Dermatitis-inducing furanocoumarins on leaf surfaces of eight species of Rutaceous and Umbelliferous plants

J Chem Ecol. 1990 Mar;16(3):693-700. doi: 10.1007/BF01016480.


Eight species of Rutaceae or Umbelliferae, known to cause or suspected of causing photophytodermatitis, had the linear furanocoumarins psoralen, bergapten, and xanthotoxin on their leaf surfaces, in concentrations varying from 0.014 to 1800 /gmg/g fresh weight, equivalent to 0.17-56% of the total leaf concentration. The higher percentage generally observed for spring leaves compared to autumn leaves suggests a higher rate of transfer of these furanocoumarins to the surface in the younger leaves. Among the plants studied,Ruta graveolens had the highest surface concentrations of all three furanocoumarins. The relatively high effectiveness in causing dermatitis of some species with low surface concentrations may be explained by a more effective mechanism of transfer of the furanocoumarins to the skin. A role in the defense of the plant is suggested by their accumulation on the plant surface.