Maternal effects and generation mean analysis of seed-oil content in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Theor Appl Genet. 1989 Apr;77(4):569-75. doi: 10.1007/BF00274282.


The nature of gene action and of maternal influence governing cottonseed oil attributes were determined with four lines, two each with high and low seed-oil percentage. For this purpose, P1, P2, F0, F1, F2 and alternative sets of BC1 and BC2 generations were analysed in six cross-combinations and their reciprocals. Marginal extents of heterosis for seed-oil percentage were noticeable in F1, with inbreeding depression in F2. Data from reciprocal backcrosses provided evidence in favour of maternal rather than cytoplasmic effects of seed-oil development. Relatively higher extents of heterosis, sizeable inbreeding depression and reciprocally unequal F2 averages were characteristic of the seed index trait, which often showed a reversal of effects from F1 to F2. Reverse reciprocal backcrosses exhibited some differences, including greater resemblance between the types, (A/B)A and (B/A)A, in addition to variable dose effects in seed index. Thus, the differences between F1 seed index values were not due to cytoplasmic influence. Positive heterotic effects for seed-oil index, especially among the backcrosses, ranged between 16.08% and 47.29% over midparent averages. Genetic component estimates from analysis of similar sets of crosses differing only in reciprocal backcrosses, and also from sets of reciprocal crosses between any two parental combinations, were inconsistent. Scaling tests detected presence of epistasis within and between a majority of cross-combinations. Despite reciprocal differences, additive gene effects for seed-oil percentage were significant in 7 out of 24 crosses, representing high x low, low x high and low x low seed-oil parents. Those were, however, accompanied by significant dominance effects of higher order. In crosses involving low seed-oil percentage parents SA1060 and SA229, all six components were detected significant, with opposite effects of dominance and dominance x dominance epistatic components. Significant additive components were also detected for seed index and seed-oil index in 7 and 5 out of 24 crosses, respectively. In the inheritance of seed index and seed-oil index, dominance effects were more important. Epistatic components of additive x additive, and to a lesser extent, those of dominant x dominant were found significant.