Homo sapiens gene RFC3, encoding replication factor C (activator 1) 3, 38kDa.
SUMMARY back to top
RefSeq summary
[RFC3] The elongation of primed DNA templates by DNA polymerase delta and DNA polymerase epsilon requires the accessory proteins proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factor C (RFC). RFC, also named activator 1, is a protein complex consisting of five distinct subunits of 140, 40, 38, 37, and 36 kDa. This gene encodes the 38 kDa subunit. This subunit is essential for the interaction between the 140 kDa subunit and the core complex that consists of the 36, 37, and 40 kDa subunits. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. [provided by RefSeq].

RefSeq annotates 2 representative transcripts (NM included in AceView variants .a and .c), but Homo sapiens cDNA sequences in GenBank, dbEST, Trace and SRA, filtered against clone rearrangements, coaligned on the genome and clustered in a minimal non-redundant way by the manually supervised AceView program, support at least 5 spliced variants.

AceView synopsis, each blue text links to tables and details
Expression: According to AceView, this gene is expressed at high level, 3.5 times the average gene in this release. The sequence of this gene is defined by 407 GenBank accessions from 373 cDNA clones, some from testis (seen 29 times), embryonal carcinoma (20), brain (16), liver (15), placenta (10), breast (8), cervix (8) and 105 other tissues. We annotate structural defects or features in one cDNA clone.
Alternative mRNA variants and regulation: The gene contains 11 distinct gt-ag introns. Transcription produces 8 different mRNAs, 5 alternatively spliced variants and 3 unspliced forms. There are 2 probable alternative promotors, 4 non overlapping alternative last exons and 5 validated alternative polyadenylation sites (see the diagram). The mRNAs appear to differ by overlapping exons with different boundaries.
Efficacy of translation may be reduced by the presence of a shorter translated product (uORF) initiating at an AUG upstream of the main open reading frame (in variant dAug10).
Function: There are 28 articles specifically referring to this gene in PubMed. Functionally, the gene has been proposed to participate in pathways (DNA replication, Mismatch repair, Nucleotide excision repair) and processes (DNA replication, DNA strand elongation involved in DNA replication, DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair, nucleotide-excision repair, DNA gap filling, response to organophosphorus). Proteins are expected to have molecular functions (ATPase activity, DNA binding, DNA clamp loader activity, protein binding, ATP binding, nucleotide binding) and to localize in various compartments (DNA replication factor C complex, nucleoplasm, nucleus). Putative protein interactors have been described (BRD4, CHTF8, CHTF18, MEPCE, PCNA, RAD17, RFC1, RFC4, USP20).
Protein coding potential: 5 spliced mRNAs putatively encode good proteins, altogether 5 different isoforms (3 complete, 1 COOH complete, 1 partial), some containing Clamp-loader complex subunit E C-terminus domain [Pfam]. The remaining 3 mRNA variants (3 unspliced; 1 partial) appear not to encode good proteins. Finally proteins from this gene may be modulated by acetylation; phosphorylation; ubiquitination, as detailed at PhosphoSite.

Please quote: AceView: a comprehensive cDNA-supported gene and transcripts annotation, Genome Biology 2006, 7(Suppl 1):S12.
Map on chromosome 13, links to other databases and other names
Map: This gene RFC3 maps on chromosome 13, at 13q13.2 according to Entrez Gene. In AceView, it covers 148.51 kb, from 34392184 to 34540697 (NCBI 37, August 2010), on the direct strand.
Links to: manual annotations from KEGG_03030, KEGG_03420, KEGG_03430, PhosphoSite, the SNP view, gene overviews from Entrez Gene 5983, GeneCards, expression data from ECgene, UniGene, molecular and other annotations from UCSC, or our GOLD analysis.
The previous AceView annotation is here.
Other names: The gene is also known as RFC3, RFC38 or MGC5276, LOC5983. It has been described as replication factor C subunit 3, A1 38 kDa subunit, RFC, 38 kD subunit, RF-C 38 kDa subunit, activator 1 subunit 3, activator 1 38 kDa subunit, replication factor C 38 kDa subunit.
Closest AceView homologs in other species ?
The closest mouse gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView gene Rfc3 (e= 10-166).
The closest C.elegans gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView/WormGene rfc-3 (e=9 10-88), which may contain interesting functional annotation.
The closest A.thaliana gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView gene EMB2775 (e=3 10-90), which may contain interesting functional annotation
RNA_seq discoveries back to top
Expression/conservation in primates tissues evaluated by cross-mapping to human. back to top
RFC3 Gene expression in 15 primates, 16 tissues, from the NHPRTR project in sFPKM BAB SkeletalMuscle WholeBlood CHP Kidney Liver Lung Spleen CMC CMM Cerebellum HUM Brain Colon Heart LymphNode Ovary Testis JMI BoneMarrow MLM OWL PTM RMC RMI Pituitary SQM Thymus MST SMY RTL 1.66 9.41 4.10 2.90 4.39 2.19 6.65 2.35 10.1 26.6 11.6 4.10 1.78 4.10 5.40 2.19 2.52 4.10 0.72 6.21 13.3 4.39 18.8 3.82 8.78 5.04 4.71 6.21 14.3 8.19 9.41 6.65 43.2 24.8 15.3 7.13 0.89 1.78 1.78 20.2 23.2 3.57 9.41 3.57 2.90 2.05 11.6 12.4 5.79 14.3 7.13 3.10 8.78 5.79 7.64 5.04 16.4 10.1 30.6 2.70 7.13 4.39 15.3 5.79 3.57 17.6 5.04 11.6 17.6 10.8 3.57 4.71 2.35 20.2 15.3 13.3 10.8 23.2 6.65 8.78 5.04 4.39 37.6 14.3 10.8 17.6 18.8 5.04 7.64 3.57 8.19 15.3 2.90 3.82 1.66 7.13 15.3 4.39 10.8 24.8 1.78 6.65 4.39 7.13 3.33 7.13 9.41 8.78 8.19 14.3 6.65 8.19 5.04 11.6 13.3 2.70 3.33 24.8 13.3 10.8 26.6 24.8 3.82 5.04 7.64 13.3 5.04 4.10 18.8 18.8 35.1 9.41 7.13 14.3 13.3 21.6 131 8.19 8.19 4.10 6.65 4.10 4.71 2.70 10.1 3.82 15.3 32.8 20.2 21.6 8.78 13.3 13.3 23.2 20.2 10.1 9.41 Expression quantiles None Weak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 This gene All genes log2 distributions RNA-seq gene expression profile across 16 selected tissues from the Non-Human Primates Reference Transcriptome Resource (link to NHPRTR project).
- Primates: Apes (HUM: Human (Illumina BodyMap 2), CHP: Chimpanzee), Old World monkeys (PTM: Pig-Tailed Macaque, JMI Japanese Macaque, RMI Rhesus Macaque Indian, RMC Rhesus Macaque Chinese, CMM Cynomolgus Macaque Mauritian, CMC Cynomolgus Macaque Chinese, BAB Olive Baboon, SMY Sooty Mangabey); New World monkeys (MST common Marmoset, SQM Squirrel Monkey, OWL Owl Monkey); and Lemurs (MLM Mouse Lemur, RTL Ring-Tailed Lemur).
- The level for significantly expressed genes is color coded in 8 equal sized bins (light to dark green). Light gray is for weak not-accurately measured expression (2 to 8 reads above intergenic background); dark gray for no expression or no sequence conservation (0 read in gene). The plot to the right shows the distribution of measured expression values in all tissues for all genes (blue) and for this gene (green), in Magic index = log2(1000 sFPKM).
You may also examine the strand-specific genome coverage plots on the experimental AceView/Magic hub at UCSC, by tissue or by species. Tracks may be slow to load; please reload if some tracks come up yellow-greenish, and thanks to UCSC for the great work!.
          Complete gene on genome diagram: back to top
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This diagram shows in true scale the gene on the genome, the mRNAs and the cDNA clones.
Compact gene diagram back to top
Gene RFC3 5' 3' encoded on plus strand of chromosome 13 from 34,392,184 to 34,540,697 45711 42815 51466 45622 37326 48591 34339 29977 a [NM] f-u 45711 42815 51466 45622 37326 48591 34339 b 45711 42815 51466 45622 37326 48591 34339 993 c [NM] 1066 42815 51466 45622 d h-u 43 e g-u 1 2kb 0 219 bp exon 219 bp exon 2866 bp [gt-ag] intron 235 GenBank accessions 45476 RNA-seq supporting reads 10552 UHR pooled cells 1555 Brain 1376 Blood 31882 Neuroblastoma 111 Other (also 3845 Primates bodymap) 138 bp exon 2647 bp [gt-ag] intron 229 GenBank accessions 42586 RNA-seq supporting reads 9608 UHR pooled cells 1458 Brain 1878 Blood 29546 Neuroblastoma 96 Other (also 6411 Primates bodymap) 68 bp exon 1804 bp [gt-ag] intron 230 GenBank accessions 51236 RNA-seq supporting reads 11933 UHR pooled cells 1650 Brain 2142 Blood 35380 Neuroblastoma 131 Other (also 7603 Primates bodymap) 98 bp exon 3949 bp [gt-ag] intron 224 GenBank accessions 45398 RNA-seq supporting reads 10417 UHR pooled cells 1503 Brain 2290 Blood 31086 Neuroblastoma 102 Other (also 7241 Primates bodymap) 182 bp exon 701 bp [gt-ag] intron 99 GenBank accessions 37227 RNA-seq supporting reads 8448 UHR pooled cells 1209 Brain 1586 Blood 25900 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 3973 Primates bodymap) 137 bp exon 400 bp [gt-ag] intron 63 GenBank accessions 48528 RNA-seq supporting reads 11565 UHR pooled cells 1518 Brain 1746 Blood 33585 Neuroblastoma 114 Other (also 5501 Primates bodymap) 99 bp exon 3793 bp [gt-ag] intron 41 GenBank accessions 34298 RNA-seq supporting reads 9164 UHR pooled cells 1114 Brain 605 Blood 23331 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 2552 Primates bodymap) 70 bp exon 886 bp [gt-ag] intron 31 GenBank accessions 29946 RNA-seq supporting reads 8166 UHR pooled cells 1119 Brain 493 Blood 20093 Neuroblastoma 75 Other (also 2810 Primates bodymap) 1407 bp exon 156 accessions, NM_002915.3 some from placenta (seen 8 times) head neck (7), lung (7) pooled human melanocyte fetal heart, andpregnant uterus (7) breast (6) capped 5' end, 22 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession Validated 3' end, 1 accession Validated 3' end, 30 accessions 1407 bp exon 3327 bp exon 3327 bp exon 4 accessions, some from thymus (seen 2 times) neuroblastoma (once) capped 5' end, 1 accession Validated 3' end, 2 accessions 3327 bp exon 138 bp exon 138 bp exon 2866 bp [gt-ag] intron 235 GenBank accessions 45476 RNA-seq supporting reads 10552 UHR pooled cells 1555 Brain 1376 Blood 31882 Neuroblastoma 111 Other (also 3845 Primates bodymap) 138 bp exon 2647 bp [gt-ag] intron 229 GenBank accessions 42586 RNA-seq supporting reads 9608 UHR pooled cells 1458 Brain 1878 Blood 29546 Neuroblastoma 96 Other (also 6411 Primates bodymap) 68 bp exon 1804 bp [gt-ag] intron 230 GenBank accessions 51236 RNA-seq supporting reads 11933 UHR pooled cells 1650 Brain 2142 Blood 35380 Neuroblastoma 131 Other (also 7603 Primates bodymap) 98 bp exon 3949 bp [gt-ag] intron 224 GenBank accessions 45398 RNA-seq supporting reads 10417 UHR pooled cells 1503 Brain 2290 Blood 31086 Neuroblastoma 102 Other (also 7241 Primates bodymap) 182 bp exon 701 bp [gt-ag] intron 99 GenBank accessions 37227 RNA-seq supporting reads 8448 UHR pooled cells 1209 Brain 1586 Blood 25900 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 3973 Primates bodymap) 137 bp exon 400 bp [gt-ag] intron 63 GenBank accessions 48528 RNA-seq supporting reads 11565 UHR pooled cells 1518 Brain 1746 Blood 33585 Neuroblastoma 114 Other (also 5501 Primates bodymap) 99 bp exon 3793 bp [gt-ag] intron 41 GenBank accessions 34298 RNA-seq supporting reads 9164 UHR pooled cells 1114 Brain 605 Blood 23331 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 2552 Primates bodymap) 741 bp exon 2 accessions, some from bone marrow (seen once) thalamus (once) 741 bp exon 197 bp exon 197 bp exon 2866 bp [gt-ag] intron 235 GenBank accessions 45476 RNA-seq supporting reads 10552 UHR pooled cells 1555 Brain 1376 Blood 31882 Neuroblastoma 111 Other (also 3845 Primates bodymap) 138 bp exon 2647 bp [gt-ag] intron 229 GenBank accessions 42586 RNA-seq supporting reads 9608 UHR pooled cells 1458 Brain 1878 Blood 29546 Neuroblastoma 96 Other (also 6411 Primates bodymap) 68 bp exon 1804 bp [gt-ag] intron 230 GenBank accessions 51236 RNA-seq supporting reads 11933 UHR pooled cells 1650 Brain 2142 Blood 35380 Neuroblastoma 131 Other (also 7603 Primates bodymap) 98 bp exon 3949 bp [gt-ag] intron 224 GenBank accessions 45398 RNA-seq supporting reads 10417 UHR pooled cells 1503 Brain 2290 Blood 31086 Neuroblastoma 102 Other (also 7241 Primates bodymap) 182 bp exon 701 bp [gt-ag] intron 99 GenBank accessions 37227 RNA-seq supporting reads 8448 UHR pooled cells 1209 Brain 1586 Blood 25900 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 3973 Primates bodymap) 137 bp exon 400 bp [gt-ag] intron 63 GenBank accessions 48528 RNA-seq supporting reads 11565 UHR pooled cells 1518 Brain 1746 Blood 33585 Neuroblastoma 114 Other (also 5501 Primates bodymap) 99 bp exon 3793 bp [gt-ag] intron 41 GenBank accessions 34298 RNA-seq supporting reads 9164 UHR pooled cells 1114 Brain 605 Blood 23331 Neuroblastoma 84 Other (also 2552 Primates bodymap) 70 bp exon 130869 bp [gt-ag] intron 4 GenBank accessions 989 RNA-seq supporting reads 221 UHR pooled cells 24 Brain 22 Blood 722 Neuroblastoma 474 bp exon 213 accessions, NM_181558.2 some from testis (seen 26 times) embryonal carcinoma (20) brain (12), liver (12) amygdala (5) capped 5' end, 98 accessions Validated 3' end, 2 accessions 474 bp exon 163 bp exon 163 bp exon 60 bp uORF 163 bp exon 2599 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 1063 RNA-seq supporting reads 131 UHR pooled cells 87 Brain 3 Blood 833 Neuroblastoma 9 Other (also 65 Primates bodymap) 138 bp exon 138 bp exon 138 bp exon 2647 bp [gt-ag] intron 229 GenBank accessions 42586 RNA-seq supporting reads 9608 UHR pooled cells 1458 Brain 1878 Blood 29546 Neuroblastoma 96 Other (also 6411 Primates bodymap) 68 bp exon 68 bp exon 1804 bp [gt-ag] intron 230 GenBank accessions 51236 RNA-seq supporting reads 11933 UHR pooled cells 1650 Brain 2142 Blood 35380 Neuroblastoma 131 Other (also 7603 Primates bodymap) 98 bp exon 98 bp exon 3949 bp [gt-ag] intron 224 GenBank accessions 45398 RNA-seq supporting reads 10417 UHR pooled cells 1503 Brain 2290 Blood 31086 Neuroblastoma 102 Other (also 7241 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 3 accessions capped 5' end, 3 accessions 121 bp exon 568 bp exon 568 bp exon 1 accession 568 bp exon 41 bp exon 41 bp exon 8474 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 41 RNA-seq supporting reads 6 UHR pooled cells 2 Brain 11 Blood 22 Neuroblastoma (also 2 Primates bodymap) 405 bp exon 2 accessions, some from germinal center B cell (seen 2 times) 405 bp exon 612 bp exon 612 bp exon 2 accessions, some from embryonic stem cells cell lines H1, H7, andh9 (seen once) 612 bp exon Alternative mRNAs are shown aligned from 5' to 3' on a virtual genome where introns have been shrunk to a minimal length. Exon size is proportional to length, intron height reflects the number of cDNAs supporting each intron, the small numbers show the support of the introns in deep sequencing (with details in mouse-over) . Introns of the same color are identical, of different colors are different. 'Good proteins' are pink, partial or not-good proteins are yellow, uORFs are green. 5' cap or3' poly A flags show completeness of the transcript.
Sequences: click on the numbers to get the DNA back to top
mRNA variant mRNA matching the genome Best predicted protein 5' UTR 3' UTR uORF Upstream sequence Transcription
Downstream sequence
aAug10 2418 bp 356 aa 132 bp 1215 bp 2kb including Promoter 19464 bp 1kb
bAug10 1601 bp 305 aa 51 bp 632 bp 2kb probably including promoter 17761 bp 1kb
cAug10 1463 bp 305 aa 110 bp 435 bp 2kb including Promoter 148492 bp 1kb
dAug10 588 bp 118 aa 232 bp 57 bp 2kb including Promoter 11587 bp 1kb
eAug10 446 bp 63 aa 252 bp 2kb 8920 bp 1kb
fAug10-unspliced 3327 bp 74 aa 1638 bp 1464 bp 2kb including Promoter 3327 bp 1kb
gAug10-unspliced 612 bp 43 aa 126 bp 354 bp 2kb 612 bp 1kb
hAug10-unspliced 568 bp 58 aa 389 bp 2kb 568 bp 1kb

Gene neighbors and Navigator on chromosome 13q13.2 back to top
RFC3 D C I R P 100kb 0 RFC3, 384 accessions, 8 variants barsherbu, 1 accession sneyvawby, 1 accession spoyvawby, 1 accession pleefaby, 1 accession bawsherbu, 1 accession stawvawby, 2 accessions beysherbu, 1 accession pleyfaby, 1 accession mamare, 2 accessions borsherbu, 1 accession kyveeby, 1 accession jeychu, 1 accession kawchu, 1 accession skyfaby, 1 accession skawfaby, 1 accession skartabo, 1 accession narchu, 1 accession keeveeby, 1 accession skorfaby, 1 accession flanoy, 1 accession deesherbu, 1 accession mimomi, 1 accession kerveeby, 1 accession deysherbu, 1 accession slawfaby, 1 accession leeveeby, 1 accession slerfaby, 2 accessions neyveeby, 1 accession slorfaby, 1 accession mimare, 5 accessions shycha, 3 accessions doysherbu, 2 accessions rorshobu, 7 accessions fasherbu, 2 accessions smawfaby, 1 accession smeefaby, 1 accession pawveeby, 1 accession smeyfaby, 3 accessions fysherbu, 1 accession fusherbu, 1 accession fosherbu, 2 accessions dofa, 3 accessions snafaby, 1 accession farsherbu, 2 accessions feesherbu, 1 accession ryveeby, 1 accession snufaby, 1 accession fersherbu, 1 accession feysherbu, 1 accession suveeby, 2 accessions forsherbu, 3 accessions snarfaby, 1 accession snawfaby, 1 accession mumomi, 2 accessions, 2 variants snerfaby, 6 accessions bosherbu, 3 accessions dochu, 1 accession plarfaby, 3 accessions speyvawby, 1 accession waspaw, 1 accession beesherbu, 1 accession bersherbu, 1 accession geechu, 1 accession ferveeby, 1 accession goveeby, 1 accession chawcha, 9 accessions chercha, 2 accessions plorfaby, 1 accession reyshobu, 2 accessions boysherbu, 1 accession dasherbu, 1 accession jawchu, 1 accession keechu, 1 accession dysherbu, 1 accession dusherbu, 3 accessions chorcha, 2 accessions darsherbu, 1 accession machu, 2 accessions skeyfaby, 2 accessions skoyfaby, 1 accession slafaby, 1 accession slyfaby, 3 accessions choycha, 1 accession dawsherbu, 1 accession perchu, 1 accession flynoy, 6 accessions dorsherbu, 1 accession rychu, 1 accession slarfaby, 1 accession sleyfaby, 1 accession smafaby, 2 accessions smyfaby, 1 accession smarfaby, 2 accessions smerfaby, 2 accessions smorfaby, 1 accession smoyfaby, 1 accession snyfaby, 1 accession rarveeby, 1 accession snofaby, 1 accession sneefaby, 2 accessions sawveeby, 1 accession STARD13, 260 accessions 35 variants ZOOM IN                D:disease,C:conserved,I:interactions,R:regulation,P:publications         Read more...
Annotated mRNA diagrams back to top
Bibliography:               28 articles in PubMed back to top
? Gene Summary Gene on genome mRNA:.a, .b, .c, .d, .e, .f-u, .g-u, .h-u Alternative mRNAs features, proteins, introns, exons, sequences Expression Tissue Function, regulation, related genes DCI

To mine knowledge about the gene, please click the 'Gene Summary' or the 'Function, regulation, related genes ' tab at the top of the page. The 'Gene Summary' page includes all we learnt about the gene, functional annotations of neighboring genes, maps, links to other sites and the bibliography. The 'Function, regulation, related genes ' page includes Diseases (D), Pathways, GO annotations, conserved domains (C), interactions (I) reference into function, and pointers to all genes with the same functional annotation.
To compare alternative variants, their summarized annotations, predicted proteins, introns and exons, or to access any sequence, click the 'Alternative mRNAs features' tab. To see a specific mRNA variant diagram, sequence and annotation, click the variant name in the 'mRNA' tab. To examine expression data from all cDNAs clustered in this gene by AceView, click the 'Expression tissue'.

If you know more about this gene, or found errors, please share your knowledge. Thank you !