NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id$
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  */
28 /// @file CPPClean_.hpp
29 /// Data storage class.
30 ///
31 /// This file was generated by application DATATOOL
32 /// using the following specifications:
33 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/build-system/project_tree_builder/msbuild/msbuild_dataobj.xsd">msbuild_dataobj.xsd</a>
34 /// and additional tune-up parameters:
35 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/build-system/project_tree_builder/msbuild/msbuild_dataobj.def">msbuild_dataobj.def</a>
36 ///
38 /// Don't edit or commit this file into CVS as this file will
39 /// be overridden (by DATATOOL) without warning!
44 // standard includes
45 #include <serial/serialbase.hpp>
47 // generated includes
48 #include <string>
51 #ifndef BEGIN_msbuild_SCOPE
52 # define BEGIN_msbuild_SCOPE BEGIN_SCOPE(msbuild)
53 # define END_msbuild_SCOPE END_SCOPE(msbuild)
54 #endif
55 BEGIN_msbuild_SCOPE // namespace msbuild::
58 // generated classes
61 /** @addtogroup dataspec_msbuild_dataobj
62  *
63  * @{
64  */
66 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 /// NCBI modification begin REMOVED
68 /// <xs:element name="Link" substitutionGroup="msb:Task">
69 /// <xs:complexType>
70 /// <xs:complexContent>
71 /// <xs:extension base="msb:TaskType">
72 /// <xs:attribute name="AcceptableNonZeroExitCodes" />
73 /// <xs:attribute name="ActiveToolSwitchesValues" />
74 /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalDependencies" />
75 /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalLibraryDirectories" />
76 /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalManifestDependencies" />
77 /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalOptions" />
78 /// <xs:attribute name="AddModuleNamesToAssembly" />
79 /// <xs:attribute name="AllowIsolation" type="msb:boolean" />
80 /// <xs:attribute name="AssemblyDebug" type="msb:boolean" />
81 /// <xs:attribute name="AssemblyLinkResource" />
82 /// <xs:attribute name="BaseAddress" />
83 /// <xs:attribute name="CLRImageType" />
84 /// <xs:attribute name="CLRSupportLastError" />
85 /// <xs:attribute name="CLRThreadAttribute" />
86 /// <xs:attribute name="CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck" type="msb:boolean" />
87 /// <xs:attribute name="CreateHotPatchableImage" />
88 /// <xs:attribute name="DataExecutionPrevention" type="msb:boolean" />
89 /// <xs:attribute name="DelayLoadDLLs" />
90 /// <xs:attribute name="DelaySign" type="msb:boolean" />
91 /// <xs:attribute name="Driver" />
92 /// <xs:attribute name="EmbedManagedResourceFile" />
93 /// <xs:attribute name="EnableCOMDATFolding" type="msb:boolean" />
94 /// <xs:attribute name="EnableUAC" type="msb:boolean" />
95 /// <xs:attribute name="EntryPointSymbol" />
96 /// <xs:attribute name="EnvironmentVariables" />
97 /// <xs:attribute name="ExcludedInputPaths" />
98 /// <xs:attribute name="FixedBaseAddress" type="msb:boolean" />
99 /// <xs:attribute name="ForceFileOutput" />
100 /// <xs:attribute name="ForceSymbolReferences" />
101 /// <xs:attribute name="FunctionOrder" />
102 /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateDebugInformation" type="msb:boolean" />
103 /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateManifest" type="msb:boolean" />
104 /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateMapFile" type="msb:boolean" />
105 /// <xs:attribute name="HeapCommitSize" />
106 /// <xs:attribute name="HeapReserveSize" />
107 /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" type="msb:boolean" />
108 /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreEmbeddedIDL" type="msb:boolean" />
109 /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreImportLibrary" type="msb:boolean" />
110 /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries" />
111 /// <xs:attribute name="ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers" type="msb:boolean" />
112 /// <xs:attribute name="ImportLibrary" />
113 /// <xs:attribute name="KeyContainer" />
114 /// <xs:attribute name="KeyFile" />
115 /// <xs:attribute name="LargeAddressAware" type="msb:boolean" />
116 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
117 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkErrorReporting" />
118 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkIncremental" type="msb:boolean" />
119 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkLibraryDependencies" type="msb:boolean" />
120 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkStatus" type="msb:boolean" />
121 /// <xs:attribute name="LinkTimeCodeGeneration" />
122 /// <xs:attribute name="LogStandardErrorAsError" type="msb:boolean" />
123 /// <xs:attribute name="ManifestFile" />
124 /// <xs:attribute name="MapExports" type="msb:boolean" />
125 /// <xs:attribute name="MapFileName" />
126 /// <xs:attribute name="MergedIDLBaseFileName" />
127 /// <xs:attribute name="MergeSections" />
128 /// <xs:attribute name="MidlCommandFile" />
129 /// <xs:attribute name="MinimalRebuildFromTracking" type="msb:boolean" />
130 /// <xs:attribute name="MinimumRequiredVersion" />
131 /// <xs:attribute name="ModuleDefinitionFile" />
132 /// <xs:attribute name="MSDOSStubFileName" />
133 /// <xs:attribute name="NoEntryPoint" type="msb:boolean" />
134 /// <xs:attribute name="ObjectFiles" />
135 /// <xs:attribute name="OptimizeReferences" type="msb:boolean" />
136 /// <xs:attribute name="OutputFile" />
137 /// <xs:attribute name="PathOverride" />
138 /// <xs:attribute name="PerUserRedirection" type="msb:boolean" />
139 /// <xs:attribute name="PreprocessOutput" />
140 /// <xs:attribute name="PreventDllBinding" type="msb:boolean" />
141 /// <xs:attribute name="Profile" type="msb:boolean" />
142 /// <xs:attribute name="ProfileGuidedDatabase" />
143 /// <xs:attribute name="ProgramDatabaseFile" />
144 /// <xs:attribute name="RandomizedBaseAddress" type="msb:boolean" />
145 /// <xs:attribute name="RegisterOutput" type="msb:boolean" />
146 /// <xs:attribute name="SectionAlignment" />
147 /// <xs:attribute name="SetChecksum" type="msb:boolean" />
148 /// <xs:attribute name="ShowProgress" />
149 /// <xs:attribute name="SkippedExecution" type="msb:boolean" />
150 /// <xs:attribute name="Sources" use="required" />
151 /// <xs:attribute name="SourcesCompiled" />
152 /// <xs:attribute name="SpecifySectionAttributes" />
153 /// <xs:attribute name="StackCommitSize" />
154 /// <xs:attribute name="StackReserveSize" />
155 /// <xs:attribute name="StandardErrorImportance" />
156 /// <xs:attribute name="StandardOutputImportance" />
157 /// <xs:attribute name="StripPrivateSymbols" />
158 /// <xs:attribute name="SubSystem" />
159 /// <xs:attribute name="SupportNobindOfDelayLoadedDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
160 /// <xs:attribute name="SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
161 /// <xs:attribute name="SuppressStartupBanner" type="msb:boolean" />
162 /// <xs:attribute name="SwapRunFromCD" type="msb:boolean" />
163 /// <xs:attribute name="SwapRunFromNET" type="msb:boolean" />
164 /// <xs:attribute name="TargetMachine" />
165 /// <xs:attribute name="TerminalServerAware" type="msb:boolean" />
166 /// <xs:attribute name="Timeout" />
167 /// <xs:attribute name="TLogReadFiles" />
168 /// <xs:attribute name="TLogWriteFiles" />
169 /// <xs:attribute name="ToolExe" />
170 /// <xs:attribute name="ToolPath" />
171 /// <xs:attribute name="TrackedInputFilesToIgnore" />
172 /// <xs:attribute name="TrackedOutputFilesToIgnore" />
173 /// <xs:attribute name="TrackerLogDirectory" />
174 /// <xs:attribute name="TrackFileAccess" type="msb:boolean" />
175 /// <xs:attribute name="TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors" type="msb:boolean" />
176 /// <xs:attribute name="TurnOffAssemblyGeneration" type="msb:boolean" />
177 /// <xs:attribute name="TypeLibraryFile" />
178 /// <xs:attribute name="TypeLibraryResourceID" />
179 /// <xs:attribute name="UACExecutionLevel" />
180 /// <xs:attribute name="UACUIAccess" type="msb:boolean" />
181 /// <xs:attribute name="UseLibraryDependencyInputs" type="msb:boolean" />
182 /// <xs:attribute name="Version" />
183 /// </xs:extension>
184 /// </xs:complexContent>
185 /// </xs:complexType>
186 /// </xs:element>
187 /// ======================== NATIVE TASKS ==============================
188 /// ncbi: removed BSCMake
189 ///
190 /// CCPPClean_Base --
191 ///
193 class CCPPClean_Base : public NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject
194 {
195  typedef NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject Tparent;
196 public:
197  // constructor
198  CCPPClean_Base(void);
199  // destructor
200  virtual ~CCPPClean_Base(void);
202  // type info
205  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206  ///
207  /// C_Attlist --
208  ///
210  class C_Attlist : public NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject
211  {
212  typedef NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject Tparent;
213  public:
214  // constructor
215  C_Attlist(void);
216  // destructor
217  ~C_Attlist(void);
219  // type info
222  // types
229  // member index
230  enum class E_memberIndex {
231  e__allMandatory = 0,
233  e_DoDelete,
237  };
238  typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex<E_memberIndex, 6> TmemberIndex;
240  // getters
241  // setters
243  /// Check if a value has been assigned to DeletedFiles data member.
244  ///
245  /// Data member DeletedFiles is optional;
246  /// its type is defined as 'typedef NCBI_NS_STD::string TDeletedFiles'
247  /// @return
248  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
249  /// - false, otherwise.
250  bool IsSetDeletedFiles(void) const;
252  /// Check if it is safe to call GetDeletedFiles method.
253  ///
254  /// @return
255  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
256  /// - false, otherwise.
257  bool CanGetDeletedFiles(void) const;
259  /// Reset DeletedFiles data member.
260  void ResetDeletedFiles(void);
262  /// Get the DeletedFiles member data.
263  ///
264  /// @return
265  /// Reference to the member data.
266  const TDeletedFiles& GetDeletedFiles(void) const;
268  /// Assign a value to DeletedFiles data member.
269  ///
270  /// @param value
271  /// Value to assign
272  void SetDeletedFiles(const TDeletedFiles& value);
275  /// Assign a value to DeletedFiles data member.
276  ///
277  /// @return
278  /// Reference to the data value.
281  /// Check if a value has been assigned to DoDelete data member.
282  ///
283  /// Data member DoDelete is optional;
284  /// its type is defined as 'typedef NCBI_NS_STD::string TDoDelete'
285  /// @return
286  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
287  /// - false, otherwise.
288  bool IsSetDoDelete(void) const;
290  /// Check if it is safe to call GetDoDelete method.
291  ///
292  /// @return
293  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
294  /// - false, otherwise.
295  bool CanGetDoDelete(void) const;
297  /// Reset DoDelete data member.
298  void ResetDoDelete(void);
300  /// Get the DoDelete member data.
301  ///
302  /// @return
303  /// Reference to the member data.
304  const TDoDelete& GetDoDelete(void) const;
306  /// Assign a value to DoDelete data member.
307  ///
308  /// @param value
309  /// Value to assign
310  void SetDoDelete(const TDoDelete& value);
311  void SetDoDelete(TDoDelete&& value);
313  /// Assign a value to DoDelete data member.
314  ///
315  /// @return
316  /// Reference to the data value.
317  TDoDelete& SetDoDelete(void);
319  /// Check if a value has been assigned to FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
320  ///
321  /// Data member FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean is mandatory;
322  /// its type is defined as 'typedef NCBI_NS_STD::string TFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean'
323  /// @return
324  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
325  /// - false, otherwise.
326  bool IsSetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void) const;
328  /// Check if it is safe to call GetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean method.
329  ///
330  /// @return
331  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
332  /// - false, otherwise.
333  bool CanGetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void) const;
335  /// Reset FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
338  /// Get the FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean member data.
339  ///
340  /// @return
341  /// Reference to the member data.
344  /// Assign a value to FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
345  ///
346  /// @param value
347  /// Value to assign
351  /// Assign a value to FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
352  ///
353  /// @return
354  /// Reference to the data value.
357  /// Check if a value has been assigned to FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
358  ///
359  /// Data member FilesExcludedFromClean is optional;
360  /// its type is defined as 'typedef NCBI_NS_STD::string TFilesExcludedFromClean'
361  /// @return
362  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
363  /// - false, otherwise.
364  bool IsSetFilesExcludedFromClean(void) const;
366  /// Check if it is safe to call GetFilesExcludedFromClean method.
367  ///
368  /// @return
369  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
370  /// - false, otherwise.
371  bool CanGetFilesExcludedFromClean(void) const;
373  /// Reset FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
374  void ResetFilesExcludedFromClean(void);
376  /// Get the FilesExcludedFromClean member data.
377  ///
378  /// @return
379  /// Reference to the member data.
382  /// Assign a value to FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
383  ///
384  /// @param value
385  /// Value to assign
389  /// Assign a value to FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
390  ///
391  /// @return
392  /// Reference to the data value.
395  /// Check if a value has been assigned to FoldersToClean data member.
396  ///
397  /// Data member FoldersToClean is mandatory;
398  /// its type is defined as 'typedef NCBI_NS_STD::string TFoldersToClean'
399  /// @return
400  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
401  /// - false, otherwise.
402  bool IsSetFoldersToClean(void) const;
404  /// Check if it is safe to call GetFoldersToClean method.
405  ///
406  /// @return
407  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
408  /// - false, otherwise.
409  bool CanGetFoldersToClean(void) const;
411  /// Reset FoldersToClean data member.
412  void ResetFoldersToClean(void);
414  /// Get the FoldersToClean member data.
415  ///
416  /// @return
417  /// Reference to the member data.
418  const TFoldersToClean& GetFoldersToClean(void) const;
420  /// Assign a value to FoldersToClean data member.
421  ///
422  /// @param value
423  /// Value to assign
427  /// Assign a value to FoldersToClean data member.
428  ///
429  /// @return
430  /// Reference to the data value.
433  /// Reset the whole object
434  void Reset(void);
437  private:
438  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
442  // data
449  };
450  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
451  /// NCBI modification begin REMOVED
452  /// <xs:element name="Link" substitutionGroup="msb:Task">
453  /// <xs:complexType>
454  /// <xs:complexContent>
455  /// <xs:extension base="msb:TaskType">
456  /// <xs:attribute name="AcceptableNonZeroExitCodes" />
457  /// <xs:attribute name="ActiveToolSwitchesValues" />
458  /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalDependencies" />
459  /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalLibraryDirectories" />
460  /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalManifestDependencies" />
461  /// <xs:attribute name="AdditionalOptions" />
462  /// <xs:attribute name="AddModuleNamesToAssembly" />
463  /// <xs:attribute name="AllowIsolation" type="msb:boolean" />
464  /// <xs:attribute name="AssemblyDebug" type="msb:boolean" />
465  /// <xs:attribute name="AssemblyLinkResource" />
466  /// <xs:attribute name="BaseAddress" />
467  /// <xs:attribute name="CLRImageType" />
468  /// <xs:attribute name="CLRSupportLastError" />
469  /// <xs:attribute name="CLRThreadAttribute" />
470  /// <xs:attribute name="CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck" type="msb:boolean" />
471  /// <xs:attribute name="CreateHotPatchableImage" />
472  /// <xs:attribute name="DataExecutionPrevention" type="msb:boolean" />
473  /// <xs:attribute name="DelayLoadDLLs" />
474  /// <xs:attribute name="DelaySign" type="msb:boolean" />
475  /// <xs:attribute name="Driver" />
476  /// <xs:attribute name="EmbedManagedResourceFile" />
477  /// <xs:attribute name="EnableCOMDATFolding" type="msb:boolean" />
478  /// <xs:attribute name="EnableUAC" type="msb:boolean" />
479  /// <xs:attribute name="EntryPointSymbol" />
480  /// <xs:attribute name="EnvironmentVariables" />
481  /// <xs:attribute name="ExcludedInputPaths" />
482  /// <xs:attribute name="FixedBaseAddress" type="msb:boolean" />
483  /// <xs:attribute name="ForceFileOutput" />
484  /// <xs:attribute name="ForceSymbolReferences" />
485  /// <xs:attribute name="FunctionOrder" />
486  /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateDebugInformation" type="msb:boolean" />
487  /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateManifest" type="msb:boolean" />
488  /// <xs:attribute name="GenerateMapFile" type="msb:boolean" />
489  /// <xs:attribute name="HeapCommitSize" />
490  /// <xs:attribute name="HeapReserveSize" />
491  /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" type="msb:boolean" />
492  /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreEmbeddedIDL" type="msb:boolean" />
493  /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreImportLibrary" type="msb:boolean" />
494  /// <xs:attribute name="IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries" />
495  /// <xs:attribute name="ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers" type="msb:boolean" />
496  /// <xs:attribute name="ImportLibrary" />
497  /// <xs:attribute name="KeyContainer" />
498  /// <xs:attribute name="KeyFile" />
499  /// <xs:attribute name="LargeAddressAware" type="msb:boolean" />
500  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
501  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkErrorReporting" />
502  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkIncremental" type="msb:boolean" />
503  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkLibraryDependencies" type="msb:boolean" />
504  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkStatus" type="msb:boolean" />
505  /// <xs:attribute name="LinkTimeCodeGeneration" />
506  /// <xs:attribute name="LogStandardErrorAsError" type="msb:boolean" />
507  /// <xs:attribute name="ManifestFile" />
508  /// <xs:attribute name="MapExports" type="msb:boolean" />
509  /// <xs:attribute name="MapFileName" />
510  /// <xs:attribute name="MergedIDLBaseFileName" />
511  /// <xs:attribute name="MergeSections" />
512  /// <xs:attribute name="MidlCommandFile" />
513  /// <xs:attribute name="MinimalRebuildFromTracking" type="msb:boolean" />
514  /// <xs:attribute name="MinimumRequiredVersion" />
515  /// <xs:attribute name="ModuleDefinitionFile" />
516  /// <xs:attribute name="MSDOSStubFileName" />
517  /// <xs:attribute name="NoEntryPoint" type="msb:boolean" />
518  /// <xs:attribute name="ObjectFiles" />
519  /// <xs:attribute name="OptimizeReferences" type="msb:boolean" />
520  /// <xs:attribute name="OutputFile" />
521  /// <xs:attribute name="PathOverride" />
522  /// <xs:attribute name="PerUserRedirection" type="msb:boolean" />
523  /// <xs:attribute name="PreprocessOutput" />
524  /// <xs:attribute name="PreventDllBinding" type="msb:boolean" />
525  /// <xs:attribute name="Profile" type="msb:boolean" />
526  /// <xs:attribute name="ProfileGuidedDatabase" />
527  /// <xs:attribute name="ProgramDatabaseFile" />
528  /// <xs:attribute name="RandomizedBaseAddress" type="msb:boolean" />
529  /// <xs:attribute name="RegisterOutput" type="msb:boolean" />
530  /// <xs:attribute name="SectionAlignment" />
531  /// <xs:attribute name="SetChecksum" type="msb:boolean" />
532  /// <xs:attribute name="ShowProgress" />
533  /// <xs:attribute name="SkippedExecution" type="msb:boolean" />
534  /// <xs:attribute name="Sources" use="required" />
535  /// <xs:attribute name="SourcesCompiled" />
536  /// <xs:attribute name="SpecifySectionAttributes" />
537  /// <xs:attribute name="StackCommitSize" />
538  /// <xs:attribute name="StackReserveSize" />
539  /// <xs:attribute name="StandardErrorImportance" />
540  /// <xs:attribute name="StandardOutputImportance" />
541  /// <xs:attribute name="StripPrivateSymbols" />
542  /// <xs:attribute name="SubSystem" />
543  /// <xs:attribute name="SupportNobindOfDelayLoadedDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
544  /// <xs:attribute name="SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL" type="msb:boolean" />
545  /// <xs:attribute name="SuppressStartupBanner" type="msb:boolean" />
546  /// <xs:attribute name="SwapRunFromCD" type="msb:boolean" />
547  /// <xs:attribute name="SwapRunFromNET" type="msb:boolean" />
548  /// <xs:attribute name="TargetMachine" />
549  /// <xs:attribute name="TerminalServerAware" type="msb:boolean" />
550  /// <xs:attribute name="Timeout" />
551  /// <xs:attribute name="TLogReadFiles" />
552  /// <xs:attribute name="TLogWriteFiles" />
553  /// <xs:attribute name="ToolExe" />
554  /// <xs:attribute name="ToolPath" />
555  /// <xs:attribute name="TrackedInputFilesToIgnore" />
556  /// <xs:attribute name="TrackedOutputFilesToIgnore" />
557  /// <xs:attribute name="TrackerLogDirectory" />
558  /// <xs:attribute name="TrackFileAccess" type="msb:boolean" />
559  /// <xs:attribute name="TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors" type="msb:boolean" />
560  /// <xs:attribute name="TurnOffAssemblyGeneration" type="msb:boolean" />
561  /// <xs:attribute name="TypeLibraryFile" />
562  /// <xs:attribute name="TypeLibraryResourceID" />
563  /// <xs:attribute name="UACExecutionLevel" />
564  /// <xs:attribute name="UACUIAccess" type="msb:boolean" />
565  /// <xs:attribute name="UseLibraryDependencyInputs" type="msb:boolean" />
566  /// <xs:attribute name="Version" />
567  /// </xs:extension>
568  /// </xs:complexContent>
569  /// </xs:complexType>
570  /// </xs:element>
571  /// ======================== NATIVE TASKS ==============================
572  /// ncbi: removed BSCMake
573  ///
574  /// C_CPPClean --
575  ///
577  class C_CPPClean : public CTaskType
578  {
580  public:
581  C_CPPClean(void);
583  // type info
588  bool IsSetCPPClean(void) const {
589  return Tparent::IsSetTaskType();
590  }
591  bool CanGetCPPClean(void) const {
592  return Tparent::CanGetTaskType();
593  }
594  void ResetCPPClean(void) {
596  }
597  const TCPPClean& GetCPPClean(void) const {
598  return Tparent::GetTaskType();
599  }
601  return Tparent::SetTaskType();
602  }
603  };
604  // types
608  // member index
609  enum class E_memberIndex {
610  e__allMandatory = 0,
611  e_Attlist,
612  e_CPPClean
613  };
614  typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex<E_memberIndex, 3> TmemberIndex;
616  // getters
617  // setters
619  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Attlist data member.
620  ///
621  /// Data member Attlist is mandatory;
622  /// its type is defined as 'typedef C_Attlist TAttlist'
623  /// @return
624  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
625  /// - false, otherwise.
626  bool IsSetAttlist(void) const;
628  /// Check if it is safe to call GetAttlist method.
629  ///
630  /// @return
631  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
632  /// - false, otherwise.
633  bool CanGetAttlist(void) const;
635  /// Reset Attlist data member.
636  void ResetAttlist(void);
638  /// Get the Attlist member data.
639  ///
640  /// @return
641  /// Reference to the member data.
642  const TAttlist& GetAttlist(void) const;
644  /// Assign a value to Attlist data member.
645  ///
646  /// @param value
647  /// Reference to value.
648  void SetAttlist(TAttlist& value);
650  /// Assign a value to Attlist data member.
651  ///
652  /// @return
653  /// Reference to the data value.
654  TAttlist& SetAttlist(void);
656  /// Check if a value has been assigned to CPPClean data member.
657  ///
658  /// Data member CPPClean is mandatory;
659  /// its type is defined as 'typedef C_CPPClean TCPPClean'
660  /// @return
661  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
662  /// - false, otherwise.
663  bool IsSetCPPClean(void) const;
665  /// Check if it is safe to call GetCPPClean method.
666  ///
667  /// @return
668  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
669  /// - false, otherwise.
670  bool CanGetCPPClean(void) const;
672  /// Reset CPPClean data member.
673  void ResetCPPClean(void);
675  /// Get the CPPClean member data.
676  ///
677  /// @return
678  /// Reference to the member data.
679  const TCPPClean& GetCPPClean(void) const;
681  /// Assign a value to CPPClean data member.
682  ///
683  /// @param value
684  /// Reference to value.
685  void SetCPPClean(TCPPClean& value);
687  /// Assign a value to CPPClean data member.
688  ///
689  /// @return
690  /// Reference to the data value.
691  TCPPClean& SetCPPClean(void);
693  /// Reset the whole object
694  virtual void Reset(void);
697 private:
698  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
702  // data
704  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CRef< TAttlist > m_Attlist;
705  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CRef< TCPPClean > m_CPPClean;
706 };
708 /* @} */
714 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
715 ///////////////////// inline methods //////////////////////
716 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
717 inline
719 {
720  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
721 }
723 inline
725 {
726  return IsSetDeletedFiles();
727 }
729 inline
731 {
732  if (!CanGetDeletedFiles()) {
733  ThrowUnassigned(0);
734  }
735  return m_DeletedFiles;
736 }
738 inline
740 {
741  m_DeletedFiles = value;
742  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
743 }
745 inline
747 {
748  m_DeletedFiles = std::forward<CCPPClean_Base::C_Attlist::TDeletedFiles>(value);
749  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
750 }
752 inline
754 {
755 #ifdef _DEBUG
756  if (!IsSetDeletedFiles()) {
757  m_DeletedFiles = UnassignedString();
758  }
759 #endif
760  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
761  return m_DeletedFiles;
762 }
764 inline
766 {
767  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc) != 0);
768 }
770 inline
772 {
773  return IsSetDoDelete();
774 }
776 inline
778 {
779  if (!CanGetDoDelete()) {
780  ThrowUnassigned(1);
781  }
782  return m_DoDelete;
783 }
785 inline
787 {
788  m_DoDelete = value;
789  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc;
790 }
792 inline
794 {
795  m_DoDelete = std::forward<CCPPClean_Base::C_Attlist::TDoDelete>(value);
796  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc;
797 }
799 inline
801 {
802 #ifdef _DEBUG
803  if (!IsSetDoDelete()) {
804  m_DoDelete = UnassignedString();
805  }
806 #endif
807  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4;
808  return m_DoDelete;
809 }
811 inline
813 {
814  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x30) != 0);
815 }
817 inline
819 {
820  return IsSetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean();
821 }
823 inline
825 {
826  if (!CanGetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean()) {
827  ThrowUnassigned(2);
828  }
829  return m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean;
830 }
832 inline
834 {
835  m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean = value;
836  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30;
837 }
839 inline
841 {
842  m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean = std::forward<CCPPClean_Base::C_Attlist::TFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean>(value);
843  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30;
844 }
846 inline
848 {
849 #ifdef _DEBUG
850  if (!IsSetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean()) {
851  m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean = UnassignedString();
852  }
853 #endif
854  m_set_State[0] |= 0x10;
855  return m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean;
856 }
858 inline
860 {
861  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc0) != 0);
862 }
864 inline
866 {
867  return IsSetFilesExcludedFromClean();
868 }
870 inline
872 {
873  if (!CanGetFilesExcludedFromClean()) {
874  ThrowUnassigned(3);
875  }
876  return m_FilesExcludedFromClean;
877 }
879 inline
881 {
882  m_FilesExcludedFromClean = value;
883  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc0;
884 }
886 inline
888 {
889  m_FilesExcludedFromClean = std::forward<CCPPClean_Base::C_Attlist::TFilesExcludedFromClean>(value);
890  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc0;
891 }
893 inline
895 {
896 #ifdef _DEBUG
897  if (!IsSetFilesExcludedFromClean()) {
898  m_FilesExcludedFromClean = UnassignedString();
899  }
900 #endif
901  m_set_State[0] |= 0x40;
902  return m_FilesExcludedFromClean;
903 }
905 inline
907 {
908  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x300) != 0);
909 }
911 inline
913 {
914  return IsSetFoldersToClean();
915 }
917 inline
919 {
920  if (!CanGetFoldersToClean()) {
921  ThrowUnassigned(4);
922  }
923  return m_FoldersToClean;
924 }
926 inline
928 {
929  m_FoldersToClean = value;
930  m_set_State[0] |= 0x300;
931 }
933 inline
935 {
936  m_FoldersToClean = std::forward<CCPPClean_Base::C_Attlist::TFoldersToClean>(value);
937  m_set_State[0] |= 0x300;
938 }
940 inline
942 {
943 #ifdef _DEBUG
944  if (!IsSetFoldersToClean()) {
945  m_FoldersToClean = UnassignedString();
946  }
947 #endif
948  m_set_State[0] |= 0x100;
949  return m_FoldersToClean;
950 }
952 inline
954 {
955 }
957 inline
959 {
960  return m_Attlist.NotEmpty();
961 }
963 inline
965 {
966  return true;
967 }
969 inline
971 {
972  if ( !m_Attlist ) {
973  const_cast<CCPPClean_Base*>(this)->ResetAttlist();
974  }
975  return (*m_Attlist);
976 }
978 inline
980 {
981  if ( !m_Attlist ) {
982  ResetAttlist();
983  }
984  return (*m_Attlist);
985 }
987 inline
989 {
990  return m_CPPClean.NotEmpty();
991 }
993 inline
995 {
996  return true;
997 }
999 inline
1001 {
1002  if ( !m_CPPClean ) {
1003  const_cast<CCPPClean_Base*>(this)->ResetCPPClean();
1004  }
1005  return (*m_CPPClean);
1006 }
1008 inline
1010 {
1011  if ( !m_CPPClean ) {
1012  ResetCPPClean();
1013  }
1014  return (*m_CPPClean);
1015 }
1017 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1018 ////////////////// end of inline methods //////////////////
1019 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1025 END_msbuild_SCOPE // namespace msbuild::
#define END_msbuild_SCOPE
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:53
#define BEGIN_msbuild_SCOPE
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:52
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
NCBI modification begin REMOVED <xs:element name="Link" substitutionGroup="msb:Task"> <xs:complexType...
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:578
NCBI modification begin REMOVED <xs:element name="Link" substitutionGroup="msb:Task"> <xs:complexType...
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:194
CTaskType –.
Definition: TaskType.hpp:64
Definition: cgiapp.hpp:687
uint32_t Uint4
4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:103
Uint4 m_set_State[1]
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:703
const TFilesExcludedFromClean & GetFilesExcludedFromClean(void) const
Get the FilesExcludedFromClean member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:871
TCPPClean & SetCPPClean(void)
Assign a value to CPPClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:1009
NCBI_NS_STD::string TFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:225
TFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean & SetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void)
Assign a value to FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:847
bool IsSetFoldersToClean(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to FoldersToClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:906
NCBI_NS_STD::string m_DoDelete
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:445
NCBI_NS_STD::string TDeletedFiles
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:223
bool CanGetDoDelete(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetDoDelete method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:771
NCBI_NS_STD::string TDoDelete
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:224
void ResetDeletedFiles(void)
Reset DeletedFiles data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:48
C_Attlist(const C_Attlist &)
virtual ~CCPPClean_Base(void)
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:181
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:171
NCBI_NS_STD::string m_FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:446
NCBI_NS_STD::string m_FoldersToClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:448
bool CanGetFilesExcludedFromClean(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetFilesExcludedFromClean method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:865
bool IsSetAttlist(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Attlist data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:958
bool IsSetFilesExcludedFromClean(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:859
const TFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean & GetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void) const
Get the FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:824
virtual void Reset(void)
Reset the whole object.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:152
const TCPPClean & GetCPPClean(void) const
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:597
bool IsSetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:812
bool IsSetCPPClean(void) const
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:588
const TDeletedFiles & GetDeletedFiles(void) const
Get the DeletedFiles member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:730
bool IsSetCPPClean(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to CPPClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:988
bool CanGetTaskType(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetTaskType method.
Definition: TaskType_.hpp:1199
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > TmemberIndex
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:614
NCBI_NS_STD::list< NCBI_NS_NCBI::CRef< C_E_TaskType > > TTaskType
Definition: TaskType_.hpp:643
void ResetFoldersToClean(void)
Reset FoldersToClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:72
NCBI_NS_STD::string TFilesExcludedFromClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:226
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CRef< TAttlist > m_Attlist
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:704
const TCPPClean & GetCPPClean(void) const
Get the CPPClean member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:1000
const TTaskType & GetTaskType(void) const
Get the TaskType member data.
Definition: TaskType_.hpp:1205
const TAttlist & GetAttlist(void) const
Get the Attlist member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:970
bool CanGetDeletedFiles(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetDeletedFiles method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:724
CCPPClean_Base(const CCPPClean_Base &)
C_Attlist & operator=(const C_Attlist &)
void ResetFilesExcludedFromClean(void)
Reset FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:66
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CRef< TCPPClean > m_CPPClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:705
void ResetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void)
Reset FilePatternsToDeleteOnClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:60
TDeletedFiles & SetDeletedFiles(void)
Assign a value to DeletedFiles data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:753
TTaskType & SetTaskType(void)
Assign a value to TaskType data member.
Definition: TaskType_.hpp:1211
void Reset(void)
Reset the whole object.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:78
const TFoldersToClean & GetFoldersToClean(void) const
Get the FoldersToClean member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:918
bool IsSetDoDelete(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to DoDelete data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:765
TAttlist & SetAttlist(void)
Assign a value to Attlist data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:979
bool IsSetTaskType(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to TaskType data member.
Definition: TaskType_.hpp:1193
NCBI_NS_STD::string m_DeletedFiles
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:444
NCBI_NS_STD::string m_FilesExcludedFromClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:447
bool CanGetAttlist(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetAttlist method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:964
TFoldersToClean & SetFoldersToClean(void)
Assign a value to FoldersToClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:941
void ResetCPPClean(void)
Reset CPPClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:138
Tparent::TTaskType TCPPClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:587
C_CPPClean TCPPClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:606
bool CanGetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetFilePatternsToDeleteOnClean method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:818
TCPPClean & SetCPPClean(void)
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:600
void ResetTaskType(void)
Reset TaskType data member.
Definition: TaskType_.cpp:264
bool IsSetDeletedFiles(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to DeletedFiles data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:718
void ResetDoDelete(void)
Reset DoDelete data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:54
bool CanGetCPPClean(void) const
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:591
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject Tparent
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:212
TFilesExcludedFromClean & SetFilesExcludedFromClean(void)
Assign a value to FilesExcludedFromClean data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:894
TDoDelete & SetDoDelete(void)
Assign a value to DoDelete data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:800
CCPPClean_Base & operator=(const CCPPClean_Base &)
bool CanGetCPPClean(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetCPPClean method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:994
bool CanGetFoldersToClean(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetFoldersToClean method.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:912
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject Tparent
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:195
C_Attlist TAttlist
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:605
NCBI_NS_STD::string TFoldersToClean
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:227
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > TmemberIndex
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:238
void ResetAttlist(void)
Reset Attlist data member.
Definition: CPPClean_.cpp:124
const TDoDelete & GetDoDelete(void) const
Get the DoDelete member data.
Definition: CPPClean_.hpp:777
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
Modified on Thu Apr 25 08:21:59 2024 by rev. 669887