Table 4Instruments Used in Studies of Intimate Partner Violence Screening

AAS88Abuse Assessment Screen5 items, dichotomous0–55-item instrument, designed for clinician-administered interviews, assesses sexual coercion, lifetime abuse, current abuse, and abuse during pregnancy. Any affirmative response is considered a positive screen.
CAS90,92,93Composite Abuse Scale30 items, 6-point Likert scale0–150Self-report scale measuring four dimensions of intimate partner violence in the preceding 12 months (severe combined abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and harassment).
CTQ-SF98Childhood Trauma Questionnaire–Short Form28 items, 5-point Likert scalePositive response if any answer except “never”Self-report instrument for adults that assesses abuse and neglect in childhood and includes separate scales for physical and sexual abuse.
CTS288,89,100102Conflict Tactics Scale–Revised78 items, 8-point Likert scale; various revisions have fewer itemsPrevalence, frequency, severity level, or mutualitySelf-report or interview scale, with half of the questions pertaining to the respondent’s behavior and half to the respondent’s partner. The scale includes dimensions of negotiation, psychological aggression, physical assault, sexual coercion, and injury.
HARK93Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick4 items, dichotomous0–44-item self-report survey, adapted from the AAS.
HITS91Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream4 items, 5-point Likert scale4–20 points4-item self-report or clinician-administered survey; each item scored 1 (Never) through 5 (Frequently) on a Likert scale; score ≥11 maximizes differentiation between abused and nonabused respondents.
ISA91,94,95,97Index of Spouse Abuse30 items0–100Self-report scale measuring 11 types of physical abuse (ISA-P) and 19 types of nonphysical abuse perpetrated by a male partner. Higher scores indicate higher frequency of severe abuse.
OAS/OVAT94,95Ongoing Abuse Screen/Ongoing Violence Assessment Tool5/4 items, dichotomous0–5/0–4OVAT contains 4 items assessing current abuse: “At the present time, does your partner threaten you with a weapon?” “At the present time, does your partner beat you so badly that you must seek medical help?” “At the present time, does your partner act like he or she would like to kill you?” “My partner has no respect for my feelings.”
PSQ100Parent Screening Questionnaire3 items, dichotomous0–33 items about partner violence: “Have you ever been in a relationship in which you were physically hurt or threatened by a partner?” “In the past year, have you been afraid of a partner?” “In the past year, have you thought of getting a court order for protection?”
PVS89,90Partner Violence Screen3 items, dichotomous0–33-item clinician-administered instrument measuring past physical violence and perceived personal safety. A score of ≥1 is considered positive for intimate partner violence.
SAFE-T99Secure, Accepted, Family, Even, Talk5 items, dichotomous0–55 questions about relationship with partner: “secure at home,” “accepted by partner,” “family likes partner,” “even disposition of partner,” and “talks with partner to resolve differences.”
STaT96,97Slapped, Threatened, and Throw3 items, dichotomous0–33-item self-report survey: “Have you ever been in a relationship where a) your partner has pushed or slapped you?; b) your partner threatened you with violence?; or c) your partner has thrown, broken, or punched things?”
WAST9092Woman Abuse Screening Tool8 items, 3-level responses (0=never, 1=sometimes, 2=often)0–168-item instrument measuring physical, sexual, and emotional abuse in the preceding 12 months. A score of ≥4 indicates exposure to intimate partner violence. The WAST short form includes 2 questions about tension in the relationship and how arguments are resolved.
Zink et al, 20071025 domestic violence questions5 items, dichotomous0–55 general domestic violence items with nongraphic language that could be administered with children present.

From: 3, RESULTS

Cover of Screening Women for Intimate Partner Violence and Elderly and Vulnerable Adults for Abuse
Screening Women for Intimate Partner Violence and Elderly and Vulnerable Adults for Abuse: Systematic Review to Update the 2004 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation [Internet].
Evidence Syntheses, No. 92.
Nelson HD, Bougatsos C, Blazina I.

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