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Results: 1 to 20 of 28 books (55 items)

Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor.

Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-.

LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury [Internet].

LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury [Internet].

Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; 2012-.

StatPearls [Internet].

StatPearls [Internet].

Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities.

The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities.

Whitehead A, Woods A, Atkinson S, et al., editors.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 2016 Jun 30.

Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care.

Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care.

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Understanding and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care; Smedley BD, Stith AY, Nelson AR, editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2003.

Building Confidence in New Evidence Streams for Human Health Risk Assessment: Lessons Learned from Laboratory Mammalian Toxicity Tests.

Building Confidence in New Evidence Streams for Human Health Risk Assessment: Lessons Learned from Laboratory Mammalian Toxicity Tests.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Institute for Laboratory Animal Research; Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Committee on Variability and Relevance of Current Laboratory Mammalian Toxicity Tests and Expectations for New Approach Methods (NAMs) for use in Human Health Risk Assessment.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2023 Jun 16.

Disease and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2nd edition.

Disease and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2nd edition.

Jamison DT, Feachem RG, Makgoba MW, et al., editors.

Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2006.

Treatment for Acute Pain: An Evidence Map [Internet].

Treatment for Acute Pain: An Evidence Map [Internet].

Brasure M, Nelson VA, Scheiner S, et al.

Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2019 Oct. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 33.)

Personnel Needs and Training for Biomedical and Behavioral Research.

Personnel Needs and Training for Biomedical and Behavioral Research.

National Research Council; Commission on Human Resources; Committee on a Study of National Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Research Personnel.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1976.

Botanists of the twenty-first century: roles, challenges and opportunities.

Botanists of the twenty-first century: roles, challenges and opportunities.

Rakotoarisoa NR, Blackmore S, Riera B, editors.

Paris (France): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); 2016.

Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition.

Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition.

Lamprecht M, editor.

Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2015.

Neem: A Tree For Solving Global Problems.

Neem: A Tree For Solving Global Problems.

National Research Council (US) Panel on Neem.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1992.

From Generation to Generation: The Health and Well-Being of Children in Immigrant Families.

From Generation to Generation: The Health and Well-Being of Children in Immigrant Families.

National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Health and Adjustment of Immigrant Children and Families; Hernandez DJ, Charney E, editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1998.

Marine Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century: Problems, Promise, and Products.

Marine Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century: Problems, Promise, and Products.

National Research Council (US) Committee on Marine Biotechnology: Biomedical Applications of Marine Natural Products.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2002.

In the Nation's Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health-Care Workforce.

In the Nation's Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health-Care Workforce.

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Institutional and Policy-Level Strategies for Increasing the Diversity of the U.S. Healthcare Workforce; Smedley BD, Stith Butler A, Bristow LR, editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004.

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