Methyl 3-[ferrocen-yl(hydr-oxy)meth-yl]-1-methyl-2'-oxospiro-[pyrrolidine-2,3'-indoline]-3-carboxyl-ate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Apr 18;65(Pt 5):m531-2. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809012756.


In the title compound, [Fe(C(5)H(5))(C(20)H(21)N(2)O(4))], the pyrrolidine ring exhibits an envelope conformation with the spiro-C atom deviating from the plane of the remaining four atoms. The pyrrolidine ring is almost perpendicular to the indolinone ring [dihedral angle = 87.52 (7)°]. The structure is stabilized by an intra-molecular O-H⋯N hydrogen bond and by inter-molecular C-H⋯O and N-H⋯O inter-actions.