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SRX109818: Whole Genome Sequencing and Assembly
4 PACBIO_SMRT (PacBio RS) runs: 242,668 spots, 89.1M bases, 347.4Mb downloads

UUID: 6d4955d7-4419-414b-957b-f2eabfe339f4
Design: Fragment library
Submitted by: Broad Institute (BI)
Study: Genome sequencing with short reads
show Abstracthide Abstract
To test methods for assembly of very short reads, five microbial genomes were selected which have a finished reference sequence available. Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 was one of these five microbial genomes. At least two libraries (short fragment and jumping) were generated and sequenced using Illumina. Genomic DNA from Baylor. Two different genome assemblies are part of this project. The assembly in AKBU00000000 is from Illumina reads and contains 2 complete chromosomes, 3 complete plasmids and 2 incomplete plasmids that share long perfect overlaps, so are present as 6 contigs. The assembly in AKVW00000000 is from sequences in BioProject PRJNA56 plus reads from a different isolate of the strain. It contains 2 complete chromosomes and 5 complete plasmids, but the plasmid sequences differ from those in the genome assembled in BioProject PRJNA56.
Sample: Generic sample from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1
SAMN00103269 • SRS004883 • All experiments • All runs
Name: LR_12_Rsphaeroides
Instrument: PacBio RS
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Pacific Biosciences
Spot descriptor:

Experiment attributes: (show all 12 attributes...) (hide...)
gssr_id: 17970.27
material_type: Genomic DNA
pacbio_rs_binding_kit: DNA/Polymerase Binding Kit (24 rxn)
pacbio_rs_binding_kit_barcode: 100728000325953112610
pacbio_rs_template_prep_kit: DNA Template Prep Kit (8 rxn)
pacbio_rs_template_prep_kit_barcode: 100727000640391102210
project: G14221
sequencing_protocol: Standard Sequencing
template_preparation_adaptor_sequence: ATCTCTCTCttttcctcctcctccgttgttgttgttGAGAGAGAT
used_binding_kit_control: true
work_request: 27893
Pipeline: show...hide...
2010-10-07 14:12:10.0Instrument Control Version1.0.2.64758
base caller2010-10-07 20:08:03.0Primary AnalysisNRT@, SwVer=102.64758, HwVer=1.0
Runs: 4 runs, 242,668 spots, 89.1M bases, 347.4Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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