Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd03132: GATase1_catalase 
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Type 1 glutamine amidotransferase (GATase1)-like domain found in at the C-terminal of several large catalases
Type 1 glutamine amidotransferase (GATase1)-like domain found in at the C-terminal of several large catalases. Catalase catalyzes the dismutation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen. This group includes the large catalases: Neurospora crassa Catalase-1 and Catalase-3 and, Escherichia coli HP-II. This GATase1-like domain has an essential role in HP-II catalase activity. However, it lacks enzymatic activity and the catalytic triad typical of GATase1 domains. Catalase-1 and -3 are homotetrameric, HP-II is homohexameric. It has been proposed that this domain may facilitate the folding and oligomerization process. The interface between this GATase1-like domain of HP-II and the core of the subunit forms part of a channel which provides access to the deeply buried catalase active sites of HPII. Catalase-1 is associated with non-growing cells; Catalase-3 is associated with growing conditions. HP-II is produced in stationary phase. Catalase-1 is induced by ethanol and heat shock. Catalase-3 is induced under stress conditions such a hydrogen peroxide, paraquat, cadmium, heat shock, uric acid and nitrate treatment.
PSSM-Id: 153226
Aligned: 54 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 86.1615
Created: 26-Sep-2005
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:domain interactions
  • Structure:1GGE_D, Escherichia coli catalase HpII, subunit interactions, contacts at 3.5A
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  • Citation:PMID 7663946
  • Comment:Escherichia coli HPII catalase and Neurospora crassa Catalase_1 are homotetramers.
  • Comment:The interface between this GATase1-like domain of HPII and the core of the subunit forms part of a channel which provides access to the deeply buried catalase active sites of HPII

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                               ###                                   
1GGE_D    600 GRVVAILLnd--eVRSADLLAILKALKAKg----VHAKLLYSRMGevtaddgtvlp------iaatfagapsLTVDAVIV 667 Escherichia coli
1SY7_B    534 SRRVAIIIad--gYDNVAYDAAYAAISANq----AIPLVIGPRRSkvtaangstvq------phhhlegfrsTMVDAIFI 601 Neurospora crassa
AAD09575  547 GRRIAILLad--gFDKAEVVAIKALITSAs----ANAFVIGPRRGkvyaagekigvegggidadhhfegqrsTMFDALVI 620 oyster mushroom
AAR17474  569 GLKVGYLTsa--gSTGDKGKALKAALKDEk----VSLTVVAEHLGagidqt---------------ysatsaVNFDAIIV 627 Cochliobolus heter...
AAM53417  573 GLKIALLTrd--dGSFTIAEQLRAAFNSAnn--kVDIVLVGSSLDpqrgvnm-------------tysgadgSIFDAVIV 635 Ajellomyces capsul...
CAA04716  568 TLIVGVLAs----TASKNSLAQAQALKDAfktreVNVIVVAESLAtgvdqt---------------ydaadaVSFDGIVV 628 ergot fungus
AAL56982  569 GFTVGILAstsssTSISQAAQLATSFSSRg----IRAVIVGESLLsgtdqt---------------yssadaTAFDAVVV 629 grass mildew
AAK77951  566 TLNVGVLVsvknnATLTQAANLATSFSTSg----VNVKVIGEILTngvdat---------------ysasdaTLFDGIIV 626 Botryotinia fuckel...
CAA80669  571 GLQVGFLAsnshpESIKQGQAMAAQFSAAg----VDLNIVTEAYAdgvntt---------------yalsdaIDFDALII 631 Aspergillus niger
EAA76034  569 TLSVGVLVsinsnNSIQQAKALKKALGEDk----VTVSIIGEVLGddvevt---------------ysaataAQFDSVVV 629 Gibberella zeae PH-1
Feature 1                                        #  #                                         
1GGE_D    668 PCGniadi--------------------adngdANYYLMEAYKHLKPIALAGDARKFKatikia----------dqgeeg 717 Escherichia coli
1SY7_B    602 PGGakaaet------------------lskngrALHWIREAFGHLKAIGATGEAVDLVakaialpqvtvsseaevhesyg 663 Neurospora crassa
AAD09575  621 PSGehvall-------------------mksgrAVHWLREAFGHCKAIGAVGEAILFVqqainlpevq--yadptdssme 679 oyster mushroom
AAR17474  628 DGSasalfapagslansnstaakgrstlypagrPLEILQTGYQFGKPVGVLGASNSTLsaagvv-----------agtpg 696 Cochliobolus heter...
AAM53417  636 VGGlltsast-----------------qyprgrPLRIITDAYAYGKPVGAVGDGSNEAlrdvlmaagg--dasngldqpg 696 Ajellomyces capsul...
CAA04716  629 ADGvealfdntk------------ksslfqpgrPSQIVNDGYNWGKPMGFLGSAKRAVka------------------ts 678 ergot fungus
AAL56982  630 TMGaetlfgpvak-----------pntlfpsgrPSQILHDAYRWGKPVGAVSKASVVLeplpgt-----------knqgg 687 grass mildew
AAK77951  627 TDGaenlftngs------------kstyfpadrPRQILLDAYNWGKPVGTLGNARTSLnvasi------------sttpg 682 Botryotinia fuckel...
CAA80669  632 ADGvqslfaspalanqm---nstatstlypparPFQILVDSFRYGKPVAAVGSGSVALknagid-----------ssrsg 697 Aspergillus niger
EAA76034  630 TSGteslfngtg------------kstlfppgrPTQIIVDGYHWGKPVGFIGGAKAAAqaarv------------skgkg 685 Gibberella zeae PH-1
Feature 1                                               
1GGE_D    718 IVEADSadgs-------------------fmdeLLTLMAAHR 740 Escherichia coli
1SY7_B    664 VVTLKKvkpesftdavk-----iakgaagflgeFFYAIAQHR 700 Neurospora crassa
AAD09575  680 VVASYSvvttahygvstaigdatkmtlnigekgFMERFAYEV 721 oyster mushroom
AAR17474  697 VYSFDSasdmaavvtk--------iteglrtfkFLDRYPLDN 730 Cochliobolus heterostrophus
AAM53417  697 VYISNDvseayvrsv----------ldgltayrFLNRFPLDR 728 Ajellomyces capsulatus
CAA04716  679 VVEGAGvymrnst--------------atlvgdFQKGLAKFK 706 ergot fungus
AAL56982  688 VYRVESvnelatsi-----------akgletfrFVDRFPLDS 718 grass mildew
AAK77951  683 VYSNSTsvsglvkef----------eaglktfrFVDRFALDD 714 Botryotinia fuckeliana
CAA80669  698 VYTGSSettekiake---------vleglytfrFVDRFALDE 730 Aspergillus niger
EAA76034  686 VYFPKNvnslvedl-----------kdglatfkFTDRFPLDH 716 Gibberella zeae PH-1

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