Homo sapiens complex locus NDRG4, encoding NDRG family member 4.
SUMMARY back to top
RefSeq summary
[NDRG4] This gene is a member of the N-myc downregulated gene family which belongs to the alpha/beta hydrolase superfamily. The protein encoded by this gene is a cytoplasmic protein that may be involved in the regulation of mitogenic signalling in vascular smooth muscles cells. Several alternatively spliced transcript variants of this gene have been described, but the full-length nature of some of these variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq].

RefSeq annotates 3 representative transcripts (NM included in AceView variants .a, .b and .c), but Homo sapiens cDNA sequences in GenBank, dbEST, Trace and SRA, filtered against clone rearrangements, coaligned on the genome and clustered in a minimal non-redundant way by the manually supervised AceView program, support at least 44 spliced variants.

AceView synopsis, each blue text links to tables and details
Note that this locus is complex: it appears to produce several proteins with no sequence overlap.
Expression: According to AceView, this gene is expressed at very high level, 7.8 times the average gene in this release. The sequence of this gene is defined by 946 GenBank accessions, some from thalamus (seen 176 times), cerebellum (172), brain (150), amygdala (102), hippocampus (59), testis (24), kidney, tumor tissue (20) and 61 other tissues.
Alternative mRNA variants and regulation: The gene contains 56 distinct introns (54 gt-ag, 2 gc-ag). Transcription produces 46 different mRNAs, 44 alternatively spliced variants and 2 unspliced forms. There are 12 probable alternative promotors, 5 non overlapping alternative last exons and 11 validated alternative polyadenylation sites (see the diagram). The mRNAs appear to differ by truncation of the 5' end, truncation of the 3' end, presence or absence of 54 cassette exons, overlapping exons with different boundaries, splicing versus retention of 4 introns.
Note that mRNA .nAug10 was found in vivo, although it is a predicted target of nonsense mediated mRNA decay (NMD).
Efficacy of translation may be reduced by the presence of a shorter translated product (uORF) initiating at an AUG upstream of the main open reading frame (in variant aAug10, dAug10, eAug10, hAug10, iAug10, jAug10, lAug10, mAug10, pAug10, vhAug10, vjAug10, vmAug10, vnAug10).
Function: There are 12 articles specifically referring to this gene in PubMed. Functionally, the gene has been proposed to participate in processes (cell differentiation, cell growth, response to stress, multicellular organismal development). Proteins are expected to localize in various compartments (cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum membrane).
Protein coding potential: 40 spliced and the unspliced mRNAs putatively encode good proteins, altogether 40 different isoforms (18 complete, 22 partial), some containing Ndr family domain [Pfam], some transmembrane domains, a prenylation domain [Psort2]. The remaining 5 mRNA variants (4 spliced, 1 unspliced; 1 partial) appear not to encode good proteins. Finally proteins from this gene may be modulated by phosphorylation, as detailed at PhosphoSite.

Please quote: AceView: a comprehensive cDNA-supported gene and transcripts annotation, Genome Biology 2006, 7(Suppl 1):S12.
Map on chromosome 16, links to other databases and other names
Map: This gene NDRG4 maps on chromosome 16, at 16q21-q22.1 according to Entrez Gene. In AceView, it covers 50.78 kb, from 58496751 to 58547532 (NCBI 37, August 2010), on the direct strand.
Links to: manual annotations from PhosphoSite, the SNP view, gene overviews from Entrez Gene 65009, GeneCards, expression data from ECgene, UniGene, molecular and other annotations from UCSC, or our GOLD analysis.
The previous AceView annotation is here.
Other names: The gene is also known as NDRG4, smap-8, FLJ30586, FLJ42011, KIAA1180, MGC19632 or DKFZp686I1615, LOC65009. It has been described as protein NDRG4, smooth muscle-associated protein 8, brain development-related molecule 1, vascular smooth muscle cell-associated protein 8.
Closest AceView homologs in other species ?
The closest mouse gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView gene Ndrg4 (e=2 10-81).
The closest C.elegans gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView/WormGene 1O64 (e=5 10-15).
The closest A.thaliana genes, according to BlastP, are the AceView genes AT5G56747andAT5G56750 (e=10-12), AT2G19620 (e=7 10-11), AT5G11790 (e=2 10-10)
RNA_seq discoveries back to top
Expression/conservation in primates tissues evaluated by cross-mapping to human. back to top
NDRG4 Gene expression in 15 primates, 16 tissues, from the NHPRTR project in sFPKM BAB SkeletalMuscle WholeBlood CHP Kidney Liver Lung Spleen CMC CMM Cerebellum HUM Brain Colon Heart LymphNode Ovary Testis JMI BoneMarrow MLM OWL PTM RMC RMI Pituitary SQM Thymus MST SMY RTL 2.05 1.02 0.29 13.3 0.78 10.1 161 199 5.79 262 3.57 1.26 7.13 5.04 0.68 1.55 28.5 0.10 2.35 86.5 86.5 13.3 0.36 0.36 151 10.8 28.5 23.2 24.8 1.91 199 199 2.19 371 0.51 0.55 0.89 11.6 4.39 92.7 99.3 0.09 6.65 35.1 301 1.66 0.55 3.82 0.45 199 173 140 4.39 28.5 2.90 0.96 131 40.3 173 17.6 1.55 323 2.70 1.66 17.6 0.96 2.35 2.35 161 15.3 1.55 1.55 1.78 18.8 37.6 1.55 2.52 262 75.3 131 16.4 2.90 301 0.68 7.13 14.3 0.68 2.05 10.8 0.39 0.22 3.57 7.13 213 0.63 0.32 7.64 0.17 2.90 0.51 122 10.8 0.83 1.66 13.3 2.52 2.52 1.02 8.19 1.78 173 1.66 262 140 140 1.66 0.48 3.10 2.70 3.33 1.18 28.5 8.78 5.79 28.5 2.05 0.39 0.12 1.10 2.05 114 301 0.26 4.10 14.3 1.66 8.19 1.78 3.10 17.6 0.42 75.3 122 2.35 1.18 Expression quantiles None Weak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 This gene All genes log2 distributions RNA-seq gene expression profile across 16 selected tissues from the Non-Human Primates Reference Transcriptome Resource (link to NHPRTR project).
- Primates: Apes (HUM: Human (Illumina BodyMap 2), CHP: Chimpanzee), Old World monkeys (PTM: Pig-Tailed Macaque, JMI Japanese Macaque, RMI Rhesus Macaque Indian, RMC Rhesus Macaque Chinese, CMM Cynomolgus Macaque Mauritian, CMC Cynomolgus Macaque Chinese, BAB Olive Baboon, SMY Sooty Mangabey); New World monkeys (MST common Marmoset, SQM Squirrel Monkey, OWL Owl Monkey); and Lemurs (MLM Mouse Lemur, RTL Ring-Tailed Lemur).
- The level for significantly expressed genes is color coded in 8 equal sized bins (light to dark green). Light gray is for weak not-accurately measured expression (2 to 8 reads above intergenic background); dark gray for no expression or no sequence conservation (0 read in gene). The plot to the right shows the distribution of measured expression values in all tissues for all genes (blue) and for this gene (green), in Magic index = log2(1000 sFPKM).
You may also examine the strand-specific genome coverage plots on the experimental AceView/Magic hub at UCSC, by tissue or by species. Tracks may be slow to load; please reload if some tracks come up yellow-greenish, and thanks to UCSC for the great work!.
          Complete gene on genome diagram: back to top
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This diagram shows in true scale the gene on the genome, the mRNAs and the cDNA clones.
Compact gene diagram back to top
Gene NDRG4 5' 3' encoded on plus strand of chromosome 16 from 58,496,751 to 58,547,532 18831 86947 77517 279002 399577 293909 a [NM] 726 86947 77517 279002 399577 293909 b [NM] 37574 86947 77517 279002 399577 293909 c [NM] 41913 279002 399577 293909 d 2546 279002 399577 293909 e 151965 279002 399577 293909 f 151965 279002 399577 31406 g 151965 279002 399577 293909 h 18831 86947 250 41913 279002 399577 31406 i 3269 279002 399577 293909 j 41913 279002 k 100 726 86947 2953 279002 l 726 86947 77517 279002 824 399577 m vu-u 23 279002 399577 293909 n 37574 86947 2953 279002 o 18831 86947 2167 vt 399577 p 775 86947 77517 279002 q 669 r 151965 s 37574 86947 3092 41913 t 17 86947 77517 u 2 vr 37574 57 77517 va 110 86947 77517 vb 293909 vm 18831 86947 2953 vc 151965 vd 361 513 86947 77517 ve 30 86947 77517 vf 37574 437 279002 vg vl-u 197 513 86947 77517 vh 15 513 86947 77517 vi 234 279002 vj 341 279002 vk 18831 86947 2 293909 vn 128 279002 vo vp 93 128 vq 287 vs 42 474 vv 62 474 vw 340 vx 2 vy 5kb 0 601 bp exon 601 bp exon 213 bp uORF 601 bp exon 601 bp exon 23288 bp [gt-ag] intron 167 GenBank accessions 18664 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 UHR pooled cells 10000 Brain 8626 Neuroblastoma 28 Other (also 4033 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2197 bp exon 2197 bp exon 161 accessions, NM_001130487.1 some from cerebellum (seen 56 times) thalamus (40), amygdala (17) brain (16), hippocampus (9) capped 5' end, 150 accessions Validated 3' end, 2 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession 2197 bp exon 211 bp exon 22684 bp [gt-ag] intron 7 GenBank accessions 719 RNA-seq supporting reads 289 Brain 428 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 17 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2197 bp exon 5 accessions, NM_022910.2 some from thalamus (seen 3 times) cerebellum (once) capped 5' end, 4 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession 2197 bp exon 152 bp exon 23958 bp [gt-ag] intron 103 GenBank accessions 37471 RNA-seq supporting reads 41 UHR pooled cells 4454 Brain 32908 Neuroblastoma 68 Other (also 1646 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2200 bp exon 190 accessions, NM_020465.3 some from brain (seen 32 times) thalamus (26), cerebellum (22) testis (16), eye (12) capped 5' end, 125 accessions Validated 3' end, 2 accessions Validated 3' end, 7 accessions Validated 3' end, 2 accessions 2200 bp exon 179 bp exon 179 bp exon 249 bp uORF 179 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 249 bp uORF 2720 bp [gt-ag] intron 143 GenBank accessions 41770 RNA-seq supporting reads 71 UHR pooled cells 12766 Brain 1 Blood 27626 Neuroblastoma 1306 Other (also 5695 Primates bodymap) 249 bp uORF 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2170 bp exon 2170 bp exon 134 accessions, some from amygdala (seen 30 times) thalamus (29), cerebellum (28) brain (25), hippocampus (12) 2170 bp exon 163 bp exon 163 bp exon 213 bp uORF 163 bp exon 3474 bp [gt-ag] intron 14 GenBank accessions 2532 RNA-seq supporting reads 1193 Brain 1257 Neuroblastoma 82 Other (also 31 Primates bodymap) 213 bp uORF 160 bp exon 160 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 220 bp exon 220 bp exon 14 accessions, some from thalamus (seen 5 times) brain (3), kidney, tumor tissue (2) amygdala (once), cerebellum (once) 220 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 3528 bp [gt-ag] intron 210 GenBank accessions 151755 RNA-seq supporting reads 164 UHR pooled cells 58969 Brain 4 Blood 87247 Neuroblastoma 5371 Other (also 10879 Primates bodymap) 160 bp exon 196 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 98 RNA-seq supporting reads 7 Brain 91 Neuroblastoma (also 6 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 1989 bp exon 3 accessions, some from hippocampus (seen 2 times) amygdala (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession 1989 bp exon 113 bp exon 113 bp exon 3528 bp [gt-ag] intron 210 GenBank accessions 151755 RNA-seq supporting reads 164 UHR pooled cells 58969 Brain 4 Blood 87247 Neuroblastoma 5371 Other (also 10879 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 1292 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 31403 RNA-seq supporting reads 5 UHR pooled cells 13005 Brain 13394 Neuroblastoma 4999 Other (also 7073 Primates bodymap) 39 bp exon 738 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 23336 RNA-seq supporting reads 8 UHR pooled cells 10782 Brain 7927 Neuroblastoma 4619 Other (also 5549 Primates bodymap) 1992 bp exon 1 accession from brain 1992 bp exon 222 bp exon 222 bp exon 159 bp uORF 222 bp exon 3528 bp [gt-ag] intron 210 GenBank accessions 151755 RNA-seq supporting reads 164 UHR pooled cells 58969 Brain 4 Blood 87247 Neuroblastoma 5371 Other (also 10879 Primates bodymap) 159 bp uORF 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2197 bp exon 2197 bp exon 199 accessions, some from thalamus (seen 56 times) brain (48), amygdala (32) cerebellum (20), hippocampus (18) capped 5' end, 190 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession Validated 3' end, 3 accessions 2197 bp exon 166 bp exon 166 bp exon 243 bp uORF 23288 bp [gt-ag] intron 167 GenBank accessions 18664 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 UHR pooled cells 10000 Brain 8626 Neuroblastoma 28 Other (also 4033 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 243 bp uORF 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 243 bp uORF 4135 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 248 RNA-seq supporting reads 93 Brain 155 Neuroblastoma (also 7 Primates bodymap) 243 bp uORF 1934 bp exon 1934 bp exon 2720 bp [gt-ag] intron 143 GenBank accessions 41770 RNA-seq supporting reads 71 UHR pooled cells 12766 Brain 1 Blood 27626 Neuroblastoma 1306 Other (also 5695 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 1292 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 31403 RNA-seq supporting reads 5 UHR pooled cells 13005 Brain 13394 Neuroblastoma 4999 Other (also 7073 Primates bodymap) 39 bp exon 39 bp exon 738 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 23336 RNA-seq supporting reads 8 UHR pooled cells 10782 Brain 7927 Neuroblastoma 4619 Other (also 5549 Primates bodymap) 1992 bp exon 1992 bp exon 9 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 6 times) amygdala (once), eye (once) optic nerve (once), sympathetic trunk (once) capped 5' end, 6 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession 1992 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 27 bp uORF 3436 bp [gt-ag] intron 19 GenBank accessions 3250 RNA-seq supporting reads 3 UHR pooled cells 1314 Brain 1880 Neuroblastoma 53 Other (also 34 Primates bodymap) 27 bp uORF 198 bp exon 198 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 2185 bp exon 2185 bp exon 19 accessions, some from thalamus (seen 7 times) cerebellum (4), brain (3) amygdala (2), corpus callosum (once) capped 5' end, 17 accessions 2185 bp exon 124 bp exon 124 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 2720 bp [gt-ag] intron 143 GenBank accessions 41770 RNA-seq supporting reads 71 UHR pooled cells 12766 Brain 1 Blood 27626 Neuroblastoma 1306 Other (also 5695 Primates bodymap) 477 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 49 bp exon 2 accessions, some from brain (seen once) cerebellum (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 49 bp exon 154 bp exon 154 bp exon 75 bp uORF 354 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 99 RNA-seq supporting reads 12 Brain 87 Neuroblastoma 75 bp uORF 250 bp exon 250 bp exon 22684 bp [gt-ag] intron 7 GenBank accessions 719 RNA-seq supporting reads 289 Brain 428 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 17 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 45 bp exon 8735 bp [gt-ag] intron 9 GenBank accessions 2944 RNA-seq supporting reads 1404 Brain 1535 Neuroblastoma 5 Other (also 54 Primates bodymap) 160 bp exon 160 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 65 bp exon 65 bp exon 2 accessions, some from brain (seen once) cerebellum (once) capped 5' end, 1 accession 65 bp exon 297 bp exon 297 bp exon 36 bp uORF 297 bp exon 22684 bp [gt-ag] intron 7 GenBank accessions 719 RNA-seq supporting reads 289 Brain 428 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 17 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 300 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 823 RNA-seq supporting reads 345 Brain 440 Neuroblastoma 38 Other (also 8 Primates bodymap) 101 bp exon 101 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 12 bp exon 12 bp exon 2 accessions, some from substantia nigra (seen once) thalamus (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 12 bp exon 722 bp exon 722 bp exon 1 accession 722 bp exon 98 bp exon 98 bp exon 8244 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 21 RNA-seq supporting reads 3 Brain 18 Neuroblastoma (also 2 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 192 bp exon 192 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 3 accessions, some from anaplastic oligodendroglioma with 1p/19qloss (seen 2 times) brain (2), hippocampus (once) 137 bp exon 87 bp exon 23958 bp [gt-ag] intron 103 GenBank accessions 37471 RNA-seq supporting reads 41 UHR pooled cells 4454 Brain 32908 Neuroblastoma 68 Other (also 1646 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8735 bp [gt-ag] intron 9 GenBank accessions 2944 RNA-seq supporting reads 1404 Brain 1535 Neuroblastoma 5 Other (also 54 Primates bodymap) 160 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 3 accessions, some from brain (seen once) testis (once), thalamus (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 75 bp exon 185 bp exon 185 bp exon 23288 bp [gt-ag] intron 167 GenBank accessions 18664 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 UHR pooled cells 10000 Brain 8626 Neuroblastoma 28 Other (also 4033 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8697 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 2166 RNA-seq supporting reads 2 UHR pooled cells 834 Brain 1322 Neuroblastoma 8 Other (also 3 Primates bodymap) 171 bp exon 1 accession from cerebellum capped 5' end, 1 accession 171 bp exon 773 bp exon 773 bp exon 114 bp uORF 773 bp exon 773 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 104 bp exon 104 bp exon 792 bp [gt-ag] intron 55 GenBank accessions 399522 RNA-seq supporting reads 621 UHR pooled cells 130625 Brain 11 Blood 257590 Neuroblastoma 10675 Other (also 45113 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 15 bp exon 15 bp exon 3 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen once) uterus (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 15 bp exon 197 bp exon 197 bp exon 22520 bp [gt-ag] intron 12 GenBank accessions 763 RNA-seq supporting reads 2 UHR pooled cells 444 Brain 314 Neuroblastoma 3 Other (also 179 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 11 bp exon 12 accessions, some from brain (seen 3 times) cerebellum (3), thalamus (3) kidney, tumor tissue (once) prostate (once) capped 5' end, 12 accessions 11 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 2666 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 668 RNA-seq supporting reads 240 Brain 417 Neuroblastoma 11 Other (also 8 Primates bodymap) 160 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from brain capped 5' end, 1 accession 25 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 3528 bp [gt-ag] intron 210 GenBank accessions 151755 RNA-seq supporting reads 164 UHR pooled cells 58969 Brain 4 Blood 87247 Neuroblastoma 5371 Other (also 10879 Primates bodymap) 460 bp exon 6 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 3 times) amygdala (2), kidney tumor tissue (once) capped 5' end, 6 accessions 460 bp exon 93 bp exon 23958 bp [gt-ag] intron 103 GenBank accessions 37471 RNA-seq supporting reads 41 UHR pooled cells 4454 Brain 32908 Neuroblastoma 68 Other (also 1646 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 5979 bp [gt-ag] intron 6 GenBank accessions 3086 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 UHR pooled cells 677 Brain 2402 Neuroblastoma 6 Other (also 516 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 2720 bp [gt-ag] intron 143 GenBank accessions 41770 RNA-seq supporting reads 71 UHR pooled cells 12766 Brain 1 Blood 27626 Neuroblastoma 1306 Other (also 5695 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 39 bp exon 6 accessions, some from amygdala (seen once) cerebellum (once), testis (once) thalamus (once), thymus (once) capped 5' end, 6 accessions 39 bp exon 64 bp exon 24845 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 16 RNA-seq supporting reads 14 Brain 2 Neuroblastoma 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from cerebellum capped 5' end, 1 accession 61 bp exon 35 bp exon 35 bp exon 4492 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 1 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 Neuroblastoma 425 bp exon 1 accession from testis capped 5' end, 1 accession 425 bp exon 72 bp exon 23958 bp [gt-ag] intron 103 GenBank accessions 37471 RNA-seq supporting reads 41 UHR pooled cells 4454 Brain 32908 Neuroblastoma 68 Other (also 1646 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7116 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 56 RNA-seq supporting reads 22 Brain 34 Neuroblastoma (also 6 Primates bodymap) 42 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from brain capped 5' end, 1 accession 61 bp exon 65 bp exon 24320 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 109 RNA-seq supporting reads 4 Brain 105 Neuroblastoma (also 13 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 54 bp exon 1 accession from thalamus capped 5' end, 1 accession 54 bp exon 584 bp exon 584 bp exon 33 bp uORF 584 bp exon 584 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 340 bp exon 340 bp exon 3 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen once) eye (once), hippocampus (once) lacrimal gland (once) 340 bp exon 185 bp exon 185 bp exon 23288 bp [gt-ag] intron 167 GenBank accessions 18664 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 UHR pooled cells 10000 Brain 8626 Neuroblastoma 28 Other (also 4033 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8735 bp [gt-ag] intron 9 GenBank accessions 2944 RNA-seq supporting reads 1404 Brain 1535 Neuroblastoma 5 Other (also 54 Primates bodymap) 160 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 3 bp exon 4 accessions, some from brain (seen 2 times) cerebellum (once), hippocampus (once) capped 5' end, 4 accessions 3 bp exon 124 bp exon 124 bp exon 3528 bp [gt-ag] intron 210 GenBank accessions 151755 RNA-seq supporting reads 164 UHR pooled cells 58969 Brain 4 Blood 87247 Neuroblastoma 5371 Other (also 10879 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from brain capped 5' end, 1 accession 145 bp exon 72 bp exon 11814 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 360 RNA-seq supporting reads 87 Brain 273 Neuroblastoma (also 3 Primates bodymap) 46 bp exon 12098 bp [gt-ag] intron 5 GenBank accessions 508 RNA-seq supporting reads 229 Brain 277 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 10 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 41 bp exon 1 accession from cerebellum capped 5' end, 1 accession 41 bp exon 201 bp exon 15459 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 28 RNA-seq supporting reads 14 Brain 14 Neuroblastoma (also 2 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 42 bp exon 3 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 2 times) testis normal (once) 42 bp exon 120 bp exon 23958 bp [gt-ag] intron 103 GenBank accessions 37471 RNA-seq supporting reads 41 UHR pooled cells 4454 Brain 32908 Neuroblastoma 68 Other (also 1646 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 15947 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 435 RNA-seq supporting reads 109 Brain 326 Neuroblastoma (also 164 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 2 accessions, some from testis (seen 2 times) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 18 bp exon 4107 bp exon 4107 bp exon 4107 bp exon 159 bp uORF 4107 bp exon 24 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 7 times) brain (4), spleen (2) amygdala (once), caudate nucleus (once) capped 5' end, 15 accessions Validated 3' end, 1 accession 4107 bp exon 185 bp exon 185 bp exon 138 bp uORF 11144 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 194 RNA-seq supporting reads 150 Brain 44 Neuroblastoma (also 3 Primates bodymap) 46 bp exon 138 bp uORF 12098 bp [gt-ag] intron 5 GenBank accessions 508 RNA-seq supporting reads 229 Brain 277 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 10 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 138 bp uORF 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 35 bp exon 35 bp exon 3 accessions, some from amygdala (seen once) brain (once), cerebellum (once) capped 5' end, 3 accessions 35 bp exon 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 36 bp uORF 10376 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 14 RNA-seq supporting reads 7 Brain 7 Neuroblastoma (also 5 Primates bodymap) 36 bp uORF 46 bp exon 46 bp exon 12098 bp [gt-ag] intron 5 GenBank accessions 508 RNA-seq supporting reads 229 Brain 277 Neuroblastoma 2 Other (also 10 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 95 bp exon 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 45 bp exon 8789 bp [gt-ag] intron 282 GenBank accessions 77235 RNA-seq supporting reads 81 UHR pooled cells 24462 Brain 1 Blood 52518 Neuroblastoma 173 Other (also 20661 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 2 bp exon 1 accession from cerebellum capped 5' end, 1 accession 2 bp exon 87 bp exon 40000 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 231 RNA-seq supporting reads 17 Brain 214 Neuroblastoma (also 1 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 36 bp uORF 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 35 bp exon 35 bp exon 3 accessions, some from brain (seen 2 times) testis (once) capped 5' end, 3 accessions 35 bp exon 109 bp exon 109 bp exon 57 bp uORF 2185 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 339 RNA-seq supporting reads 3 UHR pooled cells 61 Brain 268 Neuroblastoma 7 Other 57 bp uORF 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 87 bp exon 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 33 bp exon 33 bp exon 2 accessions, some from amygdala (seen once) hippocampus (once) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 33 bp exon 149 bp exon 149 bp exon 198 bp uORF 23288 bp [gt-ag] intron 167 GenBank accessions 18664 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 UHR pooled cells 10000 Brain 8626 Neuroblastoma 28 Other (also 4033 Primates bodymap) 95 bp exon 198 bp uORF 7113 bp [gt-ag] intron 296 GenBank accessions 86651 RNA-seq supporting reads 79 UHR pooled cells 26883 Brain 2 Blood 59511 Neuroblastoma 176 Other (also 18138 Primates bodymap) 45 bp exon 198 bp uORF 45 bp exon 12799 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 1 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 Neuroblastoma 198 bp uORF 57 bp exon 57 bp exon 83 bp [gt-ag] intron 51 GenBank accessions 373426 RNA-seq supporting reads 544 UHR pooled cells 123526 Brain 16 Blood 239351 Neuroblastoma 9989 Other (also 46630 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 962 bp [gt-ag] intron 46 GenBank accessions 435012 RNA-seq supporting reads 620 UHR pooled cells 144953 Brain 13 Blood 277816 Neuroblastoma 11610 Other (also 38995 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 144 bp [gt-ag] intron 45 GenBank accessions 382979 RNA-seq supporting reads 531 UHR pooled cells 127678 Brain 15 Blood 243842 Neuroblastoma 10913 Other (also 35351 Primates bodymap) 36 bp exon 36 bp exon 111 bp [gt-ag] intron 43 GenBank accessions 365175 RNA-seq supporting reads 510 UHR pooled cells 120103 Brain 18 Blood 234143 Neuroblastoma 10401 Other (also 33827 Primates bodymap) 52 bp exon 52 bp exon 2069 bp [gt-ag] intron 36 GenBank accessions 293873 RNA-seq supporting reads 503 UHR pooled cells 94706 Brain 5 Blood 195242 Neuroblastoma 3417 Other (also 20720 Primates bodymap) 39 bp exon 39 bp exon 1 accession from cerebellum capped 5' end, 1 accession 39 bp exon 161 bp exon 161 bp exon 45 bp uORF 39330 bp [gt-ag] intron 3 GenBank accessions 125 RNA-seq supporting reads 72 Brain 53 Neuroblastoma (also 9 Primates bodymap) 45 bp uORF 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 61 bp exon 61 bp exon 1737 bp [gt-ag] intron 342 GenBank accessions 278660 RNA-seq supporting reads 386 UHR pooled cells 97888 Brain 8 Blood 173376 Neuroblastoma 7002 Other (also 30401 Primates bodymap) 70 bp exon 70 bp exon 3 accessions, some from amygdala (seen once) cerebellum (once) capped 5' end, 3 accessions 70 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 833 bp exon 5 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 2 times) hippocampus (2), thalamus (once) capped 5' end, 5 accessions 833 bp exon 124 bp exon 124 bp exon 90 bp uORF 1675 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 92 RNA-seq supporting reads 3 UHR pooled cells 10 Brain 78 Neuroblastoma 1 Other 90 bp uORF 203 bp exon 203 bp exon 203 bp exon 1558 bp [gc-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 127 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 Brain 1 Blood 116 Neuroblastoma 198 bp exon 198 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 39 bp exon 39 bp exon 1 accession from amygdala capped 5' end, 1 accession 39 bp exon 123 bp uORF 210 bp exon 210 bp exon 2119 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 286 RNA-seq supporting reads 12 UHR pooled cells 47 Brain 220 Neuroblastoma 7 Other (also 4 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 63 bp exon 63 bp exon 167 bp [gt-ag] intron 504 GenBank accessions 241257 RNA-seq supporting reads 334 UHR pooled cells 87453 Brain 11 Blood 148148 Neuroblastoma 5311 Other (also 27626 Primates bodymap) 48 bp exon 48 bp exon 1 accession from testis capped 5' end, 1 accession 48 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 895 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 41 RNA-seq supporting reads 2 Brain 1 Blood 38 Neuroblastoma 175 bp exon 175 bp exon 1650 bp [gc-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 472 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 UHR pooled cells 17 Brain 450 Neuroblastoma 4 Other (also 90 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from brain capped 5' end, 1 accession 101 bp exon 124 bp exon 1678 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 61 RNA-seq supporting reads 10 Brain 51 Neuroblastoma 200 bp exon 1650 bp [gc-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 472 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 UHR pooled cells 17 Brain 450 Neuroblastoma 4 Other (also 90 Primates bodymap) 106 bp exon 106 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 1 accession from brain capped 5' end, 1 accession 23 bp exon 126 bp exon 126 bp exon 718 bp [gt-ag] intron 141 GenBank accessions 29391 RNA-seq supporting reads 36 UHR pooled cells 9217 Brain 19331 Neuroblastoma 807 Other (also 2644 Primates bodymap) 90 bp exon 2628 bp [gt-ag] intron 2 GenBank accessions 338 RNA-seq supporting reads 2 UHR pooled cells 124 Brain 204 Neuroblastoma 8 Other 198 bp exon 198 bp exon 250 bp [gt-ag] intron 687 GenBank accessions 263584 RNA-seq supporting reads 408 UHR pooled cells 97025 Brain 14 Blood 159016 Neuroblastoma 7121 Other (also 48478 Primates bodymap) 121 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 648 GenBank accessions 286079 RNA-seq supporting reads 401 UHR pooled cells 105971 Brain 9 Blood 174362 Neuroblastoma 5336 Other (also 36022 Primates bodymap) 2 accessions, some from cerebellum (seen 2 times) capped 5' end, 2 accessions 27 bp exon 81 bp exon 42589 bp [gt-ag] intron 1 GenBank accession 1 RNA-seq supporting reads 1 Neuroblastoma 87 bp exon 84 bp [gt-ag] intron 254 GenBank accessions 408782 RNA-seq supporting reads 570 UHR pooled cells 134002 Brain 14 Blood 262881 Neuroblastoma 11315 Other (also 41121 Primates bodymap) 57 bp exon 297 bp [gt-ag] intron 76 GenBank accessions 457714 RNA-seq supporting reads 606 UHR pooled cells 153376 Brain 10 Blood 292446 Neuroblastoma 11276 Other (also 41903 Primates bodymap) 1 accession capped 5' end, 1 accession 45 bp exon Alternative mRNAs are shown aligned from 5' to 3' on a virtual genome where introns have been shrunk to a minimal length. Exon size is proportional to length, intron height reflects the number of cDNAs supporting each intron, the small numbers show the support of the introns in deep sequencing (with details in mouse-over) . Introns of the same color are identical, of different colors are different. 'Good proteins' are pink, partial or not-good proteins are yellow, uORFs are green. 5' cap or3' poly A flags show completeness of the transcript.
Sequences: click on the numbers to get the DNA back to top
mRNA variant mRNA matching the genome Best predicted protein 5' UTR 3' UTR uORF Upstream sequence Transcription
Downstream sequence
aAug10 3782 bp 391 aa 564 bp 2042 bp 210 bp 2kb including Promoter 49752 bp 1kb
bAug10 3392 bp 448 aa 234 bp 2042 bp 2kb including Promoter 48758 bp 1kb
cAug10 3336 bp 371 aa 175 bp 2045 bp 2kb including Promoter 49976 bp 1kb
dAug10 3283 bp 369 aa 158 bp 2015 bp 246 bp 2kb possibly including promoter 13501 bp 1kb
eAug10 1281 bp 357 aa 142 bp 65 bp 210 bp 2kb possibly including promoter 11535 bp 1kb
fAug10 3013 bp 357 aa 105 bp 1834 bp 2kb including Promoter 13267 bp 1kb
gAug10 2988 bp 352 aa 92 bp 1837 bp 2kb probably including promoter 13257 bp 1kb
hAug10 3263 bp 339 aa 201 bp 2042 bp 156 bp 2kb including Promoter 13571 bp 1kb
iAug10 5115 bp 365 aa 2384 bp 1837 bp 240 bp 2kb including Promoter 49112 bp 1kb
jAug10 3247 bp 366 aa 362 bp 2030 bp 24 bp 2kb including Promoter 13463 bp 1kb
kAug10 864 bp 253 aa 103 bp 2kb including Promoter 6290 bp 1kb
lAug10 1158 bp 320 aa 427 bp 72 bp 2kb including Promoter 42663 bp 1kb
mAug10 1045 bp 318 aa 320 bp 33 bp 2kb including Promoter 43045 bp 1kb
nAug10 1162 bp 229 aa 68 bp 404 bp 2kb possibly including promoter 16103 bp 1kb
oAug10 707 bp 199 aa 110 bp 2kb including Promoter 42751 bp 1kb
pAug10 1006 bp 174 aa 482 bp 111 bp 2kb including Promoter 2262 bp 1kb
qAug10 699 bp 172 aa 181 bp 2kb including Promoter 41359 bp 1kb
rAug10 585 bp 160 aa 105 bp 2kb including Promoter 4470 bp 1kb
sAug10 586 bp 160 aa 105 bp 2kb including Promoter 4114 bp 1kb
tAug10 589 bp 157 aa 116 bp 2kb including Promoter 40693 bp 1kb
uAug10 555 bp 156 aa 87 bp 2kb including Promoter 41803 bp 1kb
vaAug10 560 bp 155 aa 95 bp 2kb including Promoter 40924 bp 1kb
vbAug10 549 bp 153 aa 88 bp 2kb including Promoter 41272 bp 1kb
vcAug10 609 bp 153 aa 148 bp 2kb including Promoter 40079 bp 1kb
vdAug10 559 bp 152 aa 103 bp 2kb including Promoter 4588 bp 1kb
veAug10 589 bp 149 aa 141 bp 2kb including Promoter 40904 bp 1kb
vfAug10 673 bp 149 aa 224 bp 2kb possibly including promoter 32535 bp 1kb
vgAug10 584 bp 147 aa 143 bp 2kb including Promoter 42727 bp 1kb
vhAug10 696 bp 147 aa 254 bp 135 bp 2kb including Promoter 40341 bp 1kb
viAug10 573 bp 136 aa 164 bp 33 bp 2kb including Promoter 39450 bp 1kb
vjAug10 617 bp 128 aa 231 bp 33 bp 2kb including Promoter 43236 bp 1kb
vkAug10 580 bp 113 aa 222 bp 16 bp 54 bp 2kb including Promoter 5087 bp 1kb
vlAug10-unspliced 4107 bp 113 aa 17 bp 3748 bp 156 bp 2kb including Promoter 4107 bp 1kb
vmAug10 1060 bp 110 aa 542 bp 185 bp 30 bp 2kb possibly including promoter 4346 bp 1kb
vnAug10 573 bp 106 aa 254 bp 195 bp 2kb including Promoter 47142 bp 1kb
voAug10 582 bp 102 aa 274 bp 42 bp 2kb including Promoter 42150 bp 1kb
vpAug10 959 bp 94 aa 105 bp 569 bp 2kb including Promoter 1677 bp 1kb
vqAug10 564 bp 84 aa 311 bp 87 bp 2kb including Promoter 4047 bp 1kb
vrAug10 460 bp 72 aa 24 bp 217 bp 2kb including Promoter 4952 bp 1kb
vsAug10 548 bp 71 aa 298 bp 34 bp 120 bp 2kb including Promoter 3168 bp 1kb
vtAug10 496 bp 60 aa 148 bp 165 bp 2kb including Promoter 39594 bp 1kb
vuAug10-unspliced 722 bp 58 aa 50 bp 495 bp 2kb 722 bp 1kb
vvAug10 598 bp 63 aa 105 bp 301 bp 2kb including Promoter 4111 bp 1kb
vwAug10 574 bp 54 aa 412 bp 2kb including Promoter 4236 bp 1kb
vxAug10 562 bp 38 aa 105 bp 340 bp 2kb including Promoter 4242 bp 1kb

Gene neighbors and Navigator on chromosome 16q21-q22.1 back to top
MMP15 C I R P R R CCDC113 C I R P GINS3 D C R P R NDRG4 D C R P SETD6 C R P R C I R P C16orf80 D C I R P CSNK2A2 C R P PRSS54 D C I R P CNOT1 P SNORA46 P SNORA50 C D C R P SLC38A7 D C I R P GOT2 R 100kb 0 C16orf57, 540 accessions 20 variants MMP15, 222 accessions 3 variants boyry, 2 accessions yosuri, 2 accessions CCDC113, 130 accessions 8 variants GINS3, 259 accessions 13 variants deery, 8 accessions, 7 variants NDRG4, 847 accessions 46 variants SETD6, 205 accessions 12 variants chasnar, 10 accessions 3 variants rysnar, 1 accession rosnar, 2 accessions rarsnar, 1 accession veyseybo, 1 accession reesnar, 1 accession swawworbu, 1 accession korsty, 1 accession swerworbu, 1 accession sasnar, 1 accession sysnar, 1 accession bywoybu, 1 accession sarsnar, 1 accession veysty, 1 accession dyry, 1 accession wawsty, 1 accession bowoybu, 1 accession susuma, 3 accessions soysnar, 1 accession bawwoybu, 1 accession tusnar, 1 accession beywoybu, 2 accessions tosnar, 1 accession deyry, 6 accessions tawsnar, 1 accession meyglo, 5 accessions dawoybu, 6 accessions plapoy, 1 accession naglo, 2 accessions vosnar, 4 accessions dowoybu, 1 accession darwoybu, 1 accession vawsnar, 1 accession slersty, 1 accession darstu, 1 accession garstu, 1 accession fary, 2 accessions joystu, 1 accession plorpoy, 1 accession weysnar, 6 accessions noglo, 6 accessions worsnar, 1 accession skawpoy, 1 accession zosnar, 1 accession nerglo, 1 accession zawsnar, 1 accession vorseybo, 1 accession slupoy, 1 accession fuwoybu, 1 accession zoysnar, 1 accession daza, 2 accessions chusnar, 1 accession bawsty, 1 accession deysty, 1 accession rusnar, 1 accession hokori, 1 accession justy, 1 accession rersnar, 1 accession glawpoy, 1 accession dary, 2 accessions reysnar, 1 accession glerpoy, 1 accession roysnar, 1 accession swoyworbu, 2 accessions neysty, 1 accession bawoybu, 1 accession teysty, 1 accession susnar, 1 accession kloypoy, 1 accession sosnar, 2 accessions sisuma, 1 accession sawsnar, 1 accession buwoybu, 1 accession chusty, 1 accession barwoybu, 2 accessions gleesty, 1 accession beewoybu, 1 accession merglo, 1 accession nakori, 1 accession glersty, 1 accession nikori, 1 accession plawsty, 1 accession pleysty, 1 accession beeza, 2 accessions berza, 1 accession slysty, 1 accession varsnar, 1 accession beyza, 13 accessions sparsty, 1 accession sporsty, 1 accession bustu, 1 accession pleepoy, 1 accession gawstu, 1 accession jystu, 2 accessions lerstu, 1 accession woysnar, 1 accession nukori, 1 accession doywoybu, 1 accession zeesnar, 2 accessions zersnar, 1 accession mastu, 1 accession boyza, 1 accession fywoybu, 1 accession slawpoy, 1 accession mostu, 1 accession pystu, 1 accession rostu, 1 accession chysnar, 1 accession ZNF319, 67 accessions C16orf80, 383 accessions 8 variants CSNK2A2, 503 accessions 8 variants PRSS54, 63 accessions 7 variants CNOT1, 357 accessions 24 variants SNORA46, 2 accessions SNORA50, 4 accessions wersnar, 1 accession SLC38A7, 414 accessions 21 variants GOT2, 547 accessions, 9 variants fury, 4 accessions, 2 variants ZOOM IN                D:disease,C:conserved,I:interactions,R:regulation,P:publications         Read more...
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Bibliography:               12 articles in PubMed back to top
? Gene Summary Gene on genome mRNA:.a, .b, .c, .d, .e, .f, .g, .h, .i, .j, .k, .l, .m, .n, .o, .p, .q, .r, .s, .t, .u, .va, .vb, .vc, .vd, .ve, .vf, .vg, .vh, .vi, .vj, .vk, .vl-u, .vm, .vn, .vo, .vp, .vq, .vr, .vs, .vt, .vu-u, .vv, .vw, .vx, .vy Alternative mRNAs features, proteins, introns, exons, sequences Expression Tissue Function, regulation, related genes DC

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To compare alternative variants, their summarized annotations, predicted proteins, introns and exons, or to access any sequence, click the 'Alternative mRNAs features' tab. To see a specific mRNA variant diagram, sequence and annotation, click the variant name in the 'mRNA' tab. To examine expression data from all cDNAs clustered in this gene by AceView, click the 'Expression tissue'.

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