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Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: Presence of celiac disease epitopes in modern and old hexaploid wheat varieties: wheat breeding may have contributed to increased prevalence of celiac disease.

Immunoblots from Fig.  were scanned and the relative intensities are shown for mAbs Glia-α9 and Glia-α20. a Glia-α9 in modern wheat varieties, b Glia-α20 in modern wheat varieties, c Glia-α9 in wheat landraces, and d Glia-α20 in wheat landraces

Hetty C. van den Broeck, et al. Theor Appl Genet. 2010;121(8):1527-1539.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Presence of celiac disease epitopes in modern and old hexaploid wheat varieties: wheat breeding may have contributed to increased prevalence of celiac disease.

Analyses of gluten protein extracts from 36 modern wheat varieties and hexaploid landrace accessions. Immunoblots modern varieties using a mAb Glia-α9, b mAb Glia-α20. Immunoblots landraces using c mAb Glia-α9, d mAb Glia-α20. Boxes indicate ‘block-1’ and ‘block-2’ proteins

Hetty C. van den Broeck, et al. Theor Appl Genet. 2010;121(8):1527-1539.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: Presence of celiac disease epitopes in modern and old hexaploid wheat varieties: wheat breeding may have contributed to increased prevalence of celiac disease.

2-DE analysis of the gluten protein extracts from modern wheat varieties Bovictus and Sperber. a 2-DE gel of ‘Bovictus’ stained with PageBlue. b Immunoblot of ‘Bovictus’ using mAb Glia-α9. c Immunoblot of ‘Bovictus’ using mAb Glia-α20. d Immunoblot of ‘Sperber’ using mAb Glia-α20. Lanes at the left in (b), (c), and (d) are one-dimensional immunoblots. Boxes indicate ‘block-1’ and ‘block-2’ proteins

Hetty C. van den Broeck, et al. Theor Appl Genet. 2010;121(8):1527-1539.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: Presence of celiac disease epitopes in modern and old hexaploid wheat varieties: wheat breeding may have contributed to increased prevalence of celiac disease.

Images represent immunoblot results for modern wheat varieties Bovictus, Combi, Zentos, Glockner, Toronto, Tambor, Winni, and Bold. a Red channel shows the results with mAb Glia-α9. b Green channel for results with mAb Glia-α20. c Overlay of both images in (a) and (b). In yellow, identical gluten protein bands are shown

Hetty C. van den Broeck, et al. Theor Appl Genet. 2010;121(8):1527-1539.

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