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National Research Council (US) Committee on the Impact of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Policy on Biomedical Research in the United States. The Impact of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Policy on Biomedical Research in the United States. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001.

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The Impact of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Policy on Biomedical Research in the United States.

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Sidney H. Golub, Ph.D., (Chairman), is Executive Director of FASEB (The Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology). He was formerly a Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the University of California, Irvine, where he also served as the chief academic officer, and the Executive Vice- Chancellor. His research interests include regulation of cytotoxic cell functions and the immunology of human malignant disease. A recent area of interest is the study of ethical issues in medicine and research. Throughout his career, Dr. Golub has served on many committees and review panels such as the NCI breast cancer task force, chair of the University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee, and chair of the Veterans Administration Oncology Merit Review Board. Dr. Golub has published over a hundred journal articles and eighteen book chapters.

Carol Campbell Amick, is an Environmental Consultant in Bedford, MA. She received a Master in Public Administration from Harvard University in 1981, and is a former Executive Director, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Board, Boston, MA. Ms. Amick developed and implemented all LLRW management policies and represented Massachusetts Governors Dukakis, Weld, and Cellucci at national LLRW meetings. She authored the Massachusetts LLRW management plan, acclaimed by state government policy makers and national LLRW publications. As a State Senator for Massachusetts, she chaired the Legislature’s Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture and authored key environmental laws including the Solid Waste Management Act, State “Superfund” Law, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act, and Hazardous Waste Management Act. She was appointed by President Carter to the White House Water Policy Task Force and was named by the Environmental Lobby of Massachusetts “Legislator of the Year” for 1985, and recognized by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions for “unwavering dedication” to the environment.

Gloria Anderson, has been an active member of the League of Women Voters since 1965. She received her Master’s degree in Speech from the University of Wisconsin in 1961. She was natural resources director on the board of the League of Women Voters of California for four years. She currently serves on the board of directors of LWV San Bernardino as well as the Water Education Foundation and is a volunteer in several other community organizations. Ms. Anderson was involved in the League’s effort to facilitate public participation during the site selection process for the Southwestern Compact’s LLRW disposal facility. She authored reports on the work of the LLRW site selection citizens advisory committee in 1987 and 1988 as well as a guidebook for citizen participation in 1990, with updates in 1994 and 1998. She served on the National Research Council’s committee to Review New York State’s Siting and Methodology Selection for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal. Ms. Anderson represented the League on a committee of the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Comparative Risk project. She has also served on various school district and local government advisory committees.

Michael T. Ryan, Ph.D., C.H.P., Associate Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Health Administration and Policy at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Ryan received a Ph.D. in Health Physics in 1982 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was recently inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Alumni. In 1989, he received the Health Physics Society’s Elda E. Anderson Award. Dr. Ryan has held numerous offices in the Health Physics Society, including President of the Environmental Section. Over the past ten years, Dr. Ryan has served on the Technical Advisory Radiation Control Council for the State of South Carolina. He currently serves as Chair of the Council. He is a member of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). He serves on their Board of Directors and is the chairman of scientific committee 87 and scientific Vice President for Radioactive and Mixed Waste Management. He holds adjunct appointments at Georgia Tech and at the University of South Carolina, where he has taught radiation protection courses on the graduate level. In addition, Dr. Ryan has authored many articles and publications in the areas of environmental radiation assessment, radiation dosimetry, and regulatory compliance for radioactive materials. Dr. Ryan’s research, grants, and contracts are in the areas of regulatory compliance, compliance data management, occupational radiation dosimetry, environmental management, and radiation protection policy. Prior to his appointment at MUSC, Dr. Ryan was most recently the Vice President of Barnwell Operations for Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., and had overall responsibility for operation of the low-level radioactive waste disposal and service facilities in Barnwell, South Carolina. Dr. Ryan’s area of responsibility included the implementation of the scientific programs that assure the safe and compliant operation of the company’s low-level radioactive waste processing and disposal facilities.

Detlof von Winterfeldt, Ph.D., is a Professor of Public Policy and Management at the University of Southern California and Director of its Institute for Civic Enterprise. He also is the President of Decision Insights, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in decision and risk analysis. His research interests are in the foundation and practice of decision and risk analysis as applied to technology and environmental management problems. He is the co-author of two books and author or co-author of over one hundred articles and reports on these topics. He has served on several committees and panels of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Research Council (NRC), including the NSF’s Advisory Panel for its Decision and Risk Management Science Program and the NRC’s Committee on Risk Perception and Risk Communication.


Isaf Al-Nabulsi, Ph.D., assumed the role of study director for the LLRW study in the Board on Radiation Effects Research (BRER). In addition, she directed the studies that produced the report A Review of the Draft Report of the NCI-CDC Working Group to Revise the 1985 Radioepidemiological Tables, and a Letter Report to CDC: Review of the Savannah River Source-Term Report. Dr. Al-Nabulsi received her MS in radiation biology from Georgetown University and her Ph.D. in biomedicinal chemistry from the University of Maryland at Baltimore. She previously held a research associate position at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Her research interests include molecular mechanisms of DNA damage and repair, cytogenetic techniques, molecular mechanisms of tumor radioresponsiveness, the influence of hypoxic cells on the outcome of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the biological function of sigma receptors as potential biomarkers of tumor-cell proliferation. She is a member of the Radiation Research Society, the American Association for Cancer Research, the Health Physics Society, and Women in Cancer Research.

Copyright © 2001, National Academy of Sciences.
Bookshelf ID: NBK99251


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