
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00301: lipocalin_FABP 
lipocalin/cytosolic fatty acid-binding protein family
Lipocalins are diverse, mainly low molecular weight extracellular proteins that bind principally small hydrophobic ligands, and form covalent or non-covalent complexes with soluble macromolecules as well as membrane bound-receptors. They have a large beta-barrel ligand-binding cavity. Members include retinol-binding protein, retinoic acid-binding protein, complement protein C8 gamma, Can f 2, apolipoprotein D, extracellular fatty acid-binding protein, beta-lactoglobulin, oderant-binding protein, and bacterial lipocalin Blc. Lipocalins are involved in many important processes such as ligand transport, modulation of cell growth and metabolism, regulation of immune response, smell reception, tissue development and animal behavior. Cytosolic fatty acid-binding proteins also bind hydrophobic ligands in a non-covalent, reversible manner, and are involved in protection and shuttling of fatty acids within the cell, and in acquisition and removal of fatty acids from intracellular sites.
PSSM-Id: 381182
Aligned: 78 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 42.9168
Created: 6-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
ligand binding
Conserved site includes 21 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:ligand binding cavity [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:hydrophobic cavity binds different hydrophobic ligands; ligands are bound within the beta-barrel in a central internal water-filled cavity lined with polar and hydrophobic amino acids
  • Comment:based on lipocalin/cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family members with structure
  • Structure:1X8U; Homo sapiens lipocalin 2 with bound bacterial soluble siderophore carboxymycobactin, contacts 4A
  • Structure:1IIU; chicken plasma retinol-binding protein with bound retinol, contacts 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #   #                               # #        # # #             # # #         
1GKA_B        25 RYAGRWYqthiiena-------------yqpvtrciHSNYEYstndygFKVTTAgfnpn--deylKIDFKVYptke---- 85  European lobster
3EYC_A         8 DVSGTWYlkamtvdref----------pemnlesvtPMTLTTleg-gnLEAKVTmlis---grcqEVKAVLEktd----- 68  human
1X8U_C        26 QFQGKWYvvglagnail---------redkdpqkmyATIYELked-ksYNVTSVlfrk---kkcdYWIRTFVpgs----- 87  human
1EUO_A        18 YFSGKWYvthfldkdp------------qvtdqycsSFTPREsdgtvkEALYHYnan-----kktSFYNIGEgkle---- 76  Rhodnius prolixus
2JOZ_A        16 FYYGTWDegrapgp---------------tdgvksaTVTFTE------DEVVETevmeg-rgevqLPFMAYKvisqs--- 70  Bacillus subtilis
NP_001093925  32 QVTGPWHtlklastdrsl--------ieeggayrcfMTDIVLldn-gnLNVTYFhrkd---gkcvKEFYIAEktd----- 94  house mouse
4GZV_A        11 DLKGIWQlchyvsespd---------vpgalkpsntFKVLSDd-----GRIVNFtiipg-adaiiTGYGTYKqlt----- 70  Bacteroides ova...
1ICN_A         1 AFDGTWKvdrnenyekfmekmginvvkrklgahdnlKLTITQeg--nkFTVKESsn-------frNIDVVFElgvdfays 71  Norway rat
2FR2_A        14 PLLGSWAgrgagkypt------------irpfeyleEVVFAHvgk-pfLTYTQQtravadgkplhSETGYLRvcrpgcve 80  Mycobacterium t...
3KQ0_A        20 QITGKWFyiasafrneey--------nksvqeiqatFFYFTPnktedtIFLREYqtrq---dqciYNTTYLNvqr----- 83  human
Feature 1                                   # #                    # # #        # # #            
1GKA_B        86 ----------------------fpaaHMLIdaps-------------vfaAPYEViETDyetYSCVYSCittd----nyk 126 European lobster
3EYC_A        69 -----------------------epgKYTAdg----------------gkHVAYIiRSHvkdHYIFYSEgelh----gkp 105 human
1X8U_C        88 -----------------------qpgEFTLgniksy---------pgltsYLVRVvSTNynqHAMVFFKkvsq----nre 131 human
1EUO_A        77 ----------------------ssglQYTAkyktvdkkkavlkeadeknsYTLTVlEADd-sSALVHIClregs---kdl 130 Rhodnius prolixus
2JOZ_A        71 ---------------------tdgsiEIQYlgp--------------yypLKSTLkRGEn-gTLIWEQN----------- 103 Bacillus subtilis
NP_001093925  95 -----------------------tpgQYTFeyq---------------grNSLTFvHVTe-dFAIMDLEnqse----ggt 131 house mouse
4GZV_A        71 ------------------------ddSYKEsieknihl-----pxldnqdNILEFeIKDn-dYLHLKYFiksdlngneln 120 Bacteroides ova...
1ICN_A        72 ladgt--------eltgtwtmegnklVGKFkrvd------------ngkeLIAVQeISGn--ELIQTYTye--------g 121 Norway rat
2FR2_A        81 lvlahpsgiteievgtysvtgdvielELSTradgsigla---ptakevtaLDRSYrIDGd--ELSYSLQmravg--qplq 153 Mycobacterium t...
3KQ0_A        84 -----------------------engTISRyvg--------------gqeHFAHLlILRdtkTYMLAFDvnd------ek 120 human
Feature 1          # # #  
1GKA_B       127 sEFAFVFSR 135 European lobster
3EYC_A       106 vRGVKLVGR 114 human
1X8U_C       132 yFKITLYGR 140 human
1EUO_A       131 gDLYTVLTH 139 Rhodnius prolixus
2JOZ_A       104 -GQRKTMTR 111 Bacillus subtilis
NP_001093925 132 tIVIEFHGR 140 house mouse
4GZV_A       121 tWYYETWKR 129 Bacteroides ovatus ATCC 8483
1ICN_A       122 vEAKRIFKK 130 Norway rat
2FR2_A       154 dHLAAVLHR 162 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
3KQ0_A       121 nWGLSVYAD 129 human

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