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Human Genome Issue HG-185

GeneID: 83538 (TTC25), missing in assembly
Possible assembly error or missing sequence affecting TTC25 (GeneID:83538)
Resolved (GRC Resolved by Electronic Means)
Clone Problem
Last updated:
Affects version:
Fix version:
GRCh37.p3, GRCh38
This patch corrects a deletion found in GRCh37 chromosome NC_000017.10, in component AC091172.11, affecting TTC25 (GeneID:83538).

Patches and alternate loci

Scaffold type:
FIX patch to GRCh37
This sequence will be incorporated into the reference assembly in the next major assembly release. At that time, the accession number for this patch will be made secondary to the reference chromosome accession. This patch corrects a deletion found in GRCh37 chromosome NC_000017.10, in component AC091172.11, affecting TTC25 (GeneID:83538).
Revision history of patches and alts for HG-185
Assembly Scaffold type Contig name GenBank accession RefSeq accession Region
GRCh37.p3 FIX HG185_PATCH GL582976.1 NW_003571052.1 TTC25

Locations and genomic context

Select a placement below to display it in the Sequence Viewer.
  • (View region: Ensembl | NCBI | UCSC)
  • (View region: Ensembl | NCBI | UCSC)