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ACDF00000000.1 Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. animalis 7_1

This WGS project has been superceded by the complete chromosomes and plasmids in (non-WGS) GenBank records CP007062:CP007063

# of Contigs: 95 (95 are dead)
# of Proteins: 0
# of Scaffolds/Chrs: 18 (18 are dead)
Total length: 2,470,509 bp
BioProject: PRJNA32483
BioSample: SAMN02463711
Keywords: WGS
Annotation: Scaffolds
Organism: Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. animalis 7_1show lineagehide lineage
/mol_type = genomic
/strain = 7_1
/sub_species = animalis
WGS: ACDF01000001:ACDF01000095
Scaffolds: GG658011:GG658028
18 scaffolds, 2,418 proteins, total length is 2,510,873 bases
The Genome Sequence of Fusobacterium sp. 7_1 : Unpublished – show 42 authorshide authors
Ward,D., Young,S.K., Kodira,C.D., Zeng,Q., Koehrsen,M., Alvarado,L., Berlin,A., Borenstein,D., Chen,Z., Engels,R., Freedman,E., Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Griggs,A., Gujja,S., Heiman,D., Hepburn,T., Howarth,C., Jen,D., Larson,L., Lewis,B., Mehta,T., Park,D., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Saif,S., Shea,T., Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., Walk,T., White,J., Yandava,C., Allen-Vercoe,E., Strauss,J., Ambrose,C., Lander,E., Nusbaum,C., Galagan,J., Birren,B., The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
Submitted (10-FEB-2009) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA – show 42 authorshide authors
Ward,D., Young,S.K., Kodira,C.D., Zeng,Q., Koehrsen,M., Alvarado,L., Berlin,A., Borenstein,D., Chen,Z., Engels,R., Freedman,E., Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Griggs,A., Gujja,S., Heiman,D., Hepburn,T., Howarth,C., Jen,D., Larson,L., Lewis,B., Mehta,T., Park,D., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Saif,S., Shea,T., Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., Walk,T., White,J., Yandava,C., Allen-Vercoe,E., Strauss,J., Ambrose,C., Lander,E., Nusbaum,C., Galagan,J., Birren,B., The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform

The Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. animalis 7_1 whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has the project accession ACDF00000000. This version of the project (01) has the accession number ACDF01000000, and consists of sequences ACDF01000001-ACDF01000095.

This is a reference genome for the Human Microbiome Project. This project is co-owned with the Human Microbiome Project DACC. Genome coverage: 29.05x Sequencing technology: 454 Annotation was added to the scaffolds in April 2009.

Product names were updated in June 2013 This WGS project has been superceded by the complete genome in (non-WGS) GenBank records CP007062-CP007063.

This WGS project has been superceded by the complete genome records CP007062-CP007063

Minor Version Create Date
1 03/02/2009
4 02/16/2017
5 04/28/2017