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Figure 1

Figure 1. SMN localizes to the post-synaptic region of the Drosophila NMJ.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–D) SMN expression at the NMJ between muscle fibers 6 and 7. (A) Pre-synaptic anti-HRP staining (red), (B) post-synaptic anti-DLG staining (blue), (C) anti-SMN staining (green) and (D) a merge of (A–C). SMN expression co-localizes with DLG at the post-synaptic region of the NMJ. (E) SMN staining is also observed in muscle fibers and discrete foci in nuclei (arrow). (F) Though no pre-synaptic SMN staining is observed, robust levels of SMN expression are seen in the larval brain. Scale bars in (D), (E), (F) represent 10 µm, 20 µm, and 50 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 10

Figure 10. Smn knockdown reduces pMAD signals.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–B) Wild-type wing discs from 3rd instar larvae were stained with antibodies against SMN (red) (A) and phosphorylated MAD (pMAD) (green) (B). (C–D) 3rd instar wing discs of engrailedGAL4, pWIZ[UAS-Smn-RNAi]N4 animals are stained with antibodies against SMN (red) (C) and pMAD (green) (D). (E) Merge of (C) and (D). pMAD staining is reduced in the posterior region of the wing disc where SMN expression is decreased (yellow line). (F) A wing from an engrailedGAL4, pWIZ[UAS-Smn-RNAi]N4 transgenic adult exhibits defects in the posterior crossvein regions and the distal portions of wing veins L4 and L5 (arrow). Scale bars represent 40 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 11

Figure 11. A dad null allele rescues Smn NMJ defects.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–D) The morphology of the NMJ, as judged by bouton numbers, between muscles 6 and 7 in the A2 segment was observed in different genetic backgrounds using the pre-synaptic (Synaptotagmin) and post-synaptic (Discs large) markers, shown in green and red, respectively. The following genotypes were examined: (A) wild-type (B), Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109, (C) dad 271-68 homozygotes and (D) Smn 73Ao dad 271-68/Smn f01109 dad 271-68. (E) Bouton counts for genotypes in (A–D). Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109 individuals display strongly reduced NMJ bouton numbers while dad 271-68 homozygotes have a greater than two-fold of bouton numbers relative to the Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109 animals. The Smn 73Ao dad 271-68/Smn f01109 dad 271-68 double mutants behave like dad 271-68 homozygotes. Error bars are s.e.m.; n is 15–20 animals for wild-type and Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109. n is 30 for dad 271-68/dad 271-68 and Smn 73Ao, dad 271-68/Smn f01109, dad 271-68. *Π<0.002 by the ANOVA multiple comparisons test. Bouton numbers for each genotype were normalized to the ratio of muscle area. Scale bars represent 15 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 9

Figure 9. Loss of mad function enhances Smn NMJ defects.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–F) The morphology of the NMJ, as judged by bouton numbers, between muscles 6 and 7 in the A2 segment was observed in different genetic backgrounds using the pre-synaptic (Synaptotagmin) and post-synaptic (Discs large) markers, shown in green and red, respectively. The following genotypes were examined: (A) wild-type, (B) Smn 73Ao/+, (C) Smn f01109/+, (D) mad 12/+, (E) Smn 73Ao/mad 12 and (F) Smn f01109/mad 12. (G) Bouton counts for genotypes in (A–F). Introduction of mad 12 into either a Smn 73Ao/+ or a Smn f01109/+ background dominantly reduces the Smn-dependent NMJ bouton count. Error bars are s.e.m.; *P<0.02 was determined by the ANOVA multiple comparisons test to wild-type and all controls. n was 15–20 animals for each genotype. Bouton numbers for each genotype were normalized to the ratio of muscle areas. Scale bars represent 20 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 5

Figure 5. Muscle and neuron specific Smn RNAi knockdown causes NMJ defects.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–I) Reduced SMN expression in the N4, C24 and FL26B UAS-Smn-RNAi transgenic constructs elicits graded effects on NMJ morphology using the ubiquitous actinGAL4 (A, D, G) as well as the tissue-specific how24BGAL4 (muscle) (B, E, H) and elavGAL4 (neuron) (C, F, I) drivers. Vector only (pWIZ) controls are shown (J, K, L). In these images the pre- and post-synaptic tissues are labeled with antibodies against Synaptotagmin (green) and Discs large (red), respectively. (M) Bouton counts for the NMJs from the genotypes shown in (A–L) were normalized for muscle area and subtracted from vector only controls. For each genotype at least 15 animals were examined. * P<0.01 and **P<0.05 was determined by the ANOVA multiple comparisons test. Scale bars represent 15 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 4

Figure 4. Drosophila Smn mutations elicit neuromuscular junction (NMJ) defects.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A–F) The morphology of the NMJ, as judged by bouton numbers, between muscles 6 and 7 in the A2 segment was observed in different genetic backgrounds using the pre-synaptic (Synaptotagmin) and post-synaptic (Discs large) markers, shown in green and red, respectively. The following genotypes were examined: (A) wild-type (Canton-S), (B) Smn f05960/Smn f01109 (C) Smn f01109/Smn f01109, (D) Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109. Of these combinations, Smn 73Ao/Smn f01109 displayed the most robust NMJ defect. These defects are partially rescued by either (E) neuron-specific expression (elavGAL4) or (F) muscle-specific expression (how24BGAL4) of a UAS-FLAG-Smn transgene. (G) More complete rescue was achieved when this transgene was expressed using both drivers simultaneously. Bouton numbers were normalized to the ratio of the muscle area. Scale bars represent 20 µm. (H) Diagram of bouton numbers for genotypes from (A–F), normalized for muscle area. * P<0.05 was determined by the ANOVA multiple comparisons test. For each genotype at least 15 animals were examined.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 6

Figure 6. Schematic representation of the Smn modifier screen.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

Depicted are the crosses performed to identify enhancers and suppressors of Smn-associated lethality. In the first stage of the screen, designed to identify Smn enhancers, Smn 73Ao tubulinGAL4 e/TM6B virgin females were mated to males from Exelixis collection strains. In this stage, the entire Exelixis collection, which affects approximately 50% of the Drosophila genome, was tested. In the F1 generation, mutations that resulted in synthetic lethality or reduced viability in trans with the Smn 73Ao tubulinGAL4 e chromosome were defined as enhancers. In the second stage of the screen, males from F1 crosses that failed to show enhancement (P[Exelixis]/+; Smn 73Ao tubulinGAL4 e/TM6B) were mated to Smn 73Ao e/TM1, virgin females to identify mutations that suppressed the Smn 73Ao tubulinGAL4 e/Smn 73Ao, e lethal phenotype. We performed the F2 suppressor screen with Exelixis mutations on first and second chromosomes as testing third chromosome mutations would require placing these mutations in cis with Smn. Additional assays were employed to eliminate false positives (See ). Seventeen enhancers and ten suppressors met these criteria. All 27 modifiers were subsequently examined for their ability to modify the Smn NMJ phenotype by GluRIIA staining ( and ).

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 7

Figure 7. Modifiers of Smn phenotypes.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

Listed are the insertions that enhance (top) or suppress (bottom) Smn 73Ao-dependent lethality. Due to the site of transposon insertion, unambiguous gene assignments were not possible in all instances (shaded). Strains whose designations begin with “d” or “f” contain GAL4 responsive elements (UAS), whereas strains beginning with “c” or “e” are not GAL4-inducible. Gene assignments were determined using FlyBase (http://www.flybase.org/). Human homologs were determined using NCBI BLAST, NCBI UniGene (NCBI) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrezdbunigene) or ENSEMBL genome browser (http://www.ensembl.org). Annotated functions were determined based on FlyBase, NCBI Entrez Gene and SMART (http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/). Modification of the NMJ morphology between muscles 6 and 7 in the A2 segment was assayed in the elavGAL4 pWIZ[UAS-Smn-RNAi]C24 background in trans with all identified modifiers using the pre-synaptic (Horseradish peroxidase) and post-synaptic (GluRIIA) markers (see ). In the three cases that did not show significant phenotypic alteration, additional pWIZ[UAS-Smn-RNAi]N13 allele was also used (see text). The degrees of change observed in GluRIIA staining were categorized as follows: +++, strong; ++, moderate; +, weak; N.E., No Effects.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Smn mutations cause lethality.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

(A) Schematic representation of the SMN protein and location of mutations corresponding to the Smn alleles used in this study. The conserved Tudor domain and YG box are indicated. Insertion sites of the transposon induced Smn f05960 and Smn f01109 alleles are denoted by triangles. Regions of the Smn transcript targeted by RNA interference (RNAi) are illustrated as lines under the SMN protein schematic. (B) Loss of Smn function elicits lethality. For individuals of given phenotypes, the percentages of surviving individuals are shown and are normalized to wild-type. Smn 73Ao and Smn f05960 homozygotes die during late 2nd/early 3rd larval and pupal stages, though some Smn f05960 escapers are detected. In contrast, 67% of the Smn f01109 homozygotes survive to adulthood. Smn f01109/Smn 73Ao and Smn f05960/Smn 73Ao trans-heterozygous combinations are also viable. In addition, a small deficiency uncovering the entire Smn transcript was generated (Df(3L)Smn X7). We crossed all three Smn alleles to Df(3L)Smn X7 and found that both Smn 73Ao/Df(3L)Smn X7 and Smn f05960/Df(3L)Smn X7 heterozygotes die between the 2nd and 3rd instar larval stages, while ∼60% of Smn f01109/Df(3L)Smn X7 are viable. Therefore, using lethality as a criterion, all three alleles behave as loss-of-function mutations with Smn f01109 displaying the weakest phenotype of the three. No obvious maternal or paternal effect is observed for the different alleles. m: maternal contribution, p: paternal contribution. WT is wild-type (Canton-S). At least 100 individuals were examined for each genotype.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 3

Figure 3. Lethality strongly associates with loss of Smn function in muscle.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

Survival rates of animals expressing the N4, C24 and FL26B transgenic UAS-Smn-RNAi constructs under the control of the actinGAL4 (A), how24BGAL4 (B), and elavGAL4 (C) drivers were measured at the following developmental stages: embryo (day 0), 1st instar larva (day 2), 3rd instar larva (day 5), early pupa (day 7), late pupa (day 9), 2-day old adult (day 12). Each experiment was performed in triplicate. The empty pWIZ RNAi vector served as a control. The survival rates of animals were calculated and subtracted from control values. The N4, C24 and FL26B transgenic animals displayed graded viability among the drivers tested. Ubiquitous SMN knockdown (A) leads to pupal lethality. Muscle-specific SMN knockdown (B) leads to late pupal lethality only in animals harboring the stronger alleles (N4 and C24), whereas greater than 90% of FL26B individuals survive to adulthood. In contrast, reduction of SMN in neurons using N4 and C24 (C) causes only very mild lethality (7%) when compared to control animals. (D) Western blots using an anti-SMN polyclonal antibody show reduction of SMN protein in 3rd instar larvae for all three UAS-Smn-RNAi transgenic strains in combination with the ubiquitous actinGAL4 driver. The top panel shows a graded effect on SMN protein levels by the three constructs consistent with their effects on lethality. The bottom panel shows anti-α tubulin levels, which served as loading controls.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.
Figure 8

Figure 8. wit overexpression in neurons exacerbates Smn-dependent NMJ defects.. From: Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Drosophila .

A gain-of-function mutation of wishful thinking (wit), wit d02492, was identified as an enhancer in our screen. To further investigate the interaction between wit and Smn at the NMJ, we used the neuron-specific driver, elavGAL4 to express WIT in neurons. (A–F) The morphology of the NMJ, as judged by bouton numbers, between muscles 6 and 7 in the A2 segment was observed in different genetic backgrounds using the pre-synaptic (Synaptotagmin) and post-synaptic (Discs large) markers, shown in green and red, respectively. The following genotypes were examined: (A) elavGAL4/+, (B) elavGAL4, Smn 73Ao/+, (C) elavGAL4, Smn f01109/+, (D) elavGAL4/UAS-wit2A, (E) elavGAL4, Smn 73Ao/UAS-wit2A, (F) elavGAL4, Smn f01109/UAS-wit2A, (G) Bouton counts for genotypes from (A–F and wild-type). Consistent with previous reports, neural induced expression of the UAS-wit2A transgene had no obvious effect on NMJ bouton number. A synergistic effect was observed upon the addition of a single Smn allele (Smn 73Ao or Smn f01109) to this background, leading to a reduction of NMJ bouton numbers. The phenotype was more severe in the Smn f01109 background. Smn f01109 showed an approximate 50% reduction in bouton numbers while Smn 73Ao reduced the bouton count by 20%. elavGAL4, Smn 73Ao/+ (B) and elavGAL4, Smn f01109/+ (C) individuals display no significant reduction in NMJ bouton numbers compared to wild-type (G). Bouton counts were determined as above. Error bars are s.e.m.; * P<0.02 was determined by the ANOVA multiple comparisons test to wild-type and all controls. n was 15–20 animals for each genotype. Bouton numbers for each genotype were normalized to the ratio of muscle areas. Scale bars represent 20 µm.

Howard Chia-Hao Chang, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(9):e3209.

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