Cytogenetic investigation of Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. and related species using the C-banding technique

Theor Appl Genet. 1994 Nov;89(5):622-8. doi: 10.1007/BF00222457.


Triticum timopheevii and related species T. militinae (2n=28, A(t)G) and T. zhukovskyi (2n=42, A(m)A(t)G), hybrids T. kiharae, T. miguschovae, the amphidiploid T. timopheevii x T. tauschii (all 2n=42, A(t)GD), T. fungicidum (ABA(t)G) and T. timonovum (2n=56, A(t)A(t)GG) were analyzed using the C-banding technique. Chromosomes of the A(m) and A(t) genomes in the karyotype of T. zhukovskyi differed in their C-banding pattern. Partial substitutions of A(t)-genome chromosomes and a complete substitution of the G-genome chromosomes by homoeologous chromosomes of an unidentified tetraploid wheat species with an AB genome composition were found in the T. timonovum karyotype. A(t)- and G-genome chromosomes in the karyotypes of all studied species had similar C-banding patterns and were characterized by a low level of polymorphism. The comparative stability of the A(t) and G genomes is determined by the origin and specifity of cultivation of studied species.