnel which is lined with charged residues for DHNA and UO, and with basic residues in PTPS. The N and C-terminal ends are located on one side of the T-fold while the residues involved in the catalytic activity are located at the opposite side. In PTPS, UO and DHNA/DHNTPE, the N and C-terminal extremities of the enzyme are located on the exterior side of the functional multimeric enzyme. In GTPCH-1, the extra C-terminal helix places the extremity inside the tunnel.
PSSM-Id: 238351
Aligned: 69 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 38.964
Created: 7-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
active site
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]
  • Comment:the active site is conserved in this family
  • Structure:2DHN, 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase binds 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin
  • Citation:PMID 9586996
  • Structure:1B66_A; PTPS binds dihydroneopterin triphosphate and Zn2+
  • Structure:1GTP_A,B,J; GTP-CH-I decamer binds SO4 (in place of GTP)
  • Citation:PMID 7663943
  • Structure:1UOX: binds 8-azaxanthine, a competitive inhibitor
  • Citation:PMID 9360612

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                        # #                                          
1IS8_A    107 DEMV-IVKdIDMFsmce-------------hhlvPFVGRVHIGYLPNkqv------------------lgLSKLARIVEi 154 Norway rat
2DHN        2 QDTI-FLKgMRFYgyhgal---------saeneiGQIFKVDVTLKVDlseagrtd--------nvidtvhYGEVFEEVKs 63  Staphylococcus aureus
137103    188 ISGIkGLR-VLKTtqssfvnfvd-defrtladqyDRIFSTVVECSWEysdtesvn-------flhawetvKDIVVRNFAg 258 Drosophila virilis
137104    154 HSGIkDLK-VLKTtqsgfegflk-dqfttlpevkDRCFATQVYCKWRyqrrdvdf--------eaiwgavRDIVLQKFAg 223 house mouse
6136148   168 QSGLaGLQ-LIKVsgnsfvgfir-deyttlpedsNRPLFVYLNIKWKykntedsfgtn--penyvaaeqiRDIATSVFHe 243 Bacillus sp. TB-90
6136152   150 TSGIeGLS-VLKTtqsgfvnfir-dkytalpdtrERILATEVTALWRysyesqyslpqkplyftekyqevKKVLADTFFg 227 soybean
6175090   149 TSGIgGLA-LLKTtqsgferfvr-dkytilpetrERMLATEVNASWRysyesvasiptkglyfsekfmdvKKVLMDTFFg 226 thale cress
AAF10733  157 TSGIeELY-VLKTtesgwenyllderfttlpethDRVMATFVTAKWEyavescdy--------davwervYRQIQHTFTd 227 Deinococcus radiod...
AAG28465  145 TAGLkDLS-LLKTtqsgyegflr-dqytllpetnDRIMASTVTCTWKyaaapacy--------daayaaaKQGLLDAFLg 214 Chlamydomonas rein...
14286179  198 ITGIkGLR-VLKTtqssfvnfvn-defrslpdqyDRIFSTVVDCSWEysdtenld-------flrawqtvKNIIIRNFAg 268 fruit fly
Feature 1                                             #                                 #   
1IS8_A    155 ysrrl--qvqerLTKQIAVAITEalq-------paGVGVVIEathmcmvmr-----------gvqkmnsktVTSTMLG 212 Norway rat
2DHN       64 imegkavnllehLAERIANRINSqyn------rvmETKVRITkenppip----------------ghydgvGIEIVRE 119 Staphylococcus aureus
137103    259 dpsv---gipspSVQHTLYLSEKqvldvlpqvsvvSMTMPNKhyfnfdtkpfqqlv-pgennevfiptdkpHGTIYAQ 332 Drosophila virilis
137104    224 pydk---geyspSVQKTLYDIQVlslsqlpeiedmEISLPNIhyfnidmskmgli----nkeevllpldnpYGKITGT 294 house mouse
6136148   244 te--------tlSIQHLIYLIGRrilerfpqlqevYFESQNHtwdkiveeipes------egkvyteprppYGFQCFT 307 Bacillus sp. TB-90
6136152   228 ppng---gvyspSVQNTLYLMAKatlnrfpdiayvSLKMPNLhflpvnisnkdgpi-vkfeddvylptdepHGSIQAS 301 soybean
6175090   227 ppet---gvyspSVQRTLYLMGSavlkrfadvssiHLKMPNIhflpvnlstkenpsmvkfkddvylptdepHGSIEAT 301 thale cress
AAF10733  228 hy--------spSLQRTLYLMGEavlsvcpeisriWFQMPNKhhlvynlgrfgle----nnneilhvdpepYGLMEAW 293 Deinococcus radiodurans
AAG28465  215 pgar---rrvqpSVQYTLYDMAKnildrvptsesiFLNMPNLhfipcnpvgssf------nndvyvatsepHGNIEAV 283 Chlamydomonas reinha...
14286179  269 dpqv---gvsspSVQHTLYLSERqvldvlpqvsviSMTMPNKhyfnfdtkpfqkia-pgdnnevfipvdkpHGTIYAQ 342 fruit fly

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