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ACFH00000000.1 Actinomyces urogenitalis DSM 15434

# of Contigs: 230
# of Proteins: 2,403
# of Scaffolds/Chrs: 67
Total length: 2,614,023 bp
BioProject: PRJNA31429
BioSample: SAMN00002545
Keywords: WGS
Annotation: Contigs
Organism: Actinomyces urogenitalis DSM 15434show lineagehide lineage
/culture_collection = DSM:15434
/mol_type = genomic genomic
/strain = DSM 15434
/type_material = type strain of Actinomyces urogenitalis
WGS: ACFH01000001:ACFH01000230
Scaffolds: DS999574:DS999640
67 scaffolds, total length is 2,702,812 bases
Submitted (09-JAN-2009) Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030, USA – show 62 authorshide authors
Qin,X., Bachman,B., Battles,P., Bell,A., Bess,C., Bickham,C., Chaboub,L., Chen,D., Coyle,M., Deiros,D.R., Dinh,H., Forbes,L., Fowler,G., Francisco,L., Fu,Q., Gubbala,S., Hale,W., Han,Y., Hemphill,L., Highlander,S.K., Hirani,K., Hogues,M., Jackson,L., Jakkamsetti,A., Javaid,M., Jiang,H., Korchina,V., Kovar,C., Lara,F., Lee,S., Mata,R., Mathew,T., Moen,C., Morales,K., Munidasa,M., Nazareth,L., Ngo,R., Nguyen,L., Okwuonu,G., Ongeri,F., Patil,S., Petrosino,J., Pham,C., Pham,P., Pu,L.-L., Puazo,M., Raj,R., Reid,J., Rouhana,J., Saada,N., Shang,Y., Simmons,D., Thornton,R., Warren,J., Weissenberger,G., Zhang,J., Zhang,L., Zhou,C., Zhu,D., Muzny,D., Worley,K., Gibbs,R.

The Actinomyces urogenitalis DSM 15434 whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has the project accession ACFH00000000. This version of the project (01) has the accession number ACFH01000000, and consists of sequences ACFH01000001-ACFH01000230.

This sequence is generated as a part of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Large-Scale Sequencing Research Network and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Microbial Genome Sequencing Centers Program. The mission of the HMP is to generate resources to enable the characterization of the human microbiota, the microbial communities living within human bodies, and analyze the role of these organisms in human health and disease. See for more information. The sequenced strain was obtained from DSMZ. The genomic DNA was prepared from a single bacterial colony. The sequence generated included at least 10 fold coverage of Roche/454 Lifesciences FLX fragment data, at least 8 fold clone coverage of Roche/454 Lifesciences paired-end data. The Roche/454 Lifesciences sequence was assembled using the Roche/454 Lifescience Newbler assembler. The contigs from the Newbler assembly were aligned to the Illumina/Solexa data with mapping tools such as Mosaic and Crossmatch and these data were used for error correction for this version of the draft assembly. This draft assembly meets the HMP draft quality standards (more than 90% of the genome is included in contigs, more than 90% of a core set of bacterial genes are found with > 30% identity and > 30% length; more than 90% of the bases in the assembly have more than 5 fold sequence coverage, the contig N50 length is greater than 5kb, the scaffold N50 length is greater than 20kb, and there is less than 1 gap per 5kb). This is a reference genome for the Human Microbiome Project. This project is co-owned with the Human Microbiome Project DACC. Genome Coverage: 11x Sequencing Technology: 454; ABI Annotation was added to the contigs in April 2009.

Product names were updated in June 2013.



GenBank:ACFH01.1.gbff.gz 1.9 Mb
FASTA:ACFH01.1.fsa_nt.gz 768.4 kb
ASN.1:ACFH01.1.bbs.gz 1.4 Mb


GenPept:ACFH01.1.gnp.gz 871.5 kb
FASTA:ACFH01.1.fsa_aa.gz 486.9 kb
Minor Version Create Date
1 01/23/2009
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