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Bundle-Branch Block

A form of heart block in which the electrical stimulation of HEART VENTRICLES is interrupted at either one of the branches of BUNDLE OF HIS thus preventing the simultaneous depolarization of the two ventricles.

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Tree Number(s): C14.280.067.558.323, C14.280.123.500.323, C23.550.073.425.100

MeSH Unique ID: D002037

Entry Terms:

  • Block, Bundle-Branch
  • Blocks, Bundle-Branch
  • Bundle-Branch Blocks
  • Bundle Branch Block
  • Block, Bundle Branch
  • Blocks, Bundle Branch
  • Branch Block, Bundle
  • Branch Blocks, Bundle
  • Bundle Branch Blocks
  • Fascicular Block
  • Block, Fascicular
  • Blocks, Fascicular
  • Fascicular Blocks
  • Left Bundle-Branch Block
  • Block, Left Bundle-Branch
  • Blocks, Left Bundle-Branch
  • Bundle-Branch Block, Left
  • Bundle-Branch Blocks, Left
  • Left Bundle Branch Block
  • Left Bundle-Branch Blocks
  • Right Bundle-Branch Block
  • Block, Right Bundle-Branch
  • Blocks, Right Bundle-Branch
  • Bundle-Branch Block, Right
  • Bundle-Branch Blocks, Right
  • Right Bundle Branch Block
  • Right Bundle-Branch Blocks
  • Anterior Fascicular Block
  • Anterior Fascicular Blocks
  • Block, Anterior Fascicular
  • Blocks, Anterior Fascicular
  • Fascicular Block, Anterior
  • Fascicular Blocks, Anterior
  • Posterior Fascicular Block
  • Block, Posterior Fascicular
  • Blocks, Posterior Fascicular
  • Fascicular Block, Posterior
  • Fascicular Blocks, Posterior
  • Posterior Fascicular Blocks

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