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Semisynthetic ampicillin-derived acylureido penicillin. It has been proposed for infections with certain anaerobes and may be useful in inner ear, bile, and CNS infections.

Year introduced: 1984

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Tree Number(s): D02.065.589.099.750.750.050.500, D02.886.108.750.750.050.500, D03.633.100.300.750.750.050.500

MeSH Unique ID: D008802

Registry Number: OH2O403D1G

Entry Terms:

  • Meslocillin
  • Mezlocilline
  • Bay-f 1353
  • Bay f 1353
  • Bayf 1353
  • Mezlocillin Sodium
  • Sodium, Mezlocillin
  • Mezlin
  • Baypen
  • Melocin

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