Figure 18. Reconstructions of neurobiotin-injected V1 4C cells that have dendrites confined to layer 4C and dense axonal terminations in interblobs (A, B) or dendrites extending into layer 4C and dense axonal terminations in both blobs and interblobs.

Figure 18

Reconstructions of neurobiotin-injected V1 4C cells that have dendrites confined to layer 4C and dense axonal terminations in interblobs (A, B) or dendrites extending into layer 4C and dense axonal terminations in both blobs and interblobs. From Yabuta and Callaway (37, 38).

From: The Primary Visual Cortex

Cover of Webvision
Webvision: The Organization of the Retina and Visual System [Internet].
Kolb H, Fernandez E, Nelson R, editors.
Salt Lake City (UT): University of Utah Health Sciences Center; 1995-.
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