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Scheme 1

Scheme 1. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

DNA adduct formation from NNK, NNN, and NNAL.

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Scheme 2

Scheme 2. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

Metabolism of phenanthrene (30) to a bay region diol epoxide (33) and PheT (34).

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

Total POB-DNA adduct levels in the lungs of rats treated with NNK (closed diamonds), (S)-NNAL (open squares) or (R)-NNAL (closed squares). Rats were treated with 10 ppm of each compound added to their drinking water and were killed at the time intervals shown. Individual POB-DNA adducts were analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS-SRM as described ().

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

A. Median serum cotinine levels in non-smokers, by age group, 1988–2002, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NHANES study, (). B. Sustained decline of smoking prevalence in the United States, from 1983–2003 ().

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Figure 5

Figure 5. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

Conceptual model for understanding mechanisms of tobacco carcinogenesis. The central track involving carcinogen-DNA adduct formation and consequent mutations in critical genes is the major accepted pathway. The top and bottom tracks also contribute but their roles are less well defined. Molecular pathways involved in the box labeled “Loss of Normal Growth Control Mechanisms” have been described by Weinberg ().

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

Current model for the selective induction of induce lung tumors in rats treated with NNK. Upon administration to rats, NNK is enzymatically reduced to NNAL, with (S)-NNAL predominating (). (S)-NNAL is hypothesized to bind to an as yet uncharacterized pulmonary receptor causing its accumulation and persistence in the lung (). It is presumed to be slowly released from this receptor site and enzymatically reconverted to NNK, at least in part by P450s (). This NNK then undergoes metabolic activation by P450 2A3 and other P450s in the lung, resulting in POB-DNA adducts (shown) and Me-DNA adducts (see also ) (,). The persistence of these adducts in Type II cells and Clara cells of the rat lung is believed to result in mutations and lung tumor induction.

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Progress and Challenges in Selected Areas of Tobacco Carcinogenesis.

Abstraction of the prochiral rear 4-hydrogen of NNK, catalyzed by mouse lung P450 2A5 (and possibly other P450s), is the requisite step which initiates a cascade of events leading to lung tumor formation in the A/J mouse. A single dose of 10 µmol of NNK induces about 10 lung tumors per mouse after 16 weeks in this model without the need for any exogenous tumor promoter or genetic manipulation (). Deuterium labeling studies demonstrate that levels of O6-methyl-dGuo in DNA and lung tumor multiplicity are significantly decreased in animals treated with 4(R)-[4-2H1]NNK compared to those treated with unlabelled or 4(S)-[4-2H1]NNK (). The initially formed intermediate shown here is converted to α-methylene-hydroxyNNK (7, ) which spontaneously yields methanediazohydroxide and the methyl diazonium ion (shown). The latter reacts with DNA to produce the adduct O6-methyl-dGuo. Lung tumor multiplicity is highly correlated with levels of persistent O6-methyl-dGuo in DNA (). This DNA adduct causes G → A mutations in codon 12 of the k-ras oncogene leading to lung tumor formation (,).

Stephen S. Hecht. Chem Res Toxicol. ;21(1):160-171.

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