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NM_000102.3(CYP17A1):c.715C>T (p.Arg239Ter) AND Combined partial 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency

Germline classification:
Pathogenic (1 submission)
Last evaluated:
Apr 19, 2013
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Somatic classification
of clinical impact:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Somatic classification
of oncogenicity:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Record status:

Allele description

NM_000102.3(CYP17A1):c.715C>T (p.Arg239Ter)

CYP17A1-AS1:CYP17A1 antisense RNA 1 [Gene]
CYP17A1:cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 [Gene - OMIM]
Variant type:
single nucleotide variant
Cytogenetic location:
Genomic location:
Preferred name:
NM_000102.3(CYP17A1):c.715C>T (p.Arg239Ter)
  • NC_000010.11:g.102834074G>A
  • NG_007955.1:g.8460C>T
  • NM_000102.3:c.715C>T
  • NP_000093.1:p.Arg239Ter
  • NC_000010.10:g.104593831G>A
Protein change:
R239*; ARG239TER
OMIM: 609300.0006; dbSNP: rs104894136
NCBI 1000 Genomes Browser:
Molecular consequence:
  • NM_000102.3:c.715C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]


Combined partial 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency
MedGen: C3277851

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Assertion and evidence details

Submission AccessionSubmitterReview Status
(Assertion method)
Clinical Significance
(Last evaluated)
no assertion criteria provided
(Apr 19, 2013)
germlineliterature only

PubMed (2)
[See all records that cite these PMIDs]

Summary from all submissions

EthnicityOriginAffectedIndividualsFamiliesChromosomes testedNumber TestedFamily historyMethod
not providedgermlinenot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedliterature only



A protein-truncating mutation in CYP17A1 in three sisters with early-onset breast cancer.

Hopper JL, Hayes VM, Spurdle AB, Chenevix-Trench G, Jenkins MA, Milne RL, Dite GS, Tesoriero AA, McCredie MR, Giles GG, Southey MC.

Hum Mutat. 2005 Oct;26(4):298-302.

PubMed [citation]

Details of each submission

From OMIM, SCV000022010.1

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedliterature only PubMed (2)


In a 46,XY male with ambiguous external genitalia and combined partial 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency (202110), Ahlgren et al. (1992) identified compound heterozygosity for mutations in the CYP17A1 gene: a C-to-T transition in exon 4, resulting in an arg239-to-ter (R239X) substitution, and a C-to-A transversion in exon 6, resulting in a pro342-to-thr substitution (P342T; 609300.0007). The mutations were inherited from the mother and father, respectively. The R239X mutation occurred at the N-terminal side of the heme-binding sequence and the putative resultant truncated protein was nonfunctional. Reconstruction of the P342T mutation by site-directed mutagenesis into human CYP17 cDNA followed by expression in COS-1 cells led to a normal amount of immunodetectable P450-17-alpha protein, although both the hydroxylase and the lyase activities were reduced to 40 to 45% of normal. The presence of ambiguous external genitalia indicated that greater than 20% of the normal 17,20-lyase activity is required for complete virilization in the male.

In 3 sisters with breast cancer (114480) diagnosed at ages 34, 38, and 42 years, respectively, Hopper et al. (2005) identified a germline R239X mutation in the CYP17A1 gene. None of the 3 sisters carried a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 (113705) or BRCA2 (600185). A sister who was cancer-free at age 58 did not have the R239X mutation; the mutation was not found in 788 controls.

OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1germlinenot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot provided

Last Updated: Jul 1, 2015