NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 #ifndef CGI___SESSION__HPP
2 #define CGI___SESSION__HPP
4 /* $Id: cgi_session.hpp 71852 2016-04-04 12:46:26Z dicuccio $
5 * ===========================================================================
6 *
8 * National Center for Biotechnology Information
9 *
10 * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11 * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
12 * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13 * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
14 * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15 * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16 *
17 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18 * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19 * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20 * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21 * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22 * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23 * purpose.
24 *
25 * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26 *
27 * ===========================================================================
28 *
29 * Author: Maxim Didenko
30 *
31 */
33 /// @file cgi_session.hpp
34 /// API to store CGI session data between Web requests.
36 #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
38 #include <memory>
40 /** @addtogroup CGI
41  *
42  * @{
43  */
48 // fwd-decl
49 class ICgiSessionStorage;
50 class CCgiRequest;
51 class CCgiCookie;
53 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 ///
55 /// CCgiSession --
56 ///
57 /// Facilitate the transfer of session ID between Web requests.
58 /// Store and retrieve the CGI session data from an external
59 /// data storage using the session ID.
60 ///
62 {
63 public:
64  typedef list<string> TNames;
66  static const char* kDefaultSessionIdName;
67  static const char* kDefaultSessionCookieDomain;
68  static const char* kDefaultSessionCookiePath;
70  /// Session status
71  enum EStatus {
72  eNew, ///< The session has just been created
73  eLoaded, ///< The session is loaded
74  eNotLoaded, ///< The session has not been loaded yet
75  eDeleted, ///< The session is deleted
76  eImplNotSet ///< The CGI application didn't set the session
77  ///< implementation
78  };
80  /// Specifies if a client session cookie can be used to transfer
81  /// session id between requests
83  eUseCookie, ///< A session cookie will be added to the response
84  eNoCookie ///< A session cookie will not be added to the response
85  };
87  CCgiSession(const CCgiRequest& request,
89  EOwnership impl_ownership = eTakeOwnership,
90  ECookieSupport cookie_support = eUseCookie);
92  ~CCgiSession();
94  /// Get session ID.
95  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if session ID is not set and it
96  /// can not be retrieved from CGI request too.
97  const string& GetId(void) const;
99  /// Set session ID.
100  /// The previously loaded session (if any) will be closed.
101  void SetId(const string& session_id);
103  /// Modify session ID.
104  /// The session must be loaded before calling this method.
105  void ModifyId(const string& new_session_id);
107  /// Load the session.
108  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if session ID is not set and it
109  /// can not be retrieved from CGI request too.
110  void Load(void);
112  /// Create new session.
113  /// The previously loaded session (if any) will be closed.
114  void CreateNewSession(void);
116  /// Retrieve names of all attributes attached to this session.
117  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
118  TNames GetAttributeNames(void) const;
120  /// Get input stream to read an attribute's data from.
121  /// @param[in] name
122  /// Name of the attribute
123  /// @param[out] size
124  /// Size of the attribute's data
125  /// @return
126  /// Stream to read attribute's data from.If the attribute does not exist,
127  /// then return an empty stream.
128  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
129  CNcbiIstream& GetAttrIStream(const string& name, size_t* size = NULL);
131  /// Get output stream to write an attribute's data to.
132  /// If the attribute does not exist it will be created and added
133  /// to the session. If the attribute exists its content will be
134  /// overwritten.
135  /// @param[in] name
136  /// Name of the attribute
137  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
138  CNcbiOstream& GetAttrOStream(const string& name);
140  /// Set attribute data as a string.
141  /// @param[in] name
142  /// Name of the attribute to set
143  /// @param[in] value
144  /// Value to set the attribute data to
145  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
146  void SetAttribute(const string& name, const string& value);
148  /// Get attribute data as string.
149  /// @param[in] name
150  /// Name of the attribute to retrieve
151  /// @return
152  /// Data of the attribute, if set.
153  /// @throw CCgiSessionException with error code eNotLoaded
154  /// if the session has not been loaded yet;
155  /// CCgiSessionException with error code eAttrNotFound if
156  /// attribute with the specified name was not found;
157  /// CCgiSessionException with error code eImplException if
158  /// an error occured during attribute retrieval -- in the
159  /// latter case, more information can be obtained from the
160  /// embedded exception.
161  string GetAttribute(const string& name) const;
163  /// Remove attribute from the session.
164  /// @param[in] name
165  /// Name of the attribute to remove
166  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
167  void RemoveAttribute(const string& name);
169  /// Delete current session
170  /// @throw CCgiSessionException if the session is not loaded.
171  void DeleteSession(void);
173  /// Get current status of the session.
174  EStatus GetStatus(void) const;
176  /// Check if this session object is valid.
177  /// @return True, if this session has been successfully loaded
178  /// or has just been created. False - if this session
179  /// does not exist and cannot be used.
180  bool Exists(void) const;
182  /// Get name for session ID.
183  /// @sa SetSessionIdName
184  const string& GetSessionIdName(void) const;
186  /// Set name for session ID.
187  /// This name is used as a cookie name for a session cookie.
188  void SetSessionIdName(const string& name);
190  /// Set session cookie domain
191  /// @sa SetSessionIdName
192  void SetSessionCookieDomain(const string& domain);
194  /// Set session cookie path
195  /// @sa SetSessionIdName
196  void SetSessionCookiePath(const string& path);
198  /// Set session cookie expiration time
199  void SetSessionCookieExpTime(const CTime& exp_time);
201  /// Get a cookie pertaining to the session. May create new cookie,
202  /// if needed and allowed to.
203  /// @return
204  /// Session CGI cookie;
205  /// NULL if no session is loaded or if cookie support is disabled.
206  const CCgiCookie* GetSessionCookie(void) const;
208  /// Retrieve a session id from a query string or a session cookie
209  string RetrieveSessionId() const;
211 private:
214  unique_ptr<ICgiSessionStorage> m_ImplGuard;
217  string m_SessionId;
223  unique_ptr<CCgiCookie> m_SessionCookie;
226  void x_Load() const;
227 private:
230 };
232 inline bool CCgiSession::Exists(void) const
233 {
234  return m_Status == eLoaded || m_Status == eNew;
235 }
238 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 ///
240 /// ICgiSessionStorage --
241 ///
242 /// Implement data storage and retrieval for CCgiSession.
243 /// @sa CCgiSession
244 ///
248 {
249 public:
252  virtual ~ICgiSessionStorage();
254  /// Create a new empty session.
255  /// @return ID of the new session
256  virtual string CreateNewSession() = 0;
258  /// Modify session id.
259  /// Change Id of the current session.
260  /// The implementations must handle binary data correctly (e.g.
261  /// NULL characters in the string).
262  virtual void ModifySessionId(const string& new_id) = 0;
264  /// Load the session
265  /// The implementations must handle binary data correctly (e.g.
266  /// NULL characters in the string).
267  /// @param[in]
268  /// ID of the session
269  /// @return true if the session was loaded, false otherwise
270  virtual bool LoadSession(const string& sessionid) = 0;
272  /// Retrieve names of all attributes attached to this session.
273  virtual TNames GetAttributeNames(void) const = 0;
275  /// Get input stream to read an attribute's data from.
276  /// @param[in] name
277  /// Name of the attribute
278  /// @param[out] size
279  /// Size of the attribute's data
280  /// @return
281  /// Stream to read attribute's data from.If the attribute does not exist,
282  /// then return an empty stream.
283  virtual CNcbiIstream& GetAttrIStream(const string& name,
284  size_t* size = 0) = 0;
286  /// Get output stream to write an attribute's data to.
287  /// If the attribute does not exist it will be created and added
288  /// to the session. If the attribute exists its content will be
289  /// overwritten.
290  /// @param[in] name
291  /// Name of the attribute
292  virtual CNcbiOstream& GetAttrOStream(const string& name) = 0;
294  /// Set attribute data as a string.
295  /// @param[in] name
296  /// Name of the attribute to set
297  /// @param[in] value
298  /// Value to set the attribute data to
299  virtual void SetAttribute(const string& name, const string& value) = 0;
301  /// Get attribute data as string.
302  /// @param[in] name
303  /// Name of the attribute to retrieve
304  /// @return
305  /// Data of the attribute, if set.
306  /// @throw CCgiSessionException with error code eNotLoaded
307  /// if the session has not been loaded yet;
308  /// CCgiSessionException with error code eAttrNotFound if
309  /// attribute with the specified name was not found;
310  /// CCgiSessionException with error code eImplException if
311  /// an error occured during attribute retrieval -- in the
312  /// latter case, more information can be obtained from the
313  /// embedded exception.
314  virtual string GetAttribute(const string& name) const = 0;
316  /// Remove attribute from the session.
317  /// @param[in] name
318  /// Name of the attribute to remove
319  virtual void RemoveAttribute(const string& name) = 0;
321  /// Delete current session
322  virtual void DeleteSession() = 0;
324  /// Reset the session. The an implementation should close
325  /// all input/ouptut streams here.
326  virtual void Reset() = 0;
327 };
329 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
331 inline
333 {
334  return m_Status;
335 }
336 inline
337 const string& CCgiSession::GetSessionIdName() const
338 {
339  return m_SessionIdName;
340 }
341 inline
342 void CCgiSession::SetSessionIdName(const string& name)
343 {
344  m_SessionIdName = name;
345 }
346 inline
347 void CCgiSession::SetSessionCookieDomain(const string& domain)
348 {
349  m_SessionCookieDomain = domain;
350 }
351 inline
352 void CCgiSession::SetSessionCookiePath(const string& path)
353 {
354  m_SessionCookiePath = path;
355 }
356 inline
358 {
359  m_SessionCookieExpTime = exp_time;
360 }
366 /* @} */
368 #endif /* CGI___SESSION__HPP */
Definition: ncbicgi.hpp:67
Definition: ncbicgi.hpp:685
CCgiSession –.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:62
CTime –.
Definition: ncbitime.hpp:296
ICgiSessionStorage –.
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
@ eTakeOwnership
An object can take ownership of another.
Definition: ncbi_types.h:136
void SetSessionIdName(const string &name)
Set name for session ID.
CTime m_SessionCookieExpTime
static const char * kDefaultSessionCookieDomain
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:67
static const char * kDefaultSessionIdName
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:66
bool Exists(void) const
Check if this session object is valid.
CCgiSession::TNames TNames
EStatus m_Status
Specifies if a client session cookie can be used to transfer session id between requests.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:82
unique_ptr< CCgiCookie > m_SessionCookie
virtual void Reset()=0
Reset the session.
CCgiSession(const CCgiSession &)
void SetSessionCookieDomain(const string &domain)
Set session cookie domain.
ECookieSupport m_CookieSupport
static const char * kDefaultSessionCookiePath
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:68
const string & GetSessionIdName(void) const
Get name for session ID.
virtual void ModifySessionId(const string &new_id)=0
Modify session id.
list< string > TNames
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:64
virtual bool LoadSession(const string &sessionid)=0
Load the session The implementations must handle binary data correctly (e.g.
virtual CNcbiIstream & GetAttrIStream(const string &name, size_t *size=0)=0
Get input stream to read an attribute's data from.
virtual string GetAttribute(const string &name) const =0
Get attribute data as string.
void SetSessionCookiePath(const string &path)
Set session cookie path.
virtual string CreateNewSession()=0
Create a new empty session.
virtual void RemoveAttribute(const string &name)=0
Remove attribute from the session.
virtual void DeleteSession()=0
Delete current session.
virtual TNames GetAttributeNames(void) const =0
Retrieve names of all attributes attached to this session.
unique_ptr< ICgiSessionStorage > m_ImplGuard
string m_SessionCookiePath
const CCgiRequest & m_Request
void SetSessionCookieExpTime(const CTime &exp_time)
Set session cookie expiration time.
string m_SessionId
Session status.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:71
ICgiSessionStorage * m_Impl
string m_SessionIdName
virtual CNcbiOstream & GetAttrOStream(const string &name)=0
Get output stream to write an attribute's data to.
string m_SessionCookieDomain
EStatus GetStatus(void) const
Get current status of the session.
virtual void SetAttribute(const string &name, const string &value)=0
Set attribute data as a string.
CCgiSession & operator=(const CCgiSession &)
@ eUseCookie
A session cookie will be added to the response.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:83
@ eLoaded
The session is loaded.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:73
@ eDeleted
The session is deleted.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:75
@ eNew
The session has just been created.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:72
@ eNotLoaded
The session has not been loaded yet.
Definition: cgi_session.hpp:74
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
const CSeq_id & GetId(const CSeq_loc &loc, CScope *scope)
If all CSeq_ids embedded in CSeq_loc refer to the same CBioseq, returns the first CSeq_id found,...
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
IO_PREFIX::ostream CNcbiOstream
Portable alias for ostream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:149
IO_PREFIX::istream CNcbiIstream
Portable alias for istream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:146
enum ENcbiOwnership EOwnership
Ownership relations between objects.
Definition: ncbi_export.h:1097
const struct ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::SIZE size
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
Modified on Tue Apr 23 07:39:15 2024 by rev. 669887