mer-Bis[3,5-difluoro-2-(2-pyrid-yl)phenyl-κC,N]{5-(2-pyridyl-κN)-3-[3-(4-vinyl-benz-yloxy)phen-yl]-1,2,4-triazol-1-ido}iridium(III) methanol solvate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Dec 16;66(Pt 1):m66-7. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809052726.


In the title compound, [Ir(C(11)H(6)F(2)N)(2)(C(22)H(17)N(4)O)]·CH(3)OH, the coordination at iridium is essentially octa-hedral, but with distortions associated with the bite angles of the ligands [76.25 (9)-80.71 (12)°] and the differing trans influences of C and N ligands [Ir-N = 2.04 Å (average) trans to N but 2.14 Å trans to C]. All three bidentate ligands have coordinating ring systems that are almost coplanar [inter-planar angles = 1.7 (1)-3.8 (2)°]. The vinyl-benzyl group is disordered over two positions with occupations of 0.653 (4) and 0.347 (4). The methanol solvent mol-ecule is involved in a classical O-H⋯N hydrogen bond to a triazole N atom.